Is it just me or is the conflict resolution set up a little odd. I.e. you get a message like
Late Show with David Letterman at 11:35pm on Channel CBS from favorite Late Show with David Letterman CBS First Runs
to indicate that you have a conflict. But you don't get to know what the conflict is with until you select it to investigate.

Then you find out that the Late show conflicts with "Tonight Show" which is on at the same time.
Great, but why should I have to drill into to figure it out. I'd much rather see something like
The upcoming favorite "Late Show with David Letterman" at 11:35 pm on CBS will not be recorded because the higher priority favorite "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" at 11:35 conflicts with it.
The upcoming favorite "Late Show with David Letterman" at 11:35 pm on CBS will not be recorded because the Manual Recording of "Some Other Show" at 11:00pm conflicts with it.
then you could elect to select it to resolve the conflict, or ignore it because it is evident which program is going to be recorded.
Can this be changed with an STV improvement or is the language a core issue? If it can be changed, will somebody please incorporate it into an STVI? Thanks to all the developers out there who make Sage better every day.