I've been very pleased with My HD-100 extender from sage. Been using it for close to a year. I would be happy with it for either of these two limited reasons, even though it is capable of so much more:
1. Just as a TV recording device. No more VCR tapes, getting everything in order, etc. I can watch on TV or my PC, no problem. My friend has a DVR from his cable company and can hold maybe 1/10th of what I have stored and he pays for it every month.
2. Using sage to watch content that I already had on my PC in my living room. Strangely, this is the original reason I wanted a SageTV device.
The folks here are right about one thing, though, once you start tweaking it from its original settings, it becomes a hobby. Any hobby has frustrating times and highlighted times. But I am not giving up my Sage, no way!