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SageTV Media Extender Discussion related to any SageTV Media Extender used directly by SageTV. Questions, issues, problems, suggestions, etc. relating to a SageTV supported media extender should be posted here. Use the SageTV HD Theater - Media Player forum for issues related to using an HD Theater while not connected to a SageTV server.

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Old 01-04-2006, 08:57 PM
MrD MrD is offline
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Anyone know?

The login/password for the open telnet session on the MVP extender? heh heh heh

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Old 01-04-2006, 11:44 PM
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Since the image is loaded from the server you could try to decompress the MVP.bin to see if telnet is even part of it's TCP/IP stack. Anyway I tried and tested to see if I can get into it and I figured it out. So to sum up... yes i do.
SageTV Server: Windows XP Pro SP2, 3 GHz DC processor, 2 GB RAM, 256MB GeForce 6800, Plextor ConvertX PX-TV402U, Hauppauge 150MCE
SageTV Extender: Hauppauge MediaMVP
SageTV: 5.0, Comskip STVi, Standard Interface
Router: Dlink DGL-4300

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Old 01-04-2006, 11:53 PM
MrD MrD is offline
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It is not even that difficult. a simple telnet "ip" brings up a prompt. So it is a matter of guessing the user/password. So if you did it it aint that secure. So it's a security hole.

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Old 01-05-2006, 12:17 AM
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On this I'm going to agree except for the single fact that after looking at the code and the setup I really don't see how much of a security hole it is in terms of personal information. The MVP and your computer communicate of very specific ports and echange very specific information. I'd probably flag this to one of the developers or support to fix this. However any changes you make using the command line interface will be lost upon power cycle since you are going to load the mvp.bin again. The only real way to change how the MVP behaves or what it displays is to edit the MVP.bin which would mean decompressing it and editing it explictly. After poking around in the MVP for a little bit I'm not finding anything really useful from the telnet for an end user. If you were in development the command line interface is a good troubleshooting tool but for everyone else it's probably not going to do much.
SageTV Server: Windows XP Pro SP2, 3 GHz DC processor, 2 GB RAM, 256MB GeForce 6800, Plextor ConvertX PX-TV402U, Hauppauge 150MCE
SageTV Extender: Hauppauge MediaMVP
SageTV: 5.0, Comskip STVi, Standard Interface
Router: Dlink DGL-4300

Using Wireshark to Troubleshoot Network Issues with your SageTV Setup
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Old 01-05-2006, 08:47 AM
dagar dagar is offline
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Exactly, besides BootP/DHCP isn't the most secure protocol stack either ... so worry not
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Old 01-07-2006, 05:13 AM
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I agree it is NOT a security risk.

That is cool... it has a Telnet port.
I should of though of that when the documentation showed Linux as the operation system.

Yes it is easy to access but I do not see it as a Security Risk. The MVP sits inside my home network, behind the firewall and is not mapped for direct access from the internet. If it were plugged directly into the internet then yes I could easy be hacked, but then it would be useless as a Media Device.

It looks like it is running a version of Linux called "BusyBox" ( never heard of it. But it is very similar to RedHat linux. With more commands available than indicated in the "help" command.

Correct me if I am wrong.
If I read the MediaMVP memory numbers correctly via the shell comands.
* The Operatin System has 2meg of memory to load BusyBox Linux and uses 100% of the available memory.
Filesystem.......1k-blocks.......Used...Available...Use%...Mounted on

* The working memory appears to be 14meg with 8meg used and 6meg free. If this is correct I am plesantly suprised to see this much memory installed.

Hopefully some that that memory is used for caching the video stream to reduce video glitches. By the slight menu delays and occasional stuttering, I though it only had 512k of memory. It is good to see that memory is not lacking.

Now the question is what type of processing power does this MVP contain. Based on the preformance of the MediaMVP I'd guess it has the equivalent of a Pentium2 500Mhz computer or slower.

Since I am a computer nut.. Can the MediaMVP firmware and or Linux BusyBox be upgraded to the latest versions. I check the Hauppauge website and currently there are no firmware updates. But there are many updates for BusyBox. Ya I know.. it isn't broken.. don't fix it.

So Much to Learn, So Little Time, I need a Nap.
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Old 01-07-2006, 05:33 AM
blade blade is offline
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According to this review:

The heart of MediaMVP is a controller of the STBx25xx series, based on an IBM Corporation PowerPC 405 CPU.

There are also 32 MB allocated in two 7.5ns memory chips by Hynix Semiconductor.
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Old 01-07-2006, 12:54 PM
MrD MrD is offline
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Most things aren't security risks if you what you are doing.

You should see the number of open wireless networks around my house.

Let's say an MVP is on one of those open wireless networks. Let's say I upload my own software on the MVP...

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