Lock up Problem
I upgraded to 4.1.3 this morning and had no issues until I went to run an imported video. Everytime I try to run an video that has been imported it locks my machine up - I have to pull the plug and power back up.
I can open and play the imported video with media player no problem and I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting the issue but this is what i've done so far.
1. I thought the transitional fade might have something to do with it so I disabled it - no change
2. I thought it was because of SageMC16x9 - changed back to the default - same thing happens.
I know that's a sad start for troubleshooting but wanted to put the word out and see if anyone else is having the issue.
The files are Mpeg2 videos captured from MyTheater and worked great until this morning.
Any input is appreciated.