So, the 'stanger is a hardcore Ford man eh?
My Dad and Grandad are and were hardcore Ford guys. The one GM I can recall Grandad driving was a Chevy Vega (about a '74 I think). It was a GT wagon with a four speed. It was great on gas, and he loved the way it drove. The all aluminum engine was ahead of its time, and he liked that too. He liked it right up until the unlined aluminum cylinders wore out and the thing used more oil than gas. I can still remember him checking the oil every time he left the house in it. To add insult to injury the thing began rusting shortly after the piston rings stopped sealing. He used to joke that the only thing holding the car together was the paint. He was a thrifty kind of guy so inspite of all this he drove it until it had 125k or so on the clock. He meant to get his money out of it. He then bought himself a one or two year old Ford Fairmont wagon. At about 250k he sold it. Not because it was worn out, but because he had about all he could take of the seats. Felt like a piece of plywood with some vinyl over it. How he stood it as long as he did I do not know. He also had a weakness for VW beetles. He just thought the engineering was so superior. Even he could not wear one out.
Dad has a '59 T-Bird. Butt ugly car. Everytime I help him work on it I wonder why anyone would have bought one of those things.
I guess I'm the blacksheep. After that first 'stang I had a long string of Z/28's and Corvettes. In a nod to Grandad I had to give German engineering a try and for a while I had a 911SC cabrio. Not the fastest or best handling car I have owned by a long shot. But, like my wife, she had looks, character and a certain something that the others did not. I wish I still had that one too (the car that is, still got the wife)
Can we assume, based on your handle, that you are driving a Fox bodied stang?