Dual use PVR PC: Support for graphics cards with vivo?
I have been setting up a dual use pvr pc and have only a couple of issues left to resolve. I have a geforce4 Ti4600 with VIVO. Showshifter only displays TV using the onboard capture if it is on the primary head which means dialogue boxes from the pc monitor show up on the TV. It can work on the secondary if you get another capture card but since only one capture device is supported you have a wasted input on the Geforce. This is also true for ATI All in Wonder cards.
I have just determined this is a minor inconvenience since you generally want to use hot keys and a program like Ultra mon or Powerstrip to set whatever you are watching, the TV or the PC monitor as primary. (Nvidia twinview is buggy) Powerstrip is necessary if you need overscan adjustment of an hdtv connected by vga. (TVTool could handle this for geforce cards attached using s-video or composite) You move your icons and taskbar to what you are watching by using a profile with the other display hidden. Then you can display the secondary with another hot key combination if you want to. If you have video mirroring enabled(not cloning) you see full screen video on the secondary of what is playing on the primary if the secondary can handle the resolution on the primary.
My main interest in SageTV would be if it can support the capture on my Geforce4 Ti 4600. Does SageTV work at all with Geforce4 capture? If so, could I use the geforce4 vivo and display tv on either the primary or the secondary head? If it does support Geforce4 capture I guess I could get a hauppauge 250 and be able to record 2 shows at once.
Last edited by Emersk; 07-24-2003 at 12:54 PM.