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Old 09-25-2018, 01:14 PM
waynedunham waynedunham is offline
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Thanks @$%&@%!!#$^@$^ Windows Update!


During a very recent Windows update I lost FW channel changing. I didn't notice it until last night because my HD-PVR's are last on my merit list to record. So they only record when all the other tuners (4 HDHR Primes and 2 OTA HDHOMERUNs) are being used or I'm recording something that the Primes can't get. My Xfinity is odd in that a few channels on one of my packages (no not HBO, Cinemax, etc) won't work on the Prime (Copy Once) but I can get them on the STBs

So I'm sitting there this morning going through all my ancient notes and printout from this thread trying to figure out why I lost tuning. Something looked odd even in device manager. On one of my STBs I'd get two "unknown" devices (panel and tuner I guessed), but on the other only one "unknown" FW device.

I then went into command line mode with the Timmmoore utilities. I was scratching my head after running channel -v saying "where are ID #'s?"

Much more head scratching, removing the STB's and rebooting to get a fresh install of them, etc.

In re-reading one of the FW threads in the forum I noticed someone saying that they had to change the FW driver back to legacy to get it to work. Changed the FW driver from the TI "proper" driver to the legacy driver and VIOLA! There were the panel and tuner devices, my IDs for my STBs, everything. Reran channel-v and there were the devices, and unique IDs.
Checked and I could now tune channels on both STBs, so all was back to normal. Good thing because at about 3:45 this afternoon I wanted to record a movie on one of those STB only (Starz family of channels) channels that my primes can't get.

So thanks M$ update for changing my drivers for me and causing me a couple hours in total to get the system back to working.

Is there a way to lock a driver to tell M$ to keep their grubby paws to themselves and leave it alone?
Wayne Dunham
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Old 09-25-2018, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by waynedunham View Post

During a very recent Windows update I lost FW channel changing. I didn't notice it until last night because my HD-PVR's are last on my merit list to record. So they only record when all the other tuners (4 HDHR Primes and 2 OTA HDHOMERUNs) are being used or I'm recording something that the Primes can't get. My Xfinity is odd in that a few channels on one of my packages (no not HBO, Cinemax, etc) won't work on the Prime (Copy Once) but I can get them on the STBs

So I'm sitting there this morning going through all my ancient notes and printout from this thread trying to figure out why I lost tuning. Something looked odd even in device manager. On one of my STBs I'd get two "unknown" devices (panel and tuner I guessed), but on the other only one "unknown" FW device.

I then went into command line mode with the Timmmoore utilities. I was scratching my head after running channel -v saying "where are ID #'s?"

Much more head scratching, removing the STB's and rebooting to get a fresh install of them, etc.

In re-reading one of the FW threads in the forum I noticed someone saying that they had to change the FW driver back to legacy to get it to work. Changed the FW driver from the TI "proper" driver to the legacy driver and VIOLA! There were the panel and tuner devices, my IDs for my STBs, everything. Reran channel-v and there were the devices, and unique IDs.
Checked and I could now tune channels on both STBs, so all was back to normal. Good thing because at about 3:45 this afternoon I wanted to record a movie on one of those STB only (Starz family of channels) channels that my primes can't get.

So thanks M$ update for changing my drivers for me and causing me a couple hours in total to get the system back to working.

Is there a way to lock a driver to tell M$ to keep their grubby paws to themselves and leave it alone?
Wow - that sucks. I better check my FW setup. What version of Windows, and can you note the updateif possible?
Sage 9 server = Gigabyte AMD quad-core - 4 gigs - integrated ATI HD4200 chipset - SSD boot, Hitachi Deskstar show drives. HD-PVR - Colossus - Win7 32 bit. HD200/300’s networked. HDHomerun tuner. "If you've given up on Weird Al, you've given up on life" - Homer Simpson
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Old 09-25-2018, 06:23 PM
waynedunham waynedunham is offline
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Originally Posted by tvmaster2 View Post
Wow - that sucks. I better check my FW setup. What version of Windows, and can you note the updateif possible?
Indeed it did suck. Sadly I didn't notice any specific driver updates, it was in one of the "rollups" apparently. I guess I'll have to go to the info page on the rollups from now on to see just what is included before I give the OK for the update to get applied. Thank God for Win7 and the ability to only have Win notify you of updates and let YOU decide whether to install them or not.

It is a Win7 32 bit installation. It is the only machine I have FW tuning on, I shudder to think what would happen if it was a Win10 install and M$ and their jack booted thugs came along with their "YOU VIL INSTALL THESE UPDATES NOW!!!!" demands.
Wayne Dunham
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Old 10-16-2019, 05:43 PM
smaug_ca smaug_ca is offline
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Windows 10 64 bit channel change?

I know this is a really old thread but... I have Win 7 32 bit and I am able to user firewire channel changing.
Is there a solution to make this work if I upgrade to Windows 10 64 bit?
Has anyone done this with Win 10? I assume all of the 32 bit drivers and channel changer solutions no longer work in Win10.
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Old 10-23-2019, 02:25 PM
wayner wayner is offline
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No, the firewire drivers don't work on any 64 bit Windows system. However you can use firewire with unRAID Linux which is a 64 bit OS.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA
Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA
Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server
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Old 10-23-2019, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by wayner View Post
No, the firewire drivers don't work on any 64 bit Windows system. However you can use firewire with unRAID Linux which is a 64 bit OS.
Can you run Plex Server and other Video Servers (AirVideo is one) on a Linux system? I’d love to have more ram and an updated OS system, AND 1394 channel change, but I need more than SageTV to run.
Also, I know nothing about Linux - where’s a good place to start?
Sage 9 server = Gigabyte AMD quad-core - 4 gigs - integrated ATI HD4200 chipset - SSD boot, Hitachi Deskstar show drives. HD-PVR - Colossus - Win7 32 bit. HD200/300’s networked. HDHomerun tuner. "If you've given up on Weird Al, you've given up on life" - Homer Simpson
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Old 10-24-2019, 12:58 PM
wayner wayner is offline
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You are describing my system!

I run SageTV, Plex and AirVideoHD in containers on my unRAID server. It works very well.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA
Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA
Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server
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Old 10-24-2019, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by wayner View Post
You are describing my system!

I run SageTV, Plex and AirVideoHD in containers on my unRAID server. It works very well.
Hmm. I guess I have some linux learning ahead of me. Thanks
Sage 9 server = Gigabyte AMD quad-core - 4 gigs - integrated ATI HD4200 chipset - SSD boot, Hitachi Deskstar show drives. HD-PVR - Colossus - Win7 32 bit. HD200/300’s networked. HDHomerun tuner. "If you've given up on Weird Al, you've given up on life" - Homer Simpson
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Old 10-24-2019, 02:01 PM
wayner wayner is offline
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Poke around in this forum:

unRAID is a version of Linux customized for a NAS. It also supports Dockers which are kind of a virtualization where apps run in specific containers that are walled off from the rest of the system.

You can also easily run VMs, like Windows or Linux VMs on your unRAID server.

If you have an older PC you can try it out for a bit to see how it works, even without hooking up any tuners. Everything is pretty much managed by a Web UI, kind of like how you manage a Plex server.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA
Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA
Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server
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Old 10-24-2019, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by wayner View Post
Poke around in this forum:

unRAID is a version of Linux customized for a NAS. It also supports Dockers which are kind of a virtualization where apps run in specific containers that are walled off from the rest of the system.

You can also easily run VMs, like Windows or Linux VMs on your unRAID server.

If you have an older PC you can try it out for a bit to see how it works, even without hooking up any tuners. Everything is pretty much managed by a Web UI, kind of like how you manage a Plex server.
You make all this sound easy
But thanks for the start - maybe I’ll give it a go with some spare parts, or on my test W7 machine - could I do that?
Sage 9 server = Gigabyte AMD quad-core - 4 gigs - integrated ATI HD4200 chipset - SSD boot, Hitachi Deskstar show drives. HD-PVR - Colossus - Win7 32 bit. HD200/300’s networked. HDHomerun tuner. "If you've given up on Weird Al, you've given up on life" - Homer Simpson
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Old 10-24-2019, 07:11 PM
wayner wayner is offline
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Originally Posted by tvmaster2 View Post
You make all this sound easy
But thanks for the start - maybe I’ll give it a go with some spare parts, or on my test W7 machine - could I do that?
Yes - you might want to disconnect the W7 hard drive while you play around with this. unRAID runs off of a USB memory stick, you should probably have a hard drive or two to add to your drive pool and then you are off to the races.

It does get a bit trickier if you are using an SSD for a cache drive, multiple drives for your drive pool, etc. BobPhoenix on the SageTV forums is very knowledgeable on unRAID and has several servers.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA
Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA
Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server
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Old 10-25-2019, 06:25 AM
emveepee emveepee is online now
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I use NextPVR and just went from Windows to linux and can't be happier with the support in linux for firewire and the HDPVR 1212. For $15 for the firewire card and another $15 for the cable it is a no-brainer. I even added a second Rogers SA8300 (they are dirt cheap on Kijiji, I got 2 for $30 so I have a spare).

I do find I can hang the driver using AC3 though if I record too early while changing.

For the life of me I couldn't easlly get the new STB's to work with LIRC until I found the ir eye, using any conf file even one that controls the Rogers DTA so I am glad there is an option.


Last edited by emveepee; 10-25-2019 at 06:37 AM.
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Old 10-25-2019, 10:22 AM
andre5006 andre5006 is offline
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Firewire and Win 10

Yes the Firewire channel changer will work with Win10 but only the 32Bit version.
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Old 10-25-2019, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by andre5006 View Post
Yes the Firewire channel changer will work with Win10 but only the 32Bit version.
and I assume 32bit W10 has the same memory limitations as does 32bit W7?
Sage 9 server = Gigabyte AMD quad-core - 4 gigs - integrated ATI HD4200 chipset - SSD boot, Hitachi Deskstar show drives. HD-PVR - Colossus - Win7 32 bit. HD200/300’s networked. HDHomerun tuner. "If you've given up on Weird Al, you've given up on life" - Homer Simpson
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