Originally Posted by graywolf
Hmmm. Ok, going by memory here.
Do you have the Sagetv set to auto update?
On the docker tab, does it have last update date or version info?
Do you have any syslog files that go back to when you think this started?
Syslog, no chance. Sage updates whenever the docker restarts (which is weekly for backups). But as Stuckless says, no recent updates to the server.
Originally Posted by stuckless
As hard as it is to believe that it might not be the files... The SageTV server has not been updated since Oct 17, 2018.
I see. But also hard to believe that the format of all downloads from multiple sources changed on the same day.  So something else must have happened. Could it be a plugin like BMT? unRAID update?
For anyone who missed my other thread (which I opened because this one is obviously in the wrong place  ), the problem was wrong permissions on ffmpeg in the Sage docker. Once permissions were fixed it started working again.
unRAID Server: Intel Core i5 7600K, 48GB DDR4, 2x512GB PCIe M.2 Cache Pool, 2x10TB SATA3 Parity Drive, 3x8TB SATA Array, 1x hdHomeRun DVB-T2 Quattro, IPTV via xTeVe, unRAID 6.8.3, tvHeadEnd for recording back end, Emby
Clients: 3 Nvidia Shields, 3 FireTV, 3 Win10 Pro PC Clients
Last edited by rickgillyon; 02-01-2019 at 11:20 AM.