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Old 04-07-2011, 10:59 AM
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Ok, so I went through and restructured my imports. Now it’s organized like you suggested and that does help tremendously! Having fixed that problem I seem to have inherited a new one... When I was moving and renaming folders and such I seemed to have messed something up with my archived TV imports. My recordings are fine and play fine.

The problem I’m having is the content that I’ve imported into Sage as imported TV. I have a sub-folder called Imported TV with a bunch of my shows each with their own folder. For some odd reason Sage sees some of them but not all... To make matters worse, of the ones Sage does see, not all the episodes are displaying...

I’ve tried re-scanning libraries, dropping and re-adding the import path and nothing seems to work. I have verified that the entries missing aren’t in the missing metadata view in BMT too.

It’s a mystery to me. Any ideas?
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:09 AM
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If Sage sees a file move it will often times archive the file after it 're-imports' it - so check your Archived TV view and see if the missing ones are there.

I'd also try looking in the default STV and see if you can find them somewhere in there (to verify that Sage can see them)
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:26 AM
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The other issue I’m seeing with the revised format is with my pics. Right now I’m only selecting the top most directory as the import path, I used to have separate paths for each. This does work good, except I lose the granular control over what is imported per folder... So what is happening is that my slideshow/screensaver of my pics is muddled together with pics from my movies directories. All the folder.jpgs are showing up in my screensaver.

Is there a way to gain back granular control of the import folders without importing them individually? I guess I could go through and delete the folder.jpgs that reside in my movie collection but that sounds like a pain... It’s probably the easiest option though...

Any good way of mass/batch deleting those files across many different sub-folders?
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:29 AM
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I accomplish that by specifying what kind of import folder it is - Video, Music, Pictures - none of mine overlap. In the menu where you add an import path you can specify what Sage looks for in that path.

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Old 04-07-2011, 11:39 AM
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That's how I used to do it too. In order to organize the content as Sean was saying I need only import the top most level, then Sage will group the content accordingly through the Video Imports view under the Movies area. It does work and I get a few folders that I can drill down into and it's easier to deal with. Not exactly the golden ticket but it works. The part that I'm giving up is the granular control of adding the paths individually so that I can choose whether it's video, pics, or music so I can prevent the overlap.
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Old 04-07-2011, 11:57 AM
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I don't think Sean's advice was meant to say you HAVE to import the top most level - it's more about you need a folder under the top most level of your import path that has your target videos (ie the ones you want to separate out in a view) so that you have something to bookmark or root against.

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Old 04-07-2011, 12:03 PM
OneOfMany OneOfMany is offline
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                       <source name="expression">
                                <option name="expression">
                                        GetRelativeMediaSource("FileSystem", "\\HOMESERVER\Videos\Cartoons")
OK, I pasted this in the vfs.xml (backup) file:

<view name="cartoonshows" label="Cartoons">
				Cartoon Shows
			<tag value="video" />
			<source name="expression">
                                <option name="expression">
                                        GetRelativeMediaSource("FileSystem", "\\HOMESERVER\Videos\Cartoons")
When I view Video Folders now (double list) and select the VFS, my selection shows and filters. I can see the episodes in the right pane, however there is no info in the left pane. A very promising start. Going to insert a dummy directory between my import and the media.

Will update.
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Old 04-07-2011, 12:23 PM
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So, I think I may have an idea to fix my situation. Slightly different import paths.

Why is it that when I remove the current paths Sage still displays all my content as though the path was still valid? I would think if I removed the import paths and did a rescan that all the entires in the UI would go away, making a nice clean slate to change my import paths to and start anew....

Is there an easy way to have Sage forget about all the old data?
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Old 04-07-2011, 12:33 PM
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Never mind about the last post...
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Old 04-07-2011, 12:58 PM
OneOfMany OneOfMany is offline
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I am going to change my actual directory structure to \\HOMESERVER\Videos\Cartoons\Cartoons, and use the path I used above in my statement "\\HOMESERVER\Videos\Cartoons".

Of course when I'm home from work..

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Old 04-07-2011, 01:06 PM
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I have a bunch of duplicates... Only for the imported TV stuff though. How do I get rid of them. I thought removing the import directory, doing a scan, then re-adding the directory would do it. No such luck...
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by wrems View Post
I have a bunch of duplicates... Only for the imported TV stuff though. How do I get rid of them. I thought removing the import directory, doing a scan, then re-adding the directory would do it. No such luck...
do you have duplicates in the default stv as well? if so, sagetv hasn't optimized the wiz.bin yet, and as such, it is showing duplicates. We read the wiz.bin directly, so if have no duplicates in the default stv, but you do in phoenix, then there's a bug in the vfs... but if you have duplicates in the default stv, then you probably just need to refresh... or wait.
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:17 PM
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The duplicates are replicated in both Phoenix and Default STV's. Lets assume that I want to purge all the media contents out of Sage and re-import everything fresh. How would I do that? Aside from nuking the wiz.bin?

If I can salvage my recording schedule/favorites I would do that. Is there any easy way to do this? I can live without watched status, but if that's easy to save...
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Old 04-07-2011, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by wrems View Post
The duplicates are replicated in both Phoenix and Default STV's. Lets assume that I want to purge all the media contents out of Sage and re-import everything fresh. How would I do that? Aside from nuking the wiz.bin?

If I can salvage my recording schedule/favorites I would do that. Is there any easy way to do this? I can live without watched status, but if that's easy to save...
I'm pretty sure that given enough time, sagetv will sort it out. I have seen were sagetv will show duplicates for a short while, but then it runs maintenance, it fixes it.
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Old 04-08-2011, 12:27 PM
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So here is my scheme for my import paths. I think something is still not quite right... I get the granular control over what is added, so I don’t have the overlap. However, I’m not getting the grouping like I expected, and what Sean was talking about. Where the movies across 2 hdd’s would be comprised into a single list.

I have 4 main import folders:
\\sage\SageTV Music -HDD1
\\sage\SageTV Pics -HDD1
\\sage\SageTV Video -HDD 1
\\sage\SageTV Video2 -HDD2

This is exactly how I have it setup:

Then I have sub folders under each of these main import directories, these are not imported into Sage individually.

\\sage\SageTV Music\Music
\\sage\SageTV Pics\Home Videos & Pics
\\sage\SageTV Video\Imported TV
\\sage\SageTV Video\Movies

\\sage\SageTV Video2\Documentaries
\\sage\SageTV Video2\Movies
\\sage\SageTV Video2\Other
\\sage\SageTV Video2\Workout Video's

I’m running into a couple of problems with this. First, I’ve got 2 folders called movies, one in each of my 2 HDD’s. If I go into Sage and try to look at the folders view, in default or in Phoenix, I get a nice list of sub folders I can drill down into. This part is nice. However, this method is leaving out one entire disk/folder of movies. The ones from HDD2. The other thing is that the list that it shows is in a strange order. It seems to group some of the file formats together and then alphabetize by the group. So, it’s not one cumulative list with all the content organized alphabetically. It’s a multiple stacked list with each group being alphabetized A-Z, and then A-Z again and so on...

Any suggestions as to why this won’t work? Is there a better way?
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:47 PM
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Something is weird. The Movies folder above that I'm having trouble with... If I try to add that folder specifically by itself, through Sage's import libraries selection interface, I get an error saying the directory is invalid. Why is that? I tried renaming the folder and it still will not let me add it or navigate it...

Any ideas?
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Old 04-08-2011, 06:39 PM
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Well I have some resolution... The folder itself was giving Sage fits. I moved the entire folder and contents out of the import path. Then created a new folder in its place with the same name of 'Movies'. Then I moved one of the movies from the folder I moved outside the import path and did a re-scan. It worked! Grouped together with the other movies like Sean was saying. I thought I was going crazy here. I still have no idea why the above procedure made a difference but it's working now.
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Old 04-09-2011, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by wrems View Post
Well I have some resolution... The folder itself was giving Sage fits. I moved the entire folder and contents out of the import path. Then created a new folder in its place with the same name of 'Movies'. Then I moved one of the movies from the folder I moved outside the import path and did a re-scan. It worked! Grouped together with the other movies like Sean was saying. I thought I was going crazy here. I still have no idea why the above procedure made a difference but it's working now.
I'm glad you have it working This is how I've structured my imports where each import shares a common top level folder, and it's been working fairly well, for me.

Just keep in mind that in windows, "Movies" is the same thing as "movies" but in phoenix land, if you had 2 folders like that, they'd show up as 2 folder entries and would not be merged.
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Old 04-09-2011, 09:23 AM
Gustovier Gustovier is offline
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Originally Posted by stuckless View Post
I'm glad you have it working This is how I've structured my imports where each import shares a common top level folder, and it's been working fairly well, for me.

Just keep in mind that in windows, "Movies" is the same thing as "movies" but in phoenix land, if you had 2 folders like that, they'd show up as 2 folder entries and would not be merged.
Somebody grew up using (and probably still is, cause it's better on so many levels that we won't get into) a *nix based OS :-)
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