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SageMC Custom Interface This forum is for discussing the user-created SageMC custom interface for SageTV.

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Old 10-16-2007, 11:22 AM
geogecko geogecko is offline
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...ahem...well, if there was ever a SageMC feature request...LOL...there's one...
Old 10-16-2007, 12:08 PM
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I have a small problem with adjusting channel column width and the epg not displaying the correct timeline.
When I change the column to 0.12 for example it doesnt move the actual epg time (19.00, 21.00 etc) across with the rest of the epg data. This can proberly be seen a lot in easier in the supplied image.


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Old 10-16-2007, 12:17 PM
geogecko geogecko is offline
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On a different note, where did you get those channel icons? Don't know if whoever made them has US icons, but those seem to match the theme of the glassy icons by Mike, really well.
Old 10-16-2007, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by geogecko View Post

On a different note, where did you get those channel icons? Don't know if whoever made them has US icons, but those seem to match the theme of the glassy icons by Mike, really well.
They came from media portal, not sure if they have US icons but their should be I would have thought. Loads for UK and europe for those that might be intrested.
Old 10-16-2007, 01:15 PM
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Question Comskip within SageMC question

This may or may not be a SageMC question.. but I've noticed that while watching a show that has had Erik's Comskip run on it that Sage makes the commercial jump then seems to jump back about 10 seconds from where the detection placed the start of programming.. in other words.. sage jumps away from a segment correctly, then seems to find the correct spot to come back to the show, but before that happens is moves back about 10 seconds or so.. so I end up seeing the tail end of the commercial that immediately preceeds what I am watching...

Is this by design or is it something I have done somehow??

Old 10-16-2007, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Stuntman View Post
This may or may not be a SageMC question.. but I've noticed that while watching a show that has had Erik's Comskip run on it that Sage makes the commercial jump then seems to jump back about 10 seconds from where the detection placed the start of programming.. in other words.. sage jumps away from a segment correctly, then seems to find the correct spot to come back to the show, but before that happens is moves back about 10 seconds or so.. so I end up seeing the tail end of the commercial that immediately preceeds what I am watching...

Is this by design or is it something I have done somehow??

I don't know if this addresses your issue, but under the Comskip options, there are settings for offset and delay (or something like that) which adjust the actual skip points at the beginning and ends of marked commercials. The values should be in milliseconds. This is typcially used to set the skip points such that you see a second or so of commercial at both ends of the break to make sure you don't miss any of the program. HTH


Last edited by MeInMaui; 10-16-2007 at 03:15 PM.
Old 10-16-2007, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by flachbar View Post
Hi Karl,

I just had a look at this, and am a bit stumped... When I select a video folder with a single file in it, it takes me directly to the Detail screen (so that makes 2 steps for me instead of 3). And I can even press "Play" on the folder itself and it starts playback of the file (that makes 1 step for me). Strange that it seems to behave differently for you...

Hmm go figure. Did you also have multiple images in the folders you tried? I will have another go at this tomight and see if I can figure out what causes this.
Old 10-16-2007, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by MeInMaui View Post
I don't know if this addresses your issue, but under the Comskip options, there are settings for offset and delay (or something like that) which adjust the actual skip points at the beginning and ends of marked commercials. The values should be in milliseconds. This is typcially used to set the skip points such that you see a second or so of commercial at both ends of the break to make sure you don't miss any of the program. HTH

Sounds familiar... where are those settings stored? Is that in the SageMC area, or the detailed setup area?

I can't seem to find it..

Old 10-16-2007, 03:53 PM
ke6guj ke6guj is offline
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Originally Posted by Stuntman View Post
Sounds familiar... where are those settings stored? Is that in the SageMC area, or the detailed setup area?

I can't seem to find it..

Setup>SageMC>Enhancements>COmskip OPtions
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:11 PM
alon24 alon24 is offline
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Do you think you could add these to SageMC Thats the missing ingrediant, I love it in the default stv, use it all the time.
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:43 PM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by alon24 View Post
Do you think you could add these to SageMC Thats the missing ingrediant, I love it in the default stv, use it all the time.
Sorry, but don't get your hopes up. This is major work, and probably a PITA to extract and integrate. I personally don't miss it, so my motivation is small.

Old 10-16-2007, 08:30 PM
skyw33 skyw33 is offline
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Comskip, HDHR Digital OTA, Hauppauge 250 OTA

I have an HDHR and Hauppauge 250 and I'm using SageTV, SageMC

My recordings are all mpg and all in the same folder, but only the Hauppauge originated files are being processed through comskip. If I run comskip through the command line, the process runs fine and SageMC is able to distinguish the commercials. Ever since I got my HDHR I have never been able to get comskip to work with it. Any suggestions?

Old 10-16-2007, 08:39 PM
skyw33 skyw33 is offline
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HDHR CC, Closed Captions SageMC

I'm trying to get closed captions working in SageMC for digital recordings through my HDHomeRun. I'm using SageTV, SageMC and I imported the closed caption import 1.1.8.

I'm using ccextractorwin.exe to generate smi files and the default STV is able to recognize these files and display the text perfectly. However, in SageMC, text appears at the bottom saying that it is an invalid captioning file. Is the closed caption import not compatible with SageMC 6.3.5? I've never had this working so I don't know if there's some other component that I'm missing.

Old 10-16-2007, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by skyw33 View Post
I'm trying to get closed captions working in SageMC for digital recordings through my HDHomeRun. I'm using SageTV, SageMC and I imported the closed caption import 1.1.8.

I'm using ccextractorwin.exe to generate smi files and the default STV is able to recognize these files and display the text perfectly. However, in SageMC, text appears at the bottom saying that it is an invalid captioning file. Is the closed caption import not compatible with SageMC 6.3.5? I've never had this working so I don't know if there's some other component that I'm missing.


Did you import the CC 1.1.8 using SageMC Import or the default SageTV import?

CC v1.1.8 does have support for current SageMC but need to be imported in using SageMC import and then you go to SageMC extra and set the options for the CC.

Old 10-16-2007, 09:24 PM
skyw33 skyw33 is offline
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Originally Posted by TechBill View Post
Did you import the CC 1.1.8 using SageMC Import or the default SageTV import?

CC v1.1.8 does have support for current SageMC but need to be imported in using SageMC import and then you go to SageMC extra and set the options for the CC.


Well, this is an interesting point. While using SageMC, I went to 'detailed setup' which changes the theme temporarily. Then, I went to advanced and imported the CC import from there. While here, the stv is listed as SageTV3-sagemc.xml. So I'm not sure how I would go about doing this any differently, but this might be the problem.
Old 10-16-2007, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by skyw33 View Post
Well, this is an interesting point. While using SageMC, I went to 'detailed setup' which changes the theme temporarily. Then, I went to advanced and imported the CC import from there. While here, the stv is listed as SageTV3-sagemc.xml. So I'm not sure how I would go about doing this any differently, but this might be the problem.
Go to SageMC settings and in there you should see "Import STVi" from there you import the CC 1.1.8

You don't go to Detailed Setup at all.

After you import you go back to SageMC settings and go to "SageMC" which is SageMC options, in there should be "Extra" which you can adjust the CC options.

Old 10-17-2007, 02:59 AM
emilek emilek is offline
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Selection bars missing


I tried to update smc from version 6.3.4a to 6.3.5, but I get no selection-bars anymore.

When loading the old version, they are back.

Am I doing something wrong?

Old 10-17-2007, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by jdamore View Post
Does, by any chance, the Ch+/Ch- button change the track? I noticed the same behavior for playing DVDs where >>| would FF, not skip.
No.. It doesn't do anything for skipping tracks.

I checked the Standard STV and it preforms the same way where the >>| button will only skip 20 sec and not the track itself.

fFachbar Can I remap the function for this some how?


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Old 10-17-2007, 06:03 AM
dflachbart dflachbart is offline
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Originally Posted by technazz View Post
No.. It doesn't do anything for skipping tracks.

I checked the Standard STV and it preforms the same way where the >>| button will only skip 20 sec and not the track itself.

fFachbar Can I remap the function for this some how?


Sure, go into the Detailed Setup / Commands, and map the buttons to whatever function you want.

Old 10-17-2007, 12:28 PM
grooves12 grooves12 is offline
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Using the new guide coloring method, all the "series" are showing up as blue, but I don't see a Series category in the file, and the "default" is commented out.

How do I get it so that it uses no overlay on the Series or Default, and only use the coloring for the categories that are specified?
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