Originally Posted by JellyBean
Don't know about the sound, but for the video, make sure your laptop's monitor screen refresh rate is set at 60 herzt. I just wasted 4 days configuring my only placeshifter client. Sound was fine but the screen was blank. After placing it on the same subnet, reloading codecs, updating drivers, etc., I changed the monitor's screen refresh rate in Windows to 60 herzt, and voila! Good luck.
Thanks, I was running it on a "cheapo" old PC at my shore house. Its an HP Vectra PIII 850Mhz running XP and PSer 5.04 with an integrated Intel 82815 chipset. I changed from 85 to 60Mhz and picture showed up. Also disabled post processing. A little anoying that had to change refresh to watch TV.. any chance this will get fixed?