Sat 8/14 21:56:48.166 [main@863399] user.dir2=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV Sat 8/14 21:56:48.167 [main@863399] classpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\xerces.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\plugin.jar;C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\;.;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\ext\;JARs\ant-1.6.5.jar;JARs\CommercialDetector.jar;JARs\commons-codec-1.3.jar;JARs\commons-dbutils-1.3.jar;JARs\commons-httpclient-3.1.jar;JARs\commons-io-1.4.jar;JARs\commons-jxpath-1.1.jar;JARs\commons-lang-2.4.jar;JARs\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;JARs\commons-net-1.4.1.jar;JARs\commons-pool-1.5.4.jar;JARs\core-3.1.1.jar;JARs\gkusnick.sagetv.jar;JARs\gson-1.4.jar;JARs\h2-1.2.139.jar;JARs\htmlparser-1.6.jar;JARs\httpclient-4.0.1.jar;JARs\httpcore-4.0.1.jar;JARs\httpmime-4.0.1.jar;JARs\javasysmon.jar;JARs\jcifs-1.1.6.jar;JARs\jdic.jar;JARs\jetty-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-ajp-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-rewrite-handler-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-sslengine-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jetty-starter.jar;JARs\jetty-util-6.1.19.jar;JARs\json.jar;JARs\jsp-2.1-jetty-6.1.19.jar;JARs\jsp-2.1.jar;JARs\jsp-api-2.1.jar;JARs\libgrowl.jar;JARs\livepvrdata4j.jar;JARs\livepvrdata_rpc_clnt.jar;JARs\livepvrdata_shared.jar;JARs\log4j-1.2.15.jar;JARs\lucene-core-3.0.1.jar;JARs\mail.jar;JARs\metadata-updater.jar;JARs\nielm_sageutls.jar;JARs\nielm_sagexmlinfo.jar;JARs\phoenix.jar;JARs\sad.jar;JARs\sagex-api.jar;JARs\sagex-h2.jar;JARs\sbbi-upnplib-1.0.3.jar;JARs\scribe-0.6.7-SNAPSHOT.jar;JARs\servlet-api-2.5-6.1.19.jar;JARs\sqlitejdbc-v056.jar;JARs\sre.jar;JARs\System Monitor.jar;JARs\tmiranda.utils.jar;JARs\twitter4j-core-2.1.2.jar;JARs\vecmath.jar;JARs\ws-commons-util-1.0.2.jar;JARs\xmlrpc-client-3.1.3.jar;JARs\xmlrpc-common-3.1.3.jar Sat 8/14 21:56:48.168 [main@863399] JVM version=1.6.0_21 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.168 [main@863399] OS=Windows 7 6.1 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.168 [main@863399] locale=en_US Sat 8/14 21:56:48.174 [main@863399] SageTV V7.0.15.237 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.184 [main@863399] hostname=ScottGateway Sat 8/14 21:56:48.185 [main@863399] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.248 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.319 [main@863399] dbFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bin dbBackupFile=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\Wiz.bak Sat 8/14 21:56:48.320 [main@863399] Wizard starting to load database info... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.320 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database Source is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.326 [main@863399] DBFile at version 70 FileSize=6866911 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.326 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Year of size 85 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.328 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.328 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Year bytes=941 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.329 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.330 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Network of size 267 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.330 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.330 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Network bytes=3539 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.334 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.335 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Title of size 7605 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.335 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.335 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Title bytes=230485 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.347 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Title Sat 8/14 21:56:48.352 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 0% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.352 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Channel of size 370 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.353 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.353 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Channel bytes=16002 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.355 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 3% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.355 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for People of size 21041 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.356 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.356 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for People bytes=424122 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.371 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 0 for People Sat 8/14 21:56:48.386 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 4% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.387 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for SubCategory of size 110 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.387 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.387 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for SubCategory bytes=1727 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.388 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.388 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Rated of size 9 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.388 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.389 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Rated bytes=97 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.389 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.389 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for ParentalRating of size 0 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.390 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.390 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for ExtendedRating of size 10 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.390 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.390 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for ExtendedRating bytes=196 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.391 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.391 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Category of size 82 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.391 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.391 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Category bytes=1273 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.392 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.392 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for PrimeTitle of size 0 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.392 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.393 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Bonus of size 145 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.393 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.393 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Bonus bytes=3564 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.394 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.394 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Show of size 10760 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.394 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.395 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Show bytes=2373391 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.496 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Show Sat 8/14 21:56:48.505 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.506 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Airing of size 24749 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.506 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.506 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Airing bytes=816723 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.522 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Airing Sat 8/14 21:56:48.530 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 1 for Airing Sat 8/14 21:56:48.540 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 44% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.540 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for ManualRecord of size 2 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.540 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 56% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.541 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for ManualRecord bytes=116 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.545 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 56% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.545 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for MediaFile of size 1444 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.545 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 56% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.546 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for MediaFile bytes=468047 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.645 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 0 for MediaFile Sat 8/14 21:56:48.647 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 1 for MediaFile Sat 8/14 21:56:48.655 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 56% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.656 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Watched of size 1868 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.656 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 63% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.656 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Watched bytes=106482 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.659 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Watched Sat 8/14 21:56:48.661 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 63% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.661 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Agent of size 683 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.661 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 65% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.661 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Agent bytes=65054 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.668 [main@863399] Wizard building alt. index 0 for Agent Sat 8/14 21:56:48.670 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 65% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.670 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Wasted of size 1997 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.671 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.671 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for Wasted bytes=19976 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.672 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.672 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for Playlist of size 0 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.673 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.673 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for TVEditorial of size 160 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.673 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.673 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for TVEditorial bytes=64304 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.675 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 66% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.676 [main@863399] Wizard allocating table for SeriesInfo of size 4671 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.676 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.676 [main@863399] Wizard loading main index for SeriesInfo bytes=2270648 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.756 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 67% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.757 [main@863399] Wizard performing validation on database objects... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.781 [main@863399] Wizard DONE loading database info. loadTime=0.461 sec Sat 8/14 21:56:48.782 [main@863399] Splash: Object Database is initializing... 100% done Sat 8/14 21:56:48.784 [main@863399] Splash: EPG is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.794 [main@863399] Increased hash set pool to size=1 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.813 [main@863399] Splash: Profiler is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.824 [main@863399] Loaded 161 messages from system message log file Sat 8/14 21:56:48.893 [main@863399] Splash: Acquisition System is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.899 [main@863399] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on Sat 8/14 21:56:48.901 [main@863399] devices detected=[] Sat 8/14 21:56:48.901 [main@863399] EncoderMap={} Sat 8/14 21:56:48.901 [main@863399] MMC calling detectCaptureDevices on sage.l@1ff5ea7 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.901 [main@863399] Splash: DirectShow WDM Capture Manager is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:48.905 [main@863399] Setup globalInvalidParameterHandler Sat 8/14 21:56:48.905 [main@863399] Device detecting->:{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} Sat 8/14 21:56:48.914 [main@863399] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Front Mic input' Sat 8/14 21:56:48.914 [main@863399] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Line input' Sat 8/14 21:56:48.914 [main@863399] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Mic input' Sat 8/14 21:56:48.914 [main@863399] Device found--'Realtek HD Audio Stereo input' Sat 8/14 21:56:48.914 [main@863399] Device found--'MSVAD Wave' Sat 8/14 21:56:48.914 [main@863399] Device found--'Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device' Sat 8/14 21:56:48.915 [main@863399] Device detecting->:{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11d2-9C95-00C04F7971E0} Sat 8/14 21:56:48.915 [main@863399] Device detecting->:{71985F48-1CA1-11d3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0} Sat 8/14 21:56:48.916 [main@863399] systemCapDevices=[Realtek HD Audio Front Mic input, Realtek HD Audio Line input, Realtek HD Audio Mic input, Realtek HD Audio Stereo input, MSVAD Wave, Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device] Sat 8/14 21:56:48.917 [main@863399] Checking encoder key:-431556906 Sat 8/14 21:56:48.921 [main@863399] Created DShowCapDev object for:Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:56:48.922 [main@863399] EncoderMap1={Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device} Sat 8/14 21:56:49.135 [main@863399] Capture device Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device (0) exists Sat 8/14 21:56:49.136 [main@863399] Get CaptureMask from registry SOFTWARE\Frey Technologies\Common\AdditionalCaptureSetups\Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device, 0x800 (hybrid:'') Sat 8/14 21:56:49.146 [main@863399] BAD Tuner index :1 dev:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_4902#00a47e7e#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{a5d44047-56a5-4afd-a61c-176bb4ed375b} name:@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_4902#00a47e7e#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{a5d44047-56a5-4afd-a61c-176bb4ed375b} loc:usb:Port_#0009.Hub_#0002 (1 0) select Sat 8/14 21:56:49.146 [main@863399] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device-0 (\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_4902#00a47e7e#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{a5d44047-56a5-4afd-a61c-176bb4ed375b}) on location:'usb:Port_#0009.Hub_#0002' id:'USB\VID_2040&PID_4902&REV_0000' [state1, index:0] . Sat 8/14 21:56:49.147 [main@863399] BDA capture is not found on location:'usb:Port_#0009.Hub_#0002' id:'USB\VID_2040&PID_4902&REV_0000' for Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device. Sat 8/14 21:56:49.147 [main@863399] debug BDA CaptureDetail:0x800 hasBDAInput:0x0 Sat 8/14 21:56:49.147 [main@863399] DeviceCap: 0x100800 Sat 8/14 21:56:49.169 [main@863399] BAD Tuner index :1 dev:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_4902#00a47e7e#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{a5d44047-56a5-4afd-a61c-176bb4ed375b} name:@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_4902#00a47e7e#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{a5d44047-56a5-4afd-a61c-176bb4ed375b} loc:usb:Port_#0009.Hub_#0002 (1 0) select Sat 8/14 21:56:49.170 [main@863399] Check BDA capture device:Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device-0 (\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_4902#00a47e7e#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{a5d44047-56a5-4afd-a61c-176bb4ed375b}) on location:'usb:Port_#0009.Hub_#0002' id:'USB\VID_2040&PID_4902&REV_0000' [state1, index:0] . Sat 8/14 21:56:49.170 [main@863399] BDA capture is not found on location:'usb:Port_#0009.Hub_#0002' id:'USB\VID_2040&PID_4902&REV_0000' for Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device. Sat 8/14 21:56:49.170 [main@863399] Found the pin2 ;) Sat 8/14 21:56:49.171 [main@863399] BDA FindVideoPin:0x3ec6a4 hasBDAInput:0 on Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:56:49.192 [main@863399] not found tuner pin in crossbar for device, try search second cross bar Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:56:49.193 [main@863399] Encoder passed the check:Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:56:49.193 [main@863399] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\ Sat 8/14 21:56:49.294 [main@863399] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Audio Front Mic input Sat 8/14 21:56:49.294 [main@863399] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Audio Line input Sat 8/14 21:56:49.295 [main@863399] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Audio Mic input Sat 8/14 21:56:49.295 [main@863399] Processing new system dev:Realtek HD Audio Stereo input Sat 8/14 21:56:49.295 [main@863399] Processing new system dev:MSVAD Wave Sat 8/14 21:56:49.295 [main@863399] Processing new system dev:Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:56:49.296 [main@863399] Device already has been processed Sat 8/14 21:56:49.296 [main@863399] devices detected=[Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device] Sat 8/14 21:56:49.296 [main@863399] EncoderMap={Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device} Sat 8/14 21:56:49.296 [main@863399] Splash: SageTV Core is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:49.329 [main@863399] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 21:56:49.350 [main@863399] DShowFilters=[AC3 Parser Filter, AC3Filter, ACM Wrapper, ArcSoft Video Decoder, AVI Decompressor, AVI Draw, AVI Mux, AVI Splitter, AVI/WAV File Source, AVS Video Out, BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter, Closed Captions Analysis Filter, Color Space Converter, CoreAVC Video Decoder, CyberLink Audio Noise Reduction, CyberLink Audio Resampler, CyberLink Audio VolumeBooster, CyberLink AudioCD Filter, Cyberlink Dump Dispatch Filter, Cyberlink Dump Filter, CyberLink Editing Service 3.0 (Source), Cyberlink File Reader (Async.), CyberLink Load Image Filter, CyberLink M2V Writer, CyberLink MP3/WAV Wrapper, CyberLink MPEG Decoder, CyberLink MPEG Muxer, CyberLink MPEG Video Encoder, CyberLink MPEG-1 Splitter, CyberLink MPEG-2 Splitter, CyberLink PCM Wrapper, CyberLink TimeStretch Filter (CES), CyberLink TL MPEG Splitter, CyberLink Video Effect, CyberLink Video Regulator, CyberLink Video Stabilizer, Deinterlace Filter, Dump, DV Muxer, DV Splitter, DV Video Decoder, DVD Navigator, Enhanced Video Renderer, File Source (Async.), File Source (URL), File stream renderer, File writer, Haali Matroska Muxer, Haali Media Splitter, Haali Media Splitter (AR), Haali Simple Media Splitter, Haali Video Renderer, Haali Video Sink, Infinite Pin Tee Filter, Internal Script Command Renderer, iTV Data Capture filter, iTV Data Sink, Line 21 Decoder, Line 21 Decoder 2, Microsoft AC3 Encoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder, Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder, MIDI Parser, MJPEG Decompressor, MP3 Decoder DMO, MPEG Audio Decoder, MPEG Video Decoder, MPEG-2 Demultiplexer, MPEG-2 Sections and Tables, MPEG-2 Splitter, MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer, MPEG-I Stream Splitter, MPEG2Dump, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, Multi-file Parser, Null Renderer, Overlay Mixer, Overlay Mixer2, P2G Audio Decoder, P2G Audio Encoder, P2G Video Decoder, P2G Video Regulator, RDP DShow Redirection Filter, SageTV FileSource, SageTV Layer II Audio Decoder, SageTV Layer II Audio Encoder, SageTV MPEG Audio Decoder, SageTV MPEG Demultiplexer, SageTV MPEG Layer II Audio Encoder, SageTV MPEG Multiplexer, SageTV MPEG Multiplexer-Plus, SageTV MPEG Video Decoder, SageTV MPEG-2 Video Decoder, SageTV MPEG-2 Video Encoder, SageTV MpegDeMux, SageTV MpegMux, SageTV Music Visualization, SageTV Stream Demuxer, SageTV Stream Parser, SageTV TS Splitter 3.0, SAMI (CC) Parser, SampleGrabber, SBE2FileScan, SBE2MediaTypeProfile, Screen Capture filter, Smart Tee, StreamBufferSink, StreamBufferSink2, StreamBufferSource, VBI Codec, VBI Surface Allocator, VGA 16 Color Ditherer, Video Mixing Renderer 9, Video Port Manager, Video Renderer, Video Renderer, VPS Decoder, Wave Parser, WM ASF Reader, WM ASF Writer, WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO, WMAudio Decoder DMO, WMSpeech Decoder DMO, WMV Screen decoder DMO, WMV9 Advanced Profile Decoder, WMVideo Decoder DMO, WST Pager] Sat 8/14 21:56:49.352 [main@863399] EVR support detected=true Sat 8/14 21:56:49.358 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.371 [SageTV@9fbe93] CARNY Processing 683 Agents & 3882 Airs Sat 8/14 21:56:49.372 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 0% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.392 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 1% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.408 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 2% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.433 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 3% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.449 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 4% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.458 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 5% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.466 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 6% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.473 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 7% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.481 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 8% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.488 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 9% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.493 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 10% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.501 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 11% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.510 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 12% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.520 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 13% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.527 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 14% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.534 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 15% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.539 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 16% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.547 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 17% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.553 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 18% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.559 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 19% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.565 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 20% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.571 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 21% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.578 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 22% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.584 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 23% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.590 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 24% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.597 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 25% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.603 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 26% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.609 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 27% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.615 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 28% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.621 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 29% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.628 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 30% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.634 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 31% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.641 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 32% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.646 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 33% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.652 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 34% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.659 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 35% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.665 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 36% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.672 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 37% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.678 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 38% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.684 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 39% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.690 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 40% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.697 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 41% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.703 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 42% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.709 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 43% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.716 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 44% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.720 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 45% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.724 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 46% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.729 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 47% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.733 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 48% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.738 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 49% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.741 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 50% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.747 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 51% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.753 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 52% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.757 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 53% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.765 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 54% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.819 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 55% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.826 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 56% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.830 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 57% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.835 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 58% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.877 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 59% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.882 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 60% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.886 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 61% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.889 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 62% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.894 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 63% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.899 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 64% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.904 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 65% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.907 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 66% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.911 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 67% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.915 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 68% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.920 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 69% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.923 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 70% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.927 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 71% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.930 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 72% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.934 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 73% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.937 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 74% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.946 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 75% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.955 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 76% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.958 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 77% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.961 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 78% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.965 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 79% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.968 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 80% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.971 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 81% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.988 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 82% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.991 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 83% done Sat 8/14 21:56:49.999 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 84% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.003 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 85% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.006 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 86% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.015 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 87% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.018 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 88% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.021 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 89% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.025 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 90% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.029 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 91% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.031 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 92% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.034 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 93% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.038 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 94% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.044 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 95% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.047 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 96% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.050 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 97% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.053 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 98% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.056 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 99% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.059 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Profiler is initializing... 100% done Sat 8/14 21:56:50.061 [SageTV@9fbe93] CARNY Negative Energy Size: 2023 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.063 [SageTV@9fbe93] CARNY Traitors:[] Sat 8/14 21:56:50.065 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=true avoidArchive=false Sat 8/14 21:56:50.067 [EPG@673c9f] sage.a1@2a2ae9 needs an update in 23:24:26 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.108 [EPG@673c9f] EPG needs an update in 1404 minutes Sat 8/14 21:56:50.108 [EPG@673c9f] EPG's works is done. Waiting... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.109 [Carny@c2060e] Carny waiting for awhile... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.109 [Scheduler@b81eaa] initGraph0 (ver 2.0.3) called capDev='Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device-0', Country:'United States of America', TuningMode:, TunerType: Cap:0x100800 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.121 [FSManager@1a66c87] FSManager is running... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.121 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: Waiting for SageTV to finish initialization... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.187 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Add analog filters for device=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:56:50.195 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Found the pin2 ;) Sat 8/14 21:56:50.201 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Found the pin2 ;) Sat 8/14 21:56:50.206 [MainMsg@ecfaea] switchToConnector0 tuningMode: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.206 [MainMsg@ecfaea] switchToConnector0 87131704 type=5 index=0 country:1 format:1 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.215 [MainMsg@ecfaea] Crossbar route: video:0, auido:4 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.215 [MainMsg@ecfaea] DONE: switchToConnector0 87131704 type=5 index=0 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.224 [MainMsg@ecfaea] Set capture brightness: (0 255)-134 val:134 hr:0x0 Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device-0 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.265 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Sat 8/14 21:56:50.264 manual=[ManualRecord[A[944476,944431,"Lost",32744@0712.00:00,60] time=Mon 7/12 0:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[1031695,995683,"Lost",32744@0802.00:00,60] time=Mon 8/2 0:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device=[Sched=[] MustSee=[]]} scheduleRandSize=0 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.266 [Scheduler@b81eaa] # Airs=1111 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.275 [Scheduler@b81eaa] MUST SEE FINAL-Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device-[A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5], A[1076931,91236,"Fox and Friends Sunday",60179@0815.07:00,180], A[1111207,1111202,"FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace",60179@0815.14:00,60], A[1079590,1079561,"Rubicon",59337@0815.21:00,60], A[1079594,1079564,"Mad Men",59337@0815.22:00,62], A[1078247,1078209,"Lost",32744@0816.00:00,60], A[1079663,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0816.06:00,180], A[1079640,1079635,"Glenn Beck",60179@0816.17:00,60], A[1082324,91244,"Red Eye",60179@0817.03:00,60], A[1082320,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0817.06:00,180], A[1082307,1082303,"Glenn Beck",60179@0817.17:00,60], A[1083309,1083290,"NCIS",19580@0817.20:00,60], A[1084606,1084577,"White Collar",58452@0817.21:00,60]] Sat 8/14 21:56:50.278 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Evaluating Potentials Sat 8/14 21:56:50.313 [Scheduler@b81eaa] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Sat 8/14 21:56:50.337 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:56:50.339 [Scheduler@b81eaa] [A[1091010,1090965,"House",58452@0814.22:00,60], A[1073844,1073807,"CSI: NY",19580@0814.23:35,60], A[1076092,1031128,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0815.01:00,60], A[1076687,91231,"Forbes on Fox",58649@0815.02:00,30], A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5], A[1073481,1073444,"Lockup: New Mexico",16300@0815.03:00,60], A[1089001,1062983,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0815.04:45,30], A[1076539,1076418,"The Twilight Zone",58623@0815.05:30,30], A[1076935,91241,"The Journal Editorial Report",60179@0815.06:00,30], A[1076918,91221,"FOX News Watch",60179@0815.06:30,30], A[1076931,91236,"Fox and Friends Sunday",60179@0815.07:00,180], A[1074727,1053334,"Leverage",42642@0815.10:00,60], A[1072988,1072912,"Scrubs",10149@0815.11:30,30], A[1072872,36259,"Clark Howard",10145@0815.12:00,60], A[1072990,1072914,"Scrubs",10149@0815.13:00,30], A[1074995,1074962,"MTV Live",49141@0815.13:30,30], A[1111207,1111202,"FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace",60179@0815.14:00,60], A[1074629,1074593,"Already Dead",34763@0815.15:00,120], A[1076609,35986,"CNN Newsroom",58646@0815.17:00,60], A[1073171,1073124,"Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi",11163@0815.18:00,180], A[1079590,1079561,"Rubicon",59337@0815.21:00,60], A[1079594,1079564,"Mad Men",59337@0815.22:00,62], A[1078247,1078209,"Lost",32744@0816.00:00,60], A[1107268,1107219,"Criminal Minds",51529@0816.01:01,60], A[1077897,1077867,"CSI: Miami",19580@0816.02:05,60], A[1079058,1079022,"Wings",58452@0816.03:30,30], A[1099123,1099090,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.04:16,30], A[1099127,1072904,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.04:46,14], A[1079167,1079089,"Married ... With Children",58515@0816.05:00,30], A[1079170,1079098,"Married ... With Children",58515@0816.05:30,30], A[1079663,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0816.06:00,180], A[1079483,1079346,"Jericho",58623@0816.09:00,60], A[1109138,1077736,"Biography",16834@0816.10:00,60], A[1078656,1078639,"CSI: Miami",51529@0816.11:00,60], A[1078658,1078642,"The First 48",51529@0816.12:00,60], A[1077418,1058800,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.13:00,30], A[1079189,1079141,"Yes, Dear",58515@0816.13:30,30], A[1079183,1079129,"Everybody Loves Raymond",58515@0816.14:00,30], A[1079271,1079242,"The Bernie Mac Show",58574@0816.14:30,30], A[1077525,1077495,"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation",11163@0816.15:00,60], A[1079662,285363,"Your World With Neil Cavuto",60179@0816.16:00,60], A[1079640,1079635,"Glenn Beck",60179@0816.17:00,60], A[1079186,1079132,"The King of Queens",58515@0816.18:00,30], A[1079187,1079134,"The King of Queens",58515@0816.18:30,30], A[1079664,285365,"The FOX Report With Shepard Smith",60179@0816.19:00,60], A[1082180,1082148,"Ghost Whisperer",58623@0816.20:00,60], A[1079923,1079894,"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia",10149@0816.21:00,30], A[1082010,1081928,"Family Guy",58515@0816.21:30,30], A[1082011,1081929,"Family Guy",58515@0816.22:00,30], A[1082012,1081930,"Family Guy",58515@0816.22:30,30], A[1080881,1080824,"Family Guy",32744@0816.23:00,30], A[1079926,1079897,"The Colbert Report",10149@0816.23:30,30], A[1082313,285361,"Hannity",60179@0817.00:00,60], A[1080890,1080832,"George Lopez",32744@0817.01:00,30], A[1080865,1080805,"South Park",32744@0817.01:30,30], A[1080032,1079995,"Star Trek: Voyager",11163@0817.02:00,60], A[1082324,91244,"Red Eye",60179@0817.03:00,60], A[1081069,1081029,"NUMB3RS",42642@0817.04:00,60], A[1081070,1081036,"NUMB3RS",42642@0817.05:00,60], A[1082320,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0817.06:00,180], A[1081834,1081806,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0817.09:00,60], A[1081833,1081804,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0817.10:00,60], A[1081393,1081376,"CSI: Miami",51529@0817.11:00,60], A[1081397,378048,"The First 48",51529@0817.12:00,60], A[1079908,1079883,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0817.13:00,30], A[1082014,1081938,"Yes, Dear",58515@0817.13:30,30], A[1080293,1080252,"Biography",16834@0817.14:00,120], A[1082104,1082047,"The Bernie Mac Show",58574@0817.16:00,30], A[1081999,1081895,"Friends",58515@0817.16:30,30], A[1082307,1082303,"Glenn Beck",60179@0817.17:00,60], A[1081835,1081808,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0817.18:00,60], A[1081396,1081380,"The First 48",51529@0817.19:00,60], A[1083309,1083290,"NCIS",19580@0817.20:00,60], A[1084606,1084577,"White Collar",58452@0817.21:00,60]] Sat 8/14 21:56:50.403 [Seeker@5b891] Increased Thread pool to size=1 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.404 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 21:56:50.407 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 21:56:50.408 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 21:56:50.408 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 21:56:50.409 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.410 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.413 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 153722845916956 mins. Sat 8/14 21:56:50.416 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 21:56:50.417 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=23MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 21:56:50.417 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker adding new Encoder: Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:56:50.418 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 21:56:50.419 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=16569582 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.419 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 21:56:50.419 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.420 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for -21363956 mins. Sat 8/14 21:56:50.432 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 21:56:50.432 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=23MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 21:56:50.433 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 21:56:50.433 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=16569567 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.434 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 21:56:50.434 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.434 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 21:56:50.435 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 21:56:50.438 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 21:56:50.439 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.439 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.441 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 271 mins. Sat 8/14 21:56:50.651 [SageTVDiscoveryServer@c3bb57] SageTVDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Sat 8/14 21:56:50.652 [SageTV@9fbe93] Trying to find lan network interface Sat 8/14 21:56:50.669 [SageTVServer@1d92803] SageTVServer was instantiated. Sat 8/14 21:56:50.670 [SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer@1d206f0] SageTVMiniDiscoveryServer was instantiated. Sat 8/14 21:56:50.690 [SageTV@9fbe93] addr: /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.690 [SageTV@9fbe93] addr: / Sat 8/14 21:56:50.691 [SageTV@9fbe93] addr: / Sat 8/14 21:56:50.691 [SageTV@9fbe93] Miniserver running on Sat 8/14 21:56:50.691 [SageTV@9fbe93] Parsed 0 clients Sat 8/14 21:56:50.694 [MiniBootp@10848b9] 16867 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.696 [MiniTftp@cc8a48] 16869 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.701 [SageTV@9fbe93] Loading locator keys from filesystem since they already exist. Sat 8/14 21:56:50.702 [MiniMVP@2083d] 16881 Sat 8/14 21:56:50.715 [SageTV@9fbe93] Splash: User Interface Manager is initializing... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.717 [SageTV@9fbe93] Loading all core plugins... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.721 [HotplugStorage@e6f711] StorageDeviceDetector started... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.735 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sad type: Standard version: by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.736 [SageTV@9fbe93] Plugin sad is enabled, try to load it from class: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.812 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpclient type: Library version: by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.813 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jetty type: Standard version: by: jreichen Sat 8/14 21:56:50.813 [SageTV@9fbe93] Plugin jetty is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin INFO - Configured Root Logger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.830 [SageTV@9fbe93] LOG4J: Configured Root Logger INFO - Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.832 [SageTV@9fbe93] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: sagex-api using file: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.847 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commercialdetector type: Standard version: 0.40 by: tmiranda Sat 8/14 21:56:50.847 [SageTV@9fbe93] Plugin commercialdetector is enabled, try to load it from class: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.849 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gson type: Library version: 1.4 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.850 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: cpumonitor type: STVI version: 1.01 by: tmiranda Sat 8/14 21:56:50.851 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: playonstvi type: STVI version: 1.3.1 by: evilpenguin Sat 8/14 21:56:50.851 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-logging type: Library version: 1.1.1 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.852 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: jusjokenbluetwogrey type: Theme version: 1.12 by: jusjoken Sat 8/14 21:56:50.852 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenix-api type: Library version: by: stuckless,meinmaui Sat 8/14 21:56:50.853 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: livepvrdata4j type: Library version: by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.853 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenixfanartv7 type: STVI version: 0.1.9 by: bialio Sat 8/14 21:56:50.854 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: javamail type: Library version: 1.4.3 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.854 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: lucene-core type: Library version: 3.0.1 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.854 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: upnpbrowser type: Library version: 1.3 by: evilpenguin Sat 8/14 21:56:50.855 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: tmutils type: Library version: 1.20 by: tmiranda Sat 8/14 21:56:50.855 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagexmlinfo type: Library version: 1.4.1 by: nielm Sat 8/14 21:56:50.856 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: scribe type: Library version: 0.6.7 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.856 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: xmlrpc-common type: Library version: 3.1.3 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.857 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: bmtweb type: Standard version: 4.5.1 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.857 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: livepvrdata type: Library version: 0.0.3 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.857 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-codec type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.858 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagex-api type: Library version: by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.858 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: bmt type: Library version: 4.5 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.859 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: signalstrengthonosd type: STVI version: 1.0.3 by: 3dOptics Sat 8/14 21:56:50.859 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: libgrowl type: Library version: by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.860 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: gkusnicktoolslib type: Library version: 1.2.31 by: GKusnick Sat 8/14 21:56:50.860 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: htmlparser type: Library version: 1.6 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.860 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: json type: Library version: 1.0 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.861 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: xmlrpc-clnt type: Library version: by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.861 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: ppmm type: STVI version: 1.02 by: tmiranda, Tiki Sat 8/14 21:56:50.862 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-lang type: Library version: 2.4 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.862 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sre type: Standard version: by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.863 [SageTV@9fbe93] Plugin sre is enabled, try to load it from class: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.868 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-net type: Library version: 1.4.1 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.868 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: mbdiamond type: Theme version: 1.63 by: jorton Sat 8/14 21:56:50.869 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: themeserenity type: Theme version: 1.0 by: bialio Sat 8/14 21:56:50.869 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: comskipplayback type: STVI version: by: JREkiwi, razrsharpe Sat 8/14 21:56:50.870 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: twitter4j type: Library version: 2.1.2 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.870 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commercialdetectorstvi type: STVI version: 1.10 by: tmiranda Sat 8/14 21:56:50.871 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: web type: Standard version: 2.28 by: nielm, jreichen Sat 8/14 21:56:50.871 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpclient3 type: Library version: by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.872 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-io type: Library version: 1.4 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:50.872 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sagex-h2 type: Standard version: 1.0.7 by: jphipps Sat 8/14 21:56:50.872 [SageTV@9fbe93] Plugin sagex-h2 is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.h2.SagexH2Plugin Sat 8/14 21:56:50.874 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sageutls type: Library version: 1.4.1 by: nielm Sat 8/14 21:56:50.875 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: livepvrdata-shared type: Library version: 0.2.0 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:50.875 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sysmonutils type: Library version: 1.00 by: tmiranda Sat 8/14 21:56:50.876 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: phoenix-core type: Standard version: by: stuckless,meinmaui Sat 8/14 21:56:50.876 [SageTV@9fbe93] Plugin phoenix-core is enabled, try to load it from class: sagex.phoenix.plugin.PhoenixPlugin INFO - Configured Logging for: phoenix using file: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.892 [SageTV@9fbe93] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: phoenix using file: INFO - Configured Logging for: phoenix-metadata using file: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.893 [SageTV@9fbe93] LOG4J: Configured Logging for: phoenix-metadata using file: Sat 8/14 21:56:50.914 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Seeker is starting the library import scan... Sat 8/14 21:56:50.966 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Starting to scan lib import root: E:\Televideo\Video Sat 8/14 21:56:51.025 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Increased StringBuffer pool to size=1 Sat 8/14 21:56:51.243 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: sqlitejdbc type: Library version: 0.56 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:51.244 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: httpcore type: Library version: 4.0.1 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:51.245 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-pool type: Library version: 1.5.4 by: Slugger Sat 8/14 21:56:51.245 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: commons-dbutils type: Library version: 1.3 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:51.246 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: pluckystheme type: Theme version: 1.00 by: PluckyHD Sat 8/14 21:56:51.246 [SageTV@9fbe93] CorePluginManager is checking plugin: log4j type: Library version: 1.2.15 by: stuckless Sat 8/14 21:56:51.248 [SageTV@9fbe93] LOADED PLUGINS=[SageTVPlugin[sad state=Enabled name=Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) version= type=Standard desc=Sage Artifact Delete is a simple plugin that will listen for media object deletion events and will delete any artifacts associated with the media object automatically. This plugin is ideal for automatic cleanup of comskip files (edl), properties files, log files, etc. By default the artifact deletion is delayed for 30 seconds. This gives other processes a chance to copy the artifacts before SAD deletes them. author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/22/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath=plugins/sad webpages=[] desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM], PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=1.73.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gkusnicktoolslib minVer=0.8.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.15 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpclient state=Failed name=HttpClient version= type=Library desc=Apache HttpClient library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/1/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath=httpclient webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[httpcore minVer=4.0.1 maxVer=4.0.1 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jetty state=Enabled name=Jetty Web Server version= type=Standard desc=The Jetty Web Server Plugin provides a platform for SageTV web application plugins. Currently available web applications can manage SageTV recordings from desktop or mobile web browsers, manage fanart and metadata, provide remote web services for SageTV, configure batch job processing, and more. The plugin consists of two parts. The first part is Jetty, a 3rd-party Java web server from Mortbay Consulting that can be embedded in a Java program such as SageTV. The second part is a set of plugin classes created by the author that interact with SageTV to start, stop, and configure the Jetty web server. author=jreichen screenshots=[] videos=null modified=5/31/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath=jetty webpages=[,,] implementation=sagex.jetty.starter.JettyPlugin desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.8 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commercialdetector state=Enabled name=Commercial Detector version=0.40 type=Standard desc=A simple way to detect commercials in your recordings. Creates .edl files that can be read by the Comskip Playback plugin. The plugin comes complete with comskip and little or no configuration is needed. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/13/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath=comskip webpages=[] desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gson state=Failed name=Google GSON version=1.4 type=Library desc=Google's POJO <-> JSON library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=6/10/2010 resPath=gson webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[cpumonitor state=Failed name=CPU Meter version=1.01 type=STVI desc=Simple CPU meter for Sage7+. Puts a bar graph in the header that displays the CPU usage. author=tmiranda screenshots=[] videos=null modified=8/8/2010 installed=8/8/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV], PluginDependency[sysmonutils minVer=1.00 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[playonstvi state=Failed name=PlayON STVI version=1.3.1 type=STVI desc=This STVi allows easy access to PlayOn content through the main menu author=evilpenguin screenshots=[] videos=[] modified=7/23/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[upnpbrowser minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-logging state=Failed name=commons-logging version=1.1.1 type=Library desc=Apache Commons logging library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=6/10/2010 resPath=plugins/commons-logging webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[jusjokenbluetwogrey state=Failed name=BlueTwo Grey version=1.12 type=Theme desc=BlueTwo Grey Theme for SageTV V7. author=jusjoken screenshots=[,] videos=null modified=8/7/2010 installed=8/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenix-api state=Failed name=Phoenix API version= type=Library desc=Phoenix API Extensions for SageTV. The base Phoenix APIs provider fanart support based on the Central Fanart Folder model. author=stuckless,meinmaui screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/14/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath=phoenix-api webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sagex-h2 minVer=1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-dbutils minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[livepvrdata4j state=Failed name=livepvrdata4j version= type=Library desc=Java implementation of Live PVR Data RESTful API - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/4/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath=plugins/livepvrdata4j webpages=[,] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[gson minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[scribe minVer=0.6.7 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[livepvrdata-shared minVer=0.2.0 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenixfanartv7 state=Failed name=Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 version=0.1.9 type=STVI desc=Uses fanart from the Phoenix API central fanart repository in the default SageTV Version 7 UI. author=bialio screenshots=[] videos=null modified=5/26/2010 installed=6/16/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=1.73.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[javamail state=Failed name=javax.mail version=1.4.3 type=Library desc=Sun's javax.mail implementation - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=8/10/2010 resPath=plugins/javamail webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[lucene-core state=Failed name=lucene-core version=3.0.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for lucene-core-3.0.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/24/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[upnpbrowser state=Failed name=UPnP Browser version=1.3 type=Library desc=A tool for browsing UPnP/DLNA servers such as PlayON author=evilpenguin screenshots=[] videos=null modified=7/22/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[tmutils state=Failed name=Utilities for tmiranda version=1.20 type=Library desc=Utilities for tmiranda's plugins. No need to install this directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/7/2010 installed=8/11/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagexmlinfo state=Failed name=Nielm's Sage XML Info version=1.4.1 type=Library desc=A library for importing data into and exporting data from the SageTV database. author=nielm screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/16/2010 installed=6/16/2010 resPath=sagexmlinfo webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sageutls minVer=1.4 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[scribe state=Failed name=scribe version=0.6.7 type=Library desc=OAuth client library for Java - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/3/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath=plugins/scribe webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.3 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[xmlrpc-common state=Failed name=Apache XMLRPC Common version=3.1.3 type=Library desc=Apache's XMLRPC library (common jars) - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=6/10/2010 resPath=apache-xmlrpc-clnt webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[bmtweb state=Failed name=Metadata Tools for SageTV - Web Interface version=4.5.1 type=Standard desc=Web Interface for Metadata Tools (bmt) author=stuckless screenshots=[] videos=null modified=8/13/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath=bmtweb webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jetty minVer=1.7 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[bmt minVer=4.5 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[phoenix-core minVer=2.0.7 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-codec state=Failed name=commons-codec version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-codec-1.3.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[livepvrdata state=Failed name=Live PVR Data Client version=0.0.3 type=Library desc=Live PVR Data client library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/26/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath=livepvrdata webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[gson minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[xmlrpc-clnt minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagex-api state=Failed name=sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions version= type=Library desc=SageTV API Wrappers with Remote API capabilities author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/11/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath=sagex-api webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[bmt state=Failed name=Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline version=4.5 type=Library desc= author=stuckless screenshots=[] videos=null modified=8/13/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath=bmt webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-core minVer=2.0.7 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[signalstrengthonosd state=Failed name=Signal Strength on OSD version=1.0.3 type=STVI desc=Displays the tv tuner signal strength on the OSD author=3dOptics screenshots=[] videos=null modified=6/3/2010 installed=8/11/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[libgrowl state=Failed name=libgrowl version= type=Library desc=Java implementation of GNTP - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/30/2010 installed=8/10/2010 resPath=plugins/libgrowl webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[gkusnicktoolslib state=Failed name=GKusnick's Tools Library version=1.2.31 type=Library desc=A library of SageTV API wrappers and utility classes for SageTV plugin developers. author=GKusnick screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/17/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath=GKusnick/ToolsLib webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[htmlparser state=Failed name=htmlparser version=1.6 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for htmlparser-1.6.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/16/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[json state=Failed version=1.0 type=Library desc=A Java implementation of JSON - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=6/10/2010 resPath=json webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[xmlrpc-clnt state=Failed name=Apache XMLRPC Client version= type=Library desc=Apache's XMLRPC Client library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/26/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath=xmlrpc-clnt webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[httpclient minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[xmlrpc-common minVer=3.1.3 maxVer=3.1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[httpclient3 minVer= type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[ppmm state=Failed name=Phoenix Fanart for Malore Menus version=1.02 type=STVI desc=Phoenix Fanart Malore Menus v1.02 for SageTV 7. This STVi uses the phoenix API to display Fanart on the Malore Menus. The Malore menus are enabled by navigating to the System Information menu and typing "5309" (no quotes). This is a port of "Phoenix Fanart for the Default STV" and also contains "BMT Tools" by Tiki. author=tmiranda, Tiki screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/23/2010 installed=6/16/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer=1.73 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-lang state=Failed name=commons-lang version=2.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-lang-2.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sre state=Enabled name=Sage Recording Extender (SRE) version= type=Standard desc=SRE monitors live events and extends the recording as necessary. Don't let your recordings stop early and miss out on extra innings or overtime! THIS PLUGIN WILL ONLY WORK PROPERLY IF INSTALLED ON THE SAGETV SERVER! DO NOT INSTALL ON A SAGETV CLIENT! This plugin communicates with the Live PVR Data web service ( to determine if your recordings need to be extended because the recording is a live event. Currently, the web service only supports monitoring of specific sporting events (NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, NCAA football, NCAA basketball). With this plugin enabled, all your recordings will be monitored against this web service and your recordings will be extended as necessary to ensure that you do not miss any portion of a live event because it runs longer than the EPG listings. This plugin installs a web GUI app within the Jetty plugin for online viewing and configuration. The SRE web app is installed at the /sre/ context within the Jetty plugin. This plugin requires a Google Account to operate properly. The Live PVR Data web service requires Google Account authentication in order to query the web service for event data. author=Slugger screenshots=[] videos=null modified=8/13/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath=plugins/sre webpages=[] desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jetty minVer=2.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5.0 type=JVM], PluginDependency[gson minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-logging minVer=1.1.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[livepvrdata4j minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.3 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[gkusnicktoolslib minVer=0.8.2 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[json minVer=1.0 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-lang minVer=2.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.9 type=Core], PluginDependency[commons-io minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[sqlitejdbc minVer=0.56 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[log4j minVer=1.2.15 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-net state=Failed name=commons-net version=1.4.1 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-net-1.4.1.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/16/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[mbdiamond state=Failed name=MBDiamond version=1.63 type=Theme desc=MB Diamond Theme for SageTV V7.0.12 and up. Based loosely on some of the elements of Media Browser Diamond Theme and a bunch of updated icons etc... It is a bit glossy and might not be for everyone. author=jorton screenshots=[,,,,,,,,,] videos=null modified=8/6/2010 installed=8/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0.12 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[themeserenity state=Failed name=Serenity version=1.0 type=Theme desc=Serenity Theme for SageTV V7. author=bialio screenshots=[] videos=null modified=5/25/2010 installed=8/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[comskipplayback state=Failed name=Comskip Playback version= type=STVI desc=A UI Mod plugin for SageTV V7 that adds support for reading the edl or txt files generated by comskip or showanalyzer and skipping commercial breaks during playback author=JREkiwi, razrsharpe screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/12/2010 installed=8/12/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[twitter4j state=Failed name=twitter4j version=2.1.2 type=Library desc=Java implementation of Twitter API - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/30/2010 installed=8/10/2010 resPath=plugins/twitter4j webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commercialdetectorstvi state=Failed name=Commercial Detector UI version=1.10 type=STVI desc=Alters the behavior of the Comskip Playback UI Mod so the "Run Comskip" buttons are compatible with the CommercialDetector plugin. Installing this plugin will also install CommercialDetector and Comskip Playback. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/11/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commercialdetector minVer=0.40 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[comskipplayback minVer=2.0.5 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[web state=Failed name=SageTV Web Interface version=2.28 type=Standard desc=Manage SageTV activity, media files, and playlists from desktop web browsers. author=nielm, jreichen screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/18/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath=web webpages=[,] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[jetty minVer=2.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[Java minVer=1.5 type=JVM], PluginDependency[sagexmlinfo minVer=1.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.10 type=Core], PluginDependency[sageutls minVer=1.4 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpclient3 state=Failed name=Apache HttpClient v3 version= type=Library desc=Apache's v3 (legacy) HttpClient - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/26/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath=httpclient3 webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[commons-logging minVer=1.0.4 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-codec minVer=1.2 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-io state=Failed name=commons-io version=1.4 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-io-1.4.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sagex-h2 state=Enabled name=SageTV H2 Database version=1.0.7 type=Standard desc=SageTV H2 Core Plugin author=jphipps screenshots=null videos=null modified=7/23/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation=sagex.h2.SagexH2Plugin desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[sagex-api minVer=7 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sageutls state=Failed name=Nielm's Sage Utilities version=1.4.1 type=Library desc=A library for communicating between SageTV and Java. author=nielm screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/16/2010 installed=6/16/2010 resPath=sageutls webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[livepvrdata-shared state=Failed name=livepvrdata-shared version=0.2.0 type=Library desc=Common data structures for Live PVR Data RESTful API - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/4/2010 installed=8/6/2010 resPath=plugins/livepvrdata-shared webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sysmonutils state=Failed name=System Monitor Utilities version=1.00 type=Library desc=Utilities for the System Monitor plugin. No need to install this directly. author=tmiranda screenshots=null videos=null modified=5/25/2010 installed=8/8/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[phoenix-core state=Enabled name=Phoenix Core Services version= type=Standard desc=Phoenix Core Services provide Metadata/Fanart lookups from services such as IMDb, TMDb, and TVDb author=stuckless,meinmaui screenshots=null videos=null modified=8/14/2010 installed=8/14/2010 resPath= webpages=[] implementation=sagex.phoenix.plugin.PhoenixPlugin desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[phoenix-api minVer= type=Plugin], PluginDependency[lucene-core minVer=3.0.1 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[htmlparser minVer=1.6 type=Plugin], PluginDependency[commons-net minVer=1.4.1 type=Plugin]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[sqlitejdbc state=Failed name=SQLite JDBC Driver version=0.56 type=Library desc=Provides support for embedded SQLite databases within plugins - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=6/10/2010 resPath=sqlitejdbc webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV minVer=7.0.0 type=Core]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[httpcore state=Failed name=HttpCore version=4.0.1 type=Library desc=Apache HttpCore library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=6/10/2010 resPath=httpcore webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-pool state=Failed name=commons-pool version=1.5.4 type=Library desc=Apache Commons generic object pooling library - dependency only author=Slugger screenshots=null videos=null installed=6/10/2010 resPath=plugins/commons-pool webpages=[] implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[commons-dbutils state=Failed name=commons-dbutils version=1.3 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for commons-dbutils-1.3.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/16/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null], SageTVPlugin[pluckystheme state=Failed name=Plucky's Theme version=1.00 type=Theme desc=Theme of background changes for main menu. Mainly for Plucky's Menu Mod stvi. There will be more theme changes in the future. author=PluckyHD screenshots=null videos=null modified=6/7/2010 installed=8/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=[PluginDependency[SageTV7 minVer=7.0 type=STV]] packages=null], SageTVPlugin[log4j state=Failed name=log4j version=1.2.15 type=Library desc=SageTV Dependency JAR Plugin for log4j-1.2.15.jar - no need to download directly author=stuckless screenshots=null videos=null modified=4/10/2010 installed=6/10/2010 resPath= webpages=null implementation= desktopOnly=false OS=Win,Linux,Mac dependencies=null packages=null]] Sat 8/14 21:56:51.255 [SageTV@9fbe93] Starting all core plugins... Sat 8/14 21:56:51.256 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.256 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin HttpClient to after HttpCore because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.256 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Jetty Web Server to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.256 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Commercial Detector to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.256 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin CPU Meter to after System Monitor Utilities because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.257 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin PlayON STVI to after UPnP Browser because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.257 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.257 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.257 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin livepvrdata4j to after scribe because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.257 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.257 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Utilities for tmiranda to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.258 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Nielm's Sage XML Info to after Nielm's Sage Utilities because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.258 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin scribe to after commons-codec because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.258 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin livepvrdata4j to after scribe because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.258 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Web Interface to after Jetty Web Server because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.258 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin livepvrdata4j to after livepvrdata-shared because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.258 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after sagex-api - SageTV API Extensions because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.259 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.259 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.259 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Live PVR Data Client to after Apache XMLRPC Client because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.259 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after commons-lang because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.259 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.259 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.260 [SageTV@9fbe93] Calling start on plugin: Commercial Detector Sat 8/14 21:56:51.260 [SageTV@9fbe93] CD: PlugIn: Starting. Version = 0.40 Sat 8/14 21:56:51.260 [SageTV@9fbe93] CD: PlugIn: LogLevel = Trace. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.265 [PluginRepoUpdater@1059849] Checking to see if the plugin repository file needs to be updated... Sat 8/14 21:56:51.267 [SageTV@9fbe93] CD: ComskipManager: Restarting queued jobs. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.311 [SageTV@9fbe93] CD: ComskipManager: Below MaxJobs threshhold. Sat 8/14 21:56:51.313 [SageTV@9fbe93] Calling start on plugin: Jetty Web Server Sat 8/14 21:56:51.313 [Thread-7@1509443] CD: Starting new ComskipJob Sat 8/14 21:56:51.387 [Thread-7@1509443] CD: run: Job parts 1 Sat 8/14 21:56:51.387 [Thread-7@1509443] CD: run: Processing J:\Televideo\NCIS-PopLife-1065432-0.ts Sat 8/14 21:56:51.387 [Thread-7@1509443] CD: run: Command [C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\comskip80\comskip.exe, --ini=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\comskip80\comskip.ini, J:\Televideo\NCIS-PopLife-1065432-0.ts] Sat 8/14 21:56:51.479 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Starting to scan lib import root: E:\Televideo\Music Sat 8/14 21:56:51.509 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Starting to scan lib import root: E:\Televideo\Pictures Sat 8/14 21:56:51.846 [PluginRepoUpdater@1059849] Downloading new SageTVPlugins.xml file from the server... Sat 8/14 21:56:51.852 [PluginRepoUpdater@1059849] Download requested for files server= src=null dest=SageTVPlugins.xml Sat 8/14 21:56:52.118 [PluginRepoUpdater@1059849] Download remoteSize=208865 Sat 8/14 21:56:52.898 [FileDownload@f4c9c4] Read -1 bytes from the URL stream; download has completed Sat 8/14 21:56:52.992 [FileDownload@f4c9c4] VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=SageTVPlugins.xml]) Sat 8/14 21:56:52.993 [FileDownload@f4c9c4] Download completed for files server= src=null dest=SageTVPlugins.xml abort=false Sat 8/14 21:56:53.178 [PluginRepoUpdater@1059849] Analyzing plugin repository XML file... Sat 8/14 21:56:53.219 [PluginRepoUpdater@1059849] Done processing plugin repository XML file repositoryVersion=1.0.475 Sat 8/14 21:56:53.908 [Thread-10@be95bf] CD: stdout: The commandline used was: Sat 8/14 21:56:53.908 [Thread-10@be95bf] CD: stdout: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\comskip80\comskip.exe" "--ini=C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\comskip80\comskip.ini" J:\Televideo\NCIS-PopLife-1065432-0.ts Sat 8/14 21:56:53.908 [Thread-10@be95bf] CD: stdout: Sat 8/14 21:56:53.909 [Thread-10@be95bf] CD: stdout: Opening J:\Televideo\NCIS-PopLife-1065432-0.ts Sat 8/14 21:56:53.909 [Thread-10@be95bf] CD: stdout: Setting ini file to C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\comskip80\comskip.ini as per commandline Sat 8/14 21:56:53.909 [Thread-10@be95bf] CD: stdout: Using C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\comskip80\comskip.ini for initiation values. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.095 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is starting Sat 8/14 21:56:55.105 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 21:56:55.281 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Web Interface to after Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.281 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.281 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Web Interface to after Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.281 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Apache XMLRPC Client to after HttpClient because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.282 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Live PVR Data Client to after Apache XMLRPC Client because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.282 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for Malore Menus to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.282 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after commons-io because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.282 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for Malore Menus to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.282 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.283 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.283 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Recording Extender (SRE) to after livepvrdata4j because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.283 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin SageTV Web Interface to after Nielm's Sage XML Info because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.283 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after SageTV H2 Database because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.283 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.283 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.284 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for Malore Menus to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.284 [SageTV@9fbe93] Calling start on plugin: SageTV H2 Database Sat 8/14 21:56:55.291 [SageTV@9fbe93] H2: Successfully Loaded Embedded Driver Sat 8/14 21:56:55.292 [SageTV@9fbe93] H2: Starting Tcp Server on port: 9092 Sat 8/14 21:56:55.488 [SageTV@9fbe93] H2: Starting Web Server on port: 8082 Sat 8/14 21:56:55.520 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after commons-dbutils because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.520 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for Malore Menus to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.520 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.520 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.521 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Recording Extender (SRE) to after SQLite JDBC Driver because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.521 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.521 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.521 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Web Interface to after Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.521 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Recording Extender (SRE) to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.521 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix API to after log4j because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.522 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Core Services to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.522 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline to after Phoenix Core Services because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.522 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Metadata Tools for SageTV - Web Interface to after Metadata Tools for SageTV - Commandline because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.522 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.522 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for SageTV V7 to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.522 [SageTV@9fbe93] Moving starting of plugin Phoenix Fanart for Malore Menus to after Phoenix API because of its dependency on it. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.523 [SageTV@9fbe93] Calling start on plugin: Sage Artifact Delete (SAD) Sat 8/14 21:56:55.523 [SageTV@9fbe93] Calling start on plugin: Phoenix Core Services Sat 8/14 21:56:55.573 [SageTV@9fbe93] Calling start on plugin: Sage Recording Extender (SRE) INFO - Deploying SRE app within Jetty plugin... INFO - Deployment into Jetty completed! Sat 8/14 21:56:55.641 [SageTV@9fbe93] Done starting core plugins. Sat 8/14 21:56:55.642 [PSNATMGR@104c58e] Starting UPnP NAT Manager... Sat 8/14 21:56:55.696 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Starting to scan lib import root: D:\ Sat 8/14 21:56:55.732 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Starting to scan lib import root: E:\Televideo Sat 8/14 21:57:00.489 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Starting to scan lib import root: C:\Windows\Temp INFO - Subscribed to recording started events! INFO - Initializing monitors for 0 active recording(s). INFO - Registered for recording schedule change events! Sat 8/14 21:57:03.952 [SageTVServer@1d92803] SageTV received connection from:Socket[addr=/,port=49249,localport=42024] Sat 8/14 21:57:04.480 [SageTVServer@1d92803] Sending DB to client of size:6866907 Sat 8/14 21:57:06.516 [SageTVServer@1d92803] SageTV received connection from:Socket[addr=/,port=49250,localport=42024] Sat 8/14 21:57:06.684 [ConnSendQueue@d8dc2e] MsgSend thread spawned for / Sat 8/14 21:57:06.685 [ConnRecvQueue@1cf6203] MsgRecv thread has spawned for / Sat 8/14 21:57:06.782 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Scheduler awoken Sat 8/14 21:57:06.784 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Scheduler.updateSchedule() called time=Sat 8/14 21:57:06.783 manual=[ManualRecord[A[944476,944431,"Lost",32744@0712.00:00,60] time=Mon 7/12 0:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00], ManualRecord[A[1031695,995683,"Lost",32744@0802.00:00,60] time=Mon 8/2 0:00:00.000 dur=1:00:00]] schedules={Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device=[Sched=[A[1091010,1090965,"House",58452@0814.22:00,60], A[1073844,1073807,"CSI: NY",19580@0814.23:35,60], A[1076092,1031128,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0815.01:00,60], A[1076687,91231,"Forbes on Fox",58649@0815.02:00,30], A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5], A[1073481,1073444,"Lockup: New Mexico",16300@0815.03:00,60], A[1089001,1062983,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0815.04:45,30], A[1076539,1076418,"The Twilight Zone",58623@0815.05:30,30], A[1076935,91241,"The Journal Editorial Report",60179@0815.06:00,30], A[1076918,91221,"FOX News Watch",60179@0815.06:30,30], A[1076931,91236,"Fox and Friends Sunday",60179@0815.07:00,180], A[1074727,1053334,"Leverage",42642@0815.10:00,60], A[1072988,1072912,"Scrubs",10149@0815.11:30,30], A[1072872,36259,"Clark Howard",10145@0815.12:00,60], A[1072990,1072914,"Scrubs",10149@0815.13:00,30], A[1074995,1074962,"MTV Live",49141@0815.13:30,30], A[1111207,1111202,"FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace",60179@0815.14:00,60], A[1074629,1074593,"Already Dead",34763@0815.15:00,120], A[1076609,35986,"CNN Newsroom",58646@0815.17:00,60], A[1073171,1073124,"Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi",11163@0815.18:00,180], A[1079590,1079561,"Rubicon",59337@0815.21:00,60], A[1079594,1079564,"Mad Men",59337@0815.22:00,62], A[1078247,1078209,"Lost",32744@0816.00:00,60], A[1107268,1107219,"Criminal Minds",51529@0816.01:01,60], A[1077897,1077867,"CSI: Miami",19580@0816.02:05,60], A[1079058,1079022,"Wings",58452@0816.03:30,30], A[1099123,1099090,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.04:16,30], A[1099127,1072904,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.04:46,14], A[1079167,1079089,"Married ... With Children",58515@0816.05:00,30], A[1079170,1079098,"Married ... With Children",58515@0816.05:30,30], A[1079663,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0816.06:00,180], A[1079483,1079346,"Jericho",58623@0816.09:00,60], A[1109138,1077736,"Biography",16834@0816.10:00,60], A[1078656,1078639,"CSI: Miami",51529@0816.11:00,60], A[1078658,1078642,"The First 48",51529@0816.12:00,60], A[1077418,1058800,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.13:00,30], A[1079189,1079141,"Yes, Dear",58515@0816.13:30,30], A[1079183,1079129,"Everybody Loves Raymond",58515@0816.14:00,30], A[1079271,1079242,"The Bernie Mac Show",58574@0816.14:30,30], A[1077525,1077495,"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation",11163@0816.15:00,60], A[1079662,285363,"Your World With Neil Cavuto",60179@0816.16:00,60], A[1079640,1079635,"Glenn Beck",60179@0816.17:00,60], A[1079186,1079132,"The King of Queens",58515@0816.18:00,30], A[1079187,1079134,"The King of Queens",58515@0816.18:30,30], A[1079664,285365,"The FOX Report With Shepard Smith",60179@0816.19:00,60], A[1082180,1082148,"Ghost Whisperer",58623@0816.20:00,60], A[1079923,1079894,"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia",10149@0816.21:00,30], A[1082010,1081928,"Family Guy",58515@0816.21:30,30], A[1082011,1081929,"Family Guy",58515@0816.22:00,30], A[1082012,1081930,"Family Guy",58515@0816.22:30,30], A[1080881,1080824,"Family Guy",32744@0816.23:00,30], A[1079926,1079897,"The Colbert Report",10149@0816.23:30,30], A[1082313,285361,"Hannity",60179@0817.00:00,60], A[1080890,1080832,"George Lopez",32744@0817.01:00,30], A[1080865,1080805,"South Park",32744@0817.01:30,30], A[1080032,1079995,"Star Trek: Voyager",11163@0817.02:00,60], A[1082324,91244,"Red Eye",60179@0817.03:00,60], A[1081069,1081029,"NUMB3RS",42642@0817.04:00,60], A[1081070,1081036,"NUMB3RS",42642@0817.05:00,60], A[1082320,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0817.06:00,180], A[1081834,1081806,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0817.09:00,60], A[1081833,1081804,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0817.10:00,60], A[1081393,1081376,"CSI: Miami",51529@0817.11:00,60], A[1081397,378048,"The First 48",51529@0817.12:00,60], A[1079908,1079883,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0817.13:00,30], A[1082014,1081938,"Yes, Dear",58515@0817.13:30,30], A[1080293,1080252,"Biography",16834@0817.14:00,120], A[1082104,1082047,"The Bernie Mac Show",58574@0817.16:00,30], A[1081999,1081895,"Friends",58515@0817.16:30,30], A[1082307,1082303,"Glenn Beck",60179@0817.17:00,60], A[1081835,1081808,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0817.18:00,60], A[1081396,1081380,"The First 48",51529@0817.19:00,60], A[1083309,1083290,"NCIS",19580@0817.20:00,60], A[1084606,1084577,"White Collar",58452@0817.21:00,60]] MustSee=[A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5], A[1076931,91236,"Fox and Friends Sunday",60179@0815.07:00,180], A[1111207,1111202,"FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace",60179@0815.14:00,60], A[1079590,1079561,"Rubicon",59337@0815.21:00,60], A[1079594,1079564,"Mad Men",59337@0815.22:00,62], A[1078247,1078209,"Lost",32744@0816.00:00,60], A[1079663,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0816.06:00,180], A[1079640,1079635,"Glenn Beck",60179@0816.17:00,60], A[1082324,91244,"Red Eye",60179@0817.03:00,60], A[1082320,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0817.06:00,180], A[1082307,1082303,"Glenn Beck",60179@0817.17:00,60], A[1083309,1083290,"NCIS",19580@0817.20:00,60], A[1084606,1084577,"White Collar",58452@0817.21:00,60]]]} scheduleRandSize=666 Sat 8/14 21:57:06.785 [Scheduler@b81eaa] # Airs=1111 Sat 8/14 21:57:06.799 [Scheduler@b81eaa] MUST SEE FINAL-Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device-[A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5], A[1076931,91236,"Fox and Friends Sunday",60179@0815.07:00,180], A[1111207,1111202,"FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace",60179@0815.14:00,60], A[1079590,1079561,"Rubicon",59337@0815.21:00,60], A[1079594,1079564,"Mad Men",59337@0815.22:00,62], A[1078247,1078209,"Lost",32744@0816.00:00,60], A[1079663,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0816.06:00,180], A[1079640,1079635,"Glenn Beck",60179@0816.17:00,60], A[1082324,91244,"Red Eye",60179@0817.03:00,60], A[1082320,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0817.06:00,180], A[1082307,1082303,"Glenn Beck",60179@0817.17:00,60], A[1083309,1083290,"NCIS",19580@0817.20:00,60], A[1084606,1084577,"White Collar",58452@0817.21:00,60]] Sat 8/14 21:57:06.801 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Evaluating Potentials Sat 8/14 21:57:06.835 [Scheduler@b81eaa] COMPLETE SCHEDULE-----**&^%&*-------COMPLETE SCHEDULE Sat 8/14 21:57:06.836 [Scheduler@b81eaa] Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device Sat 8/14 21:57:06.836 [Scheduler@b81eaa] [A[1091010,1090965,"House",58452@0814.22:00,60], A[1076934,91241,"The Journal Editorial Report",60179@0814.23:00,30], A[1076917,91221,"FOX News Watch",60179@0814.23:30,30], A[1076661,282718,"Stossel",58649@0815.00:00,60], A[1076092,1031128,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0815.01:00,60], A[1076687,91231,"Forbes on Fox",58649@0815.02:00,30], A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5], A[1073481,1073444,"Lockup: New Mexico",16300@0815.03:00,60], A[1089001,1062983,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0815.04:45,30], A[1076539,1076418,"The Twilight Zone",58623@0815.05:30,30], A[1076935,91241,"The Journal Editorial Report",60179@0815.06:00,30], A[1076918,91221,"FOX News Watch",60179@0815.06:30,30], A[1076931,91236,"Fox and Friends Sunday",60179@0815.07:00,180], A[1076901,91212,"America's News HQ",60179@0815.10:00,120], A[1072872,36259,"Clark Howard",10145@0815.12:00,60], A[1073759,1015834,"Engineering Disasters",18822@0815.13:00,60], A[1111207,1111202,"FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace",60179@0815.14:00,60], A[1074629,1074593,"Already Dead",34763@0815.15:00,120], A[1074500,1065619,"The Bernie Mac Show",32744@0815.17:00,30], A[1074498,1056277,"The Bernie Mac Show",32744@0815.17:30,30], A[1073171,1073124,"Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi",11163@0815.18:00,180], A[1079590,1079561,"Rubicon",59337@0815.21:00,60], A[1079594,1079564,"Mad Men",59337@0815.22:00,62], A[1078247,1078209,"Lost",32744@0816.00:00,60], A[1107268,1107219,"Criminal Minds",51529@0816.01:01,60], A[1077897,1077867,"CSI: Miami",19580@0816.02:05,60], A[1079058,1079022,"Wings",58452@0816.03:30,30], A[1099123,1099090,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.04:16,30], A[1099127,1072904,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.04:46,14], A[1079167,1079089,"Married ... With Children",58515@0816.05:00,30], A[1077716,240388,"Way Too Early With Willie Geist",16300@0816.05:30,30], A[1079663,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0816.06:00,180], A[1079483,1079346,"Jericho",58623@0816.09:00,60], A[1109138,1077736,"Biography",16834@0816.10:00,60], A[1077835,1077816,"The Naked Archaeologist",18822@0816.11:00,30], A[1079166,1079087,"Home Improvement",58515@0816.11:30,30], A[1078658,1078642,"The First 48",51529@0816.12:00,60], A[1077418,1058800,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.13:00,30], A[1077417,1077385,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0816.13:30,30], A[1079270,1079240,"The Bernie Mac Show",58574@0816.14:00,30], A[1079271,1079242,"The Bernie Mac Show",58574@0816.14:30,30], A[1077525,1077495,"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation",11163@0816.15:00,60], A[1079662,285363,"Your World With Neil Cavuto",60179@0816.16:00,60], A[1079640,1079635,"Glenn Beck",60179@0816.17:00,60], A[1079186,1079132,"The King of Queens",58515@0816.18:00,30], A[1079187,1079134,"The King of Queens",58515@0816.18:30,30], A[1079664,285365,"The FOX Report With Shepard Smith",60179@0816.19:00,60], A[1082008,1081924,"Family Guy",58515@0816.20:00,30], A[1079904,1079879,"Tosh.0",10149@0816.20:30,30], A[1082009,1081926,"Family Guy",58515@0816.21:00,30], A[1082010,1081928,"Family Guy",58515@0816.21:30,30], A[1082011,1081929,"Family Guy",58515@0816.22:00,30], A[1082012,1081930,"Family Guy",58515@0816.22:30,30], A[1080881,1080824,"Family Guy",32744@0816.23:00,30], A[1079926,1079897,"The Colbert Report",10149@0816.23:30,30], A[1082313,285361,"Hannity",60179@0817.00:00,60], A[1080890,1080832,"George Lopez",32744@0817.01:00,30], A[1080865,1080805,"South Park",32744@0817.01:30,30], A[1082312,91214,"Glenn Beck",60179@0817.02:00,60], A[1082324,91244,"Red Eye",60179@0817.03:00,60], A[1081069,1081029,"NUMB3RS",42642@0817.04:00,60], A[1081070,1081036,"NUMB3RS",42642@0817.05:00,60], A[1082320,285364,"Fox and Friends",60179@0817.06:00,180], A[1081834,1081806,"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit",58452@0817.09:00,60], A[1079914,1079887,"The Daily Show With Jon Stewart",10149@0817.10:00,30], A[1080285,1080250,"Shatner's Raw Nerve",16834@0817.10:30,30], A[1080379,1080360,"The Naked Archaeologist",18822@0817.11:00,30], A[1080279,1080247,"Shatner's Raw Nerve",16834@0817.11:30,30], A[1080031,1079982,"Walker, Texas Ranger",11163@0817.12:00,60], A[1079908,1079883,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0817.13:00,30], A[1079909,1079884,"Comedy Central Presents",10149@0817.13:30,30], A[1080034,1079998,"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation",11163@0817.14:00,60], A[1082101,1082039,"Malcolm in the Middle",58574@0817.15:00,30], A[1082102,1082041,"Malcolm in the Middle",58574@0817.15:30,30], A[1081058,1081006,"Law & Order",42642@0817.16:00,60], A[1082307,1082303,"Glenn Beck",60179@0817.17:00,60], A[1080037,1080001,"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation",11163@0817.18:00,60], A[1082321,285365,"The FOX Report With Shepard Smith",60179@0817.19:00,60], A[1083309,1083290,"NCIS",19580@0817.20:00,60], A[1084606,1084577,"White Collar",58452@0817.21:00,60]] Sat 8/14 21:57:06.837 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 21:57:06.837 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=38MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 21:57:06.838 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 21:57:06.838 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=16553162 Sat 8/14 21:57:06.838 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 21:57:06.838 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 21:57:06.839 [Seeker@5b891] Increased Thread pool to size=6 Sat 8/14 21:57:06.861 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 21:57:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 21:57:06.871 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 21:57:06.875 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 21:57:06.877 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 21:57:06.879 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 270 mins. INFO - Reading data store from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SageTV\SageTV\plugins\sre\sre.sqlite' INFO - Done monitor status check. [32ms] Sat 8/14 21:57:48.144 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Seeker has finished the library import scan. Sat 8/14 21:57:48.144 [LibraryImporter@1a28183] Sending hook to client for SystemStatusChanged args=[] Sat 8/14 21:59:11.236 [PooledThread@13f67a9] Seeker.finishWatch(/ Sat 8/14 21:59:55.100 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:02:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 22:02:06.871 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=32MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 22:02:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 22:02:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=16253128 Sat 8/14 22:02:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 22:02:06.873 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 22:02:06.873 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 22:02:06.875 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 22:02:06.875 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 22:02:06.876 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 22:02:06.876 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 22:02:06.877 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 265 mins. Sat 8/14 22:02:55.104 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:05:55.109 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:07:06.867 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 22:07:06.868 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=33MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 22:07:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 22:07:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=15953131 Sat 8/14 22:07:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 22:07:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 22:07:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 22:07:06.871 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 22:07:06.871 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 22:07:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 22:07:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 22:07:06.873 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 260 mins. Sat 8/14 22:08:55.120 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:11:55.122 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:12:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 22:12:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=39MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 22:12:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 22:12:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=15653130 Sat 8/14 22:12:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 22:12:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 22:12:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 22:12:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 22:12:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 22:12:06.873 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 22:12:06.873 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 22:12:06.874 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 255 mins. Sat 8/14 22:14:55.128 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:17:06.867 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 22:17:06.867 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=32MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 22:17:06.868 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 22:17:06.868 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=15353132 Sat 8/14 22:17:06.868 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 22:17:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 22:17:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 22:17:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 22:17:06.871 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 22:17:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 22:17:06.872 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 22:17:06.873 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 250 mins. Sat 8/14 22:17:55.132 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:20:55.137 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:22:06.864 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 22:22:06.865 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=39MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 22:22:06.865 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 22:22:06.866 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=15053135 Sat 8/14 22:22:06.866 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 22:22:06.866 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 22:22:06.866 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 22:22:06.867 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 22:22:06.867 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 22:22:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 22:22:06.869 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 22:22:06.870 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 245 mins. Sat 8/14 22:23:55.141 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:26:55.146 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sat 8/14 22:27:06.861 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker awoken Sat 8/14 22:27:06.862 [Seeker@5b891] MemStats: Used=32MB Total=48MB Max=389MB Sat 8/14 22:27:06.862 [Seeker@5b891] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device clients=[] ir=false Sat 8/14 22:27:06.863 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[1091244,1076313,"Rescue Me",58574@0815.02:33,5] nextTTA=14753138 Sat 8/14 22:27:06.863 [Seeker@5b891] newRecord=null Sat 8/14 22:27:06.863 [Seeker@5b891] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sat 8/14 22:27:06.863 [Seeker@5b891] Checking video directories for new files Sat 8/14 22:27:06.864 [Seeker@5b891] Diskspace checking is running Sat 8/14 22:27:06.864 [Seeker@5b891] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database fixDurs=false avoidArchive=true Sat 8/14 22:27:06.866 [Seeker@5b891] Enforcing keep at most limits for the files... Sat 8/14 22:27:06.866 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker clearing unwanted and partial files... Sat 8/14 22:27:06.867 [Seeker@5b891] Seeker waiting for 240 mins. INFO - Done monitor status check. [0ms] Sat 8/14 22:29:55.151 [Ministry@2aa00c] Ministry is waiting for 180 sec