Sun 5/28 10:42:03.631 Seeker awoken Sun 5/28 10:42:03.632 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:42:03.632 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:42:03.632 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:42:03.633 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:42:03.633 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:42:03.633 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:42:03.634 MARK 1 currRecord=A[1991810,1965701,"Smart Travels",43361@0528.10:30,30] enc=Dish411-100227C on clients=[UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:42:03.635 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=16689 Formula One Racing time=Sun 5/28 12:30:00.000 dur=2:00:00] nextTTA=6476366 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.635 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI] Sun 5/28 10:42:03.635 newRecord=A[1991810,1965701,"Smart Travels",43361@0528.10:30,30] Sun 5/28 10:42:03.635 Keeping record just the way it is. Sun 5/28 10:42:03.635 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=FusionHDTV, Transport Stream Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:42:03.636 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.636 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:42:03.636 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:42:03.636 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=ATI AVStream Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:42:03.636 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.637 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:42:03.637 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:42:03.637 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT2000-100178C on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:42:03.637 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=19548 Monster-in-Law time=Wed 5/31 8:00:00.000 dur=1:45:00] nextTTA=249476366 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.637 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:42:03.638 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:42:03.638 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT6200 on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:42:03.638 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.638 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:42:03.638 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:42:03.639 MMC sent request to of GET_FILE_SIZE F:\SmartTravels-FrancesNormandy-1991810-0.mpg Sun 5/28 10:42:03.640 MMC received response from of 150929408 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.640 RootFile=F:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=150929408 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.641 VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 5/28 10:42:03.641 isRec=true rd=84629 base=73225 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.641 VF thread is now waiting for 0:18:07.513 Sun 5/28 10:42:03.856 needFreeSize = 1.4625 GB currFreeSize=256.676179968 GB Sun 5/28 10:42:03.856 Seeker waiting for 17 mins. Sun 5/28 10:43:04.745 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sun 5/28 10:46:04.755 Ministry is waiting for 180 sec Sun 5/28 10:47:03.873 Seeker awoken Sun 5/28 10:47:03.874 MMC connected to encoding server at Sun 5/28 10:47:03.875 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:47:03.875 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:47:03.876 MMC connected to encoding server at Sun 5/28 10:47:03.876 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:47:03.877 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:47:03.877 MMC connected to encoding server at Sun 5/28 10:47:03.878 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:47:03.878 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:47:03.879 MARK 1 currRecord=A[1991810,1965701,"Smart Travels",43361@0528.10:30,30] enc=Dish411-100227C on clients=[UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:03.880 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=16689 Formula One Racing time=Sun 5/28 12:30:00.000 dur=2:00:00] nextTTA=6176121 Sun 5/28 10:47:03.880 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI] Sun 5/28 10:47:03.880 newRecord=A[1991810,1965701,"Smart Travels",43361@0528.10:30,30] Sun 5/28 10:47:03.880 Keeping record just the way it is. Sun 5/28 10:47:03.881 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=FusionHDTV, Transport Stream Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:03.881 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:03.881 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:03.881 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:03.881 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=ATI AVStream Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:03.881 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:03.882 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:03.882 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:03.883 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT2000-100178C on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:03.883 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=19548 Monster-in-Law time=Wed 5/31 8:00:00.000 dur=1:45:00] nextTTA=249176121 Sun 5/28 10:47:03.883 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:03.883 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:03.883 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT6200 on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:03.884 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:03.884 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:03.884 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:03.884 MMC sent request to of GET_FILE_SIZE F:\SmartTravels-FrancesNormandy-1991810-0.mpg Sun 5/28 10:47:03.885 MMC received response from of 748486656 Sun 5/28 10:47:03.885 RootFile=F:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=748486656 Sun 5/28 10:47:03.885 VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 5/28 10:47:03.886 isRec=true rd=384874 base=373466 Sun 5/28 10:47:03.886 VF thread is now waiting for 0:13:07.272 Sun 5/28 10:47:04.105 needFreeSize = 1.4625 GB currFreeSize=256.07010304 GB Sun 5/28 10:47:04.106 Seeker waiting for 12 mins. Sun 5/28 10:47:43.356 Processing channel change request isDown=true targetChan=null Sun 5/28 10:47:43.372[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60]) Sun 5/28 10:47:43.373 watchThisFile=null Sun 5/28 10:47:43.373 Called Seeker.requestWatch(A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60]) hostname=UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI Sun 5/28 10:47:43.373 findBestEncoderForNow(A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] record=false host=UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI) Sun 5/28 10:47:43.377 foundBestEncoder3=sage.b7$c@b8daa7[Dish411-100227C on] Sun 5/28 10:47:43.377 MARK 1 currRecord=A[1991810,1965701,"Smart Travels",43361@0528.10:30,30] enc=Dish411-100227C on clients=[UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:43.378 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=16689 Formula One Racing time=Sun 5/28 12:30:00.000 dur=2:00:00] nextTTA=6136623 Sun 5/28 10:47:43.378 FORCE WATCH executing clients=[UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI] Sun 5/28 10:47:43.378 newRecord=A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] Sun 5/28 10:47:43.378 Change in record, logging recorded data. Sun 5/28 10:47:43.378 Seeker.endRecord(Sun 5/28 10:47:43.377) currRecord=A[1991810,1965701,"Smart Travels",43361@0528.10:30,30] Sun 5/28 10:47:43.379 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=F:\SmartTravels-FrancesNormandy-1991810-0.mpg]) Sun 5/28 10:47:43.379 VF processing job VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=F:\SmartTravels-FrancesNormandy-1991810-0.mpg] nPlayin=true Sun 5/28 10:47:43.379 VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=F:\SmartTravels-FrancesNormandy-1991810-0.mpg] Sun 5/28 10:47:43.391 VF notified of Inactive File Sun 5/28 10:47:43.391 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Sun 5/28 10:47:43.391 VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 5/28 10:47:43.392 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=FusionHDTV, Transport Stream Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:43.392 isRec=false rd=424365 base=412969 Sun 5/28 10:47:43.392 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:43.392 VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:11.146 Sun 5/28 10:47:43.393 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:43.393 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:43.393 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=ATI AVStream Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:43.393 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:43.394 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:43.394 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:43.394 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT2000-100178C on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:43.394 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=19548 Monster-in-Law time=Wed 5/31 8:00:00.000 dur=1:45:00] nextTTA=249136623 Sun 5/28 10:47:43.394 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:43.395 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:43.395 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT6200 on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:43.395 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:43.395 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:43.395 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:43.395 Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396 Seeker.startRecord(Dish411-100227C on A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60], currTime=Sun 5/28 10:47:43.377) currRecord=null switch=true Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396 Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Dish411-100227C on USB Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396 VideoStorage for new file: F:\ - Use All Sun 5/28 10:47:43.397 MediaFile created subfile:F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg MediaFile[id=2021883 A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] host=htpc encodedBy=Dish411-100227C on MPEG2 Max Quality] Sun 5/28 10:47:43.398 Added:MediaFile[id=2021883 A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] host=htpc encodedBy=Dish411-100227C on MPEG2 Max Quality F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg, Seg0[Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] Sun 5/28 10:47:43.400 Seeker channel string=9470 Sun 5/28 10:47:43.401 MMC connected to encoding server at Sun 5/28 10:47:43.401 MMC sent request to of SWITCH 9470|F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg Sun 5/28 10:47:44.950 VF.submitJob(VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Sun 5/28 10:47:44.951 VF processing job VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Sun 5/28 10:47:44.951 VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Sun 5/28 10:47:44.951 DShowMediaPlayer is consuming the events... Sun 5/28 10:47:44.952 Event: 0x8065 Sun 5/28 10:47:44.952 VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 5/28 10:47:44.952 isRec=false rd=424365 base=414527 Sun 5/28 10:47:44.952 VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:09.588 Sun 5/28 10:47:53.316 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:47:53.316 VF.submitJob(VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=2021883 A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] host=htpc encodedBy=Dish411-100227C on MPEG2 Max Quality F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg, Seg0[Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null]) Sun 5/28 10:47:53.317 VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 5/28 10:47:53.317 isRec=false rd=424365 base=422892 Sun 5/28 10:47:53.317 VF processing job VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=2021883 A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] host=htpc encodedBy=Dish411-100227C on MPEG2 Max Quality F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg, Seg0[Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=true Sun 5/28 10:47:53.318 VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=2021883 A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] host=htpc encodedBy=Dish411-100227C on MPEG2 Max Quality F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg, Seg0[Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] Sun 5/28 10:47:53.319 Added:Watched[id=2021884 Airing=A[1991810,1965701,"Smart Travels",43361@0528.10:30,30], WatchStart=Sun 5/28 10:40:39.012, WatchEnd=Sun 5/28 10:47:41.905, RealStart=Sun 5/28 10:40:46.980, RealEnd=Sun 5/28 10:47:53.318] Sun 5/28 10:47:53.320 VF logFileWatch doneAir=A[1991810,1965701,"Smart Travels",43361@0528.10:30,30] theTime=Sun 5/28 10:47:41.905 recTime=Sun 5/28 10:40:39.012 Sun 5/28 10:47:53.321 Stopping the playback graph. Sun 5/28 10:47:53.334 VF digital TV playback detected: false Sun 5/28 10:47:53.335 VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=2021883 A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] host=htpc encodedBy=Dish411-100227C on MPEG2 Max Quality F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg, Seg0[Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396-Wed 12/31 19:00:00.000]] ifn=null] nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:47:53.335 VF network encoder playback detected: true Sun 5/28 10:47:53.336 MMC sent request to of GET_FILE_SIZE F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg Sun 5/28 10:47:53.340 MMC received response from of 1998848 Sun 5/28 10:47:53.340 VF Removing LOAD_MF request because its files failed verification Sun 5/28 10:47:53.340 VF processing job null nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:47:53.341 isRec=true rd=9945 base=0 Sun 5/28 10:47:53.341 VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Sun 5/28 10:47:53.383 ImageUtils loading file C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ChannelLogos\RAVE.jpg Sun 5/28 10:47:54.807 Seeker awoken Sun 5/28 10:47:54.808 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:47:54.808 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:47:54.808 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:47:54.809 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:47:54.809 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:47:54.809 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:47:54.810 MARK 1 currRecord=A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] enc=Dish411-100227C on clients=[UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:54.810 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=16689 Formula One Racing time=Sun 5/28 12:30:00.000 dur=2:00:00] nextTTA=6125190 Sun 5/28 10:47:54.811 FORCE WATCH abandoned because it's currently being recorded clients=[UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI] Sun 5/28 10:47:54.811 newRecord=A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] Sun 5/28 10:47:54.811 Keeping record just the way it is. Sun 5/28 10:47:54.811 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=FusionHDTV, Transport Stream Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:54.811 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:54.811 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:54.812 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:54.812 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=ATI AVStream Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:54.812 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:54.812 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:54.812 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:54.812 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT2000-100178C on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:54.813 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=19548 Monster-in-Law time=Wed 5/31 8:00:00.000 dur=1:45:00] nextTTA=249125190 Sun 5/28 10:47:54.813 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:54.813 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:54.813 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT6200 on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:47:54.813 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:47:54.814 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:47:54.814 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:47:54.814 MMC sent request to of GET_FILE_SIZE F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg Sun 5/28 10:47:54.815 MMC received response from of 0 Sun 5/28 10:47:54.815 RootFile=F:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 Sun 5/28 10:47:54.815 VF processing job null nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:47:54.816 isRec=true rd=11420 base=0 Sun 5/28 10:47:54.816 VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Sun 5/28 10:47:55.016 needFreeSize = 1.4625 GB currFreeSize=255.993032704 GB Sun 5/28 10:47:55.016 Seeker waiting for 12 mins. Sun 5/28 10:48:03.735 VF.submitJob(VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Sun 5/28 10:48:03.736 VF processing job VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.736 VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Sun 5/28 10:48:03.737 VF logFileWatch doneAir=A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] theTime=Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396 recTime=Sun 5/28 10:47:43.396 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.737 Tearing down playback graph Sun 5/28 10:48:03.737 NATIVE Deallocating the CPlayerData object Sun 5/28 10:48:03.767 VMR9 rendering done VRAM free=471859200 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.788 NATIVE Finished destroying the playback graph Sun 5/28 10:48:03.789 VF processing job null nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.789 VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.790 Seeker.finishWatch(UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI) Sun 5/28 10:48:03.790 Seeker awoken Sun 5/28 10:48:03.791 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:48:03.791 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:48:03.791 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:48:03.792 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:48:03.792 setUI([LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]) histIdx=3 uiHistory=[[Main Menu],[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview],[MediaPlayer OSD],[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]] Sun 5/28 10:48:03.793 Scheduler awoken Sun 5/28 10:48:03.793 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:48:03.793 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:48:03.794 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:48:03.794 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:48:03.795 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:48:03.795 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:48:03.795 MMC sent request to of NOOP Sun 5/28 10:48:03.796 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:48:03.797 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=FusionHDTV, Transport Stream Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.797 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.798 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:48:03.798 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:48:03.798 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=ATI AVStream Analog Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.798 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.798 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:48:03.798 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:48:03.799 setUI([LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]) histIdx=3 uiHistory=[[Main Menu],[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview],[MediaPlayer OSD],[LiveTVGuide w/ Optional Preview]] Sun 5/28 10:48:03.799 MARK 1 currRecord=A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] enc=Dish411-100227C on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.799 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=16689 Formula One Racing time=Sun 5/28 12:30:00.000 dur=2:00:00] nextTTA=6116203 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.800 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:48:03.800 Change in record, logging recorded data. Sun 5/28 10:48:03.800 Seeker.endRecord(Sun 5/28 10:48:03.797) currRecord=A[1933099,1933075,"Soundstage",34307@0528.10:00,60] Sun 5/28 10:48:03.800 VF.submitJob(VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg]) Sun 5/28 10:48:03.801 VF processing job VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg] nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.801 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:48:03.801 VF discarding job VFJob[InactiveFile r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=F:\Soundstage-FountainofWayne-1933099-0.mpg] Sun 5/28 10:48:03.802 MMC sent request to of STOP Sun 5/28 10:48:03.802 VF processing job null nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.802 MMC received response from of OK Sun 5/28 10:48:03.802 VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.802 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT2000-100178C on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.803 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=FA[stationID=19548 Monster-in-Law time=Wed 5/31 8:00:00.000 dur=1:45:00] nextTTA=249116203 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.803 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:48:03.803 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:48:03.803 MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=DCT6200 on clients=[] ir=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.803 Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=null nextTTA=9223372036854775807 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.804 newRecord=null Sun 5/28 10:48:03.804 NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 5/28 10:48:03.804 VF processing job null nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.804 VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.809 VF processing job null nPlayin=false Sun 5/28 10:48:03.810 VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Sun 5/28 10:48:03.899 ERROR: Stack pointer is invalid in parser! Sun 5/28 10:48:03.901 EXCEPTION in getValueAsObject:java.lang.Exception: EvaluatorVisitor.getValue(): Error during evaluation Sun 5/28 10:48:03.992 Seeker waiting for 96 mins.