{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2576 \cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Menlo-Regular;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;\csgray\c0;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww22120\viewh16080\viewkind0 \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \CocoaLigature0 \ 01-26 08:48:08.025 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed\ 01-26 08:48:08.063 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.MediaCmd: [Media-] DEBUG - JVL - MEDIACMD_OPENURL push:\ 01-26 08:48:08.063 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [Media-] DEBUG - New Player Requested\ 01-26 08:48:08.063 14940 15162 I sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] INFO - Freeing Media Player\ 01-26 08:48:08.064 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [Media-] DEBUG - Using ExoPlayer\ 01-26 08:48:08.064 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - load(): url: stv://\ 01-26 08:48:08.064 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.UIActivityLifeCycleHandler: [main] DEBUG - Setting up the Video Frame\ 01-26 08:48:08.064 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.MediaCmd: [Media-] DEBUG - JVL - Stream Type: 0 Stream Pos: 257\ 01-26 08:48:08.064 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.MediaCmd: [Media-] DEBUG - JVL - Changing Audio Track\ 01-26 08:48:08.065 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.MediaCmd: [Media-] DEBUG - Pause was called\ 01-26 08:48:08.065 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - Pause was called\ 01-26 08:48:08.066 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - Setting up the Exo2 media player for: stv://\ 01-26 08:48:08.066 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - Creating Exo2PushDataSource datasource\ 01-26 08:48:08.066 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2PushDataSource: [main] DEBUG - ExoNative datasource being created.\ 01-26 08:48:08.066 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - Setting FFmpeg Extension to On\ 01-26 08:48:08.069 14940 14940 I DefaultRenderersFactory: Loaded FfmpegAudioRenderer.\ 01-26 08:48:08.070 14940 14940 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init bf8ffad [ExoPlayerLib/2.16.1] [darcy, SHIELD Android TV, NVIDIA, 30]\ 01-26 08:48:08.070 3522 3564 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0\ 01-26 08:48:08.071 3522 3564 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed\ 01-26 08:48:08.071 3522 16132 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned\ 01-26 08:48:08.073 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - ExoLogging - Preparing playback\ 01-26 08:48:08.075 14940 16133 D sagex.miniclient.net.PushBufferDataSource: [ExoPlayer:Loader:ProgressiveMediaPeriod] DEBUG - Open Called: stv://\ 01-26 08:48:08.075 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - Video Player is online\ 01-26 08:48:08.075 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - Creating handler\ 01-26 08:48:08.082 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - Pause was called\ 01-26 08:48:08.115 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.MediaCmd: [Media-] DEBUG - Flush - Flush called on pushMode. Setting last server time to -1\ 01-26 08:48:08.115 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - ExoLogging - Flush being called\ 01-26 08:48:08.115 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - JVL - flush called!\ 01-26 08:48:08.115 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - dispose()\ 01-26 08:48:08.115 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - JVL - HasPushBuffer flush called!\ 01-26 08:48:08.115 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.net.PushBufferDataSource: [Media-] DEBUG - FLUSH()\ 01-26 08:48:08.116 14940 16133 D sagex.miniclient.net.PushBufferDataSource: [ExoPlayer:Loader:ProgressiveMediaPeriod] DEBUG - close() for a push is ignored, until the release() is called.\ 01-26 08:48:08.116 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - After Flush was called Current Playback Position: 0:00\ 01-26 08:48:08.118 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.MediaCmd: [Media-] DEBUG - Play was called\ 01-26 08:48:08.118 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - Play was called\ 01-26 08:48:08.119 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - Start was called\ 01-26 08:48:08.120 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:08.121 14940 16134 W sagex.miniclient.net.PushBufferDataSource: [ExoPlayer:Loader:ProgressiveMediaPeriod] WARN - opened called on an already opened push buffer, will ignore\ 01-26 08:48:08.129 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.MiniClientConnection: [GFX-] DEBUG - Setting MENU_HINT: MenuHint\{hasTextInput=false, menuName='MediaPlayer OSD', popupName='null'\}\ 01-26 08:48:08.129 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.MiniClientConnection: [GFX-] DEBUG - SetProperty MENU_HINT=menuName:MediaPlayer OSD, popupName:null, hasTextInput:false\ 01-26 08:48:08.129 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:08.129 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - Updating Full Screen Video View from Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\} to Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=1920, height=1080\} adjusted with AR: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=1920, height=1080\}\ 01-26 08:48:08.129 14940 14940 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [main] DEBUG - updatePlayerView: Video Size Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=1920, height=1080\}\ 01-26 08:48:08.129 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:08.170 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:08.171 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:08.172 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:08.221 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:08.995 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 15 lines\ 01-26 08:48:09.045 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:09.072 3522 16132 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again\ 01-26 08:48:09.072 3522 16132 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished\ 01-26 08:48:09.072 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline\ 01-26 08:48:09.072 3522 3522 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs\ 01-26 08:48:09.072 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed\ 01-26 08:48:09.096 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:09.110 3522 3564 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0\ 01-26 08:48:09.110 3522 3564 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed\ 01-26 08:48:09.111 3522 16135 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned\ 01-26 08:48:09.138 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:09.138 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:09.146 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:09.196 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:09.244 3380 3483 V hdcp up : tsec_version: 1\ 01-26 08:48:09.247 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:09.852 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 12 lines\ 01-26 08:48:09.902 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:09.903 3380 3483 D NvOsDebugPrintf: NvRmStreamFree: WARN: pStream is NULL\ 01-26 08:48:09.953 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:10.054 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 2 lines\ 01-26 08:48:10.104 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:10.112 3522 16135 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again\ 01-26 08:48:10.112 3522 16135 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished\ 01-26 08:48:10.112 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline\ 01-26 08:48:10.112 3522 3522 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs\ 01-26 08:48:10.112 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed\ 01-26 08:48:10.142 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:10.142 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:10.146 3522 3564 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0\ 01-26 08:48:10.147 3522 3564 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed\ 01-26 08:48:10.147 3522 16136 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned\ 01-26 08:48:10.155 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:11.062 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 18 lines\ 01-26 08:48:11.113 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:11.146 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:11.146 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:11.148 3522 16136 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again\ 01-26 08:48:11.148 3522 16136 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished\ 01-26 08:48:11.148 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline\ 01-26 08:48:11.148 3522 3522 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs\ 01-26 08:48:11.148 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed\ 01-26 08:48:11.163 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:11.186 3522 3564 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0\ 01-26 08:48:11.187 3522 3564 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed\ 01-26 08:48:11.187 3522 16137 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned\ 01-26 08:48:11.214 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:11.415 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 4 lines\ 01-26 08:48:11.466 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:11.515 3350 17731 V hdcp up : SecureHdcp_GetCurrentLevel: cur: 0x01, max: 0x04\ 01-26 08:48:11.516 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:11.919 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 8 lines\ 01-26 08:48:11.970 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:11.999 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:11.999 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:12.020 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:12.071 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 1 line\ 01-26 08:48:12.121 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:12.133 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:12.133 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:12.172 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:12.188 3522 16137 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again\ 01-26 08:48:12.188 3522 16137 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished\ 01-26 08:48:12.188 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline\ 01-26 08:48:12.188 3522 3522 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs\ 01-26 08:48:12.188 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed\ 01-26 08:48:12.222 3522 3564 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0\ 01-26 08:48:12.223 3522 3564 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed\ 01-26 08:48:12.223 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:12.223 3522 16138 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned\ 01-26 08:48:12.273 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:13.083 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 16 lines\ 01-26 08:48:13.134 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:13.144 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:13.144 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:13.157 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:13.157 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:13.184 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:13.224 3522 16138 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again\ 01-26 08:48:13.224 3522 16138 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished\ 01-26 08:48:13.224 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline\ 01-26 08:48:13.224 3522 3522 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs\ 01-26 08:48:13.224 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed\ 01-26 08:48:13.235 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:13.258 3522 3564 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0\ 01-26 08:48:13.259 3522 3564 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed\ 01-26 08:48:13.259 3522 16139 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned\ 01-26 08:48:13.286 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:13.387 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 2 lines\ 01-26 08:48:13.438 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:13.442 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [GFX-] DEBUG - setVideoRectangles: SRC: Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST: Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:13.442 14940 15163 D sagex.miniclient.android.gdx.MiniClientGDXRenderer: [GFX-] DEBUG - Set Video Bounds: SRC:Rectangle\{x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0\}, DEST:Rectangle\{x=2048, y=2048, width=4096, height=4096\}\ 01-26 08:48:13.489 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:14.196 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 14 lines\ 01-26 08:48:14.246 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:23.560 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline\ 01-26 08:48:23.560 3522 3522 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs\ 01-26 08:48:23.560 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed\ 01-26 08:48:23.594 3522 3564 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0\ 01-26 08:48:23.595 3522 3564 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed\ 01-26 08:48:23.595 3522 16150 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned\ 01-26 08:48:23.606 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:24.516 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 18 lines\ 01-26 08:48:24.567 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:24.595 3522 16150 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again\ 01-26 08:48:24.595 3522 16150 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished\ 01-26 08:48:24.595 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline\ 01-26 08:48:24.596 3522 3522 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs\ 01-26 08:48:24.596 3522 3522 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed\ 01-26 08:48:24.618 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:24.626 3522 3564 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0\ 01-26 08:48:24.626 3522 3564 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed\ 01-26 08:48:24.627 3522 16151 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned\ 01-26 08:48:24.662 6696 6696 I chromium: [6696:6696:INFO:debug_endpoint_manager_grpc_client.cc(365)] gRPC client channel state changed to GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE\ 01-26 08:48:24.668 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or waiting for data, returning 0\ 01-26 08:48:25.528 14940 15162 I chatty : uid=10135(jvl.sage.miniclient.android.tv.debug) a- identical 17 lines\ 01-26 08:48:25.578 14940 15162 D sagex.miniclient.android.video.exoplayer2.Exo2MediaPlayerImpl: [Media-] DEBUG - getMediaTimeMillis(): Player seeking or }