Welcome to mediaEngine v1.0beta Staring Proccesing at 21:45:26 6-28-2009 + Logfile : + Executable : C:\Program Files\MediaShrink\mediaEngine.exe + EXE path : C:\Program Files\MediaShrink + Parsing switches - optionsString: - optionsArray: /defaultProfile autoEncode /findFileRegEx avi|mpg|mkv|mp4|mpeg|VIDEO_TS|ts|ogm|divx|mpts|dvr-ms /mediaShrink bugFix c:\temp\anydvdrips\eagles~1 /savelog - Adding to to options Hash + Key: defaultProfile + Value: autoEncode - Adding to to options Hash + Key: findFileRegEx + Value: avi|mpg|mkv|mp4|mpeg|VIDEO_TS|ts|ogm|divx|mpts|dvr-ms - Adding to to options Hash + Key: mediaShrink + Value: bugFix - Adding Inputfile: c:\temp\anydvdrips\eagles~1 - Adding to to options Hash + Key: savelog ------------------Profiles-------------------- + Looking for profiles file... - Found = C:\Program Files\MediaShrink\mediaEngineProfiles - Scanning Directory: C:\Program Files\MediaShrink\mediaEngineProfiles (profile|func|snip|output|scrape) - Scanning Directory: C:\Program Files\MediaShrink\mediaEngineProfiles\encodingProfiles (profile|func|snip|output|scrape) - Scanning Directory: C:\Program Files\MediaShrink\mediaEngineProfiles\scrapingProfiles (profile|func|snip|output|scrape) + Reading Profiles - Profile "(don't compress)" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #No_Compress#"%%ORIGINAL%%" "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.%%ORIGINAL_EXT%%" - Encoder #1 : /exe copy - Profile "all to dvd" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>%%SNIP:StreamCopyCheck%%&&STREAMCOPYDVD<:>StreamCopyDVD<=>AnytoDVD - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Profile "anytodvd" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #EncodeOthersDVD#"%%inputMain%%" -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf -vf scale=?>NTSC<:>720:480<=>720:576,harddup -srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000 -channels ?>inputMain:audioChannels=eq=6<:>6 -af channels=6:6:0:0:4:1:1:2:2:3:3:4:5:5<=>2 -lavcopts threads=%%CPUs%%:vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=%%DVD_BITRATE_KBS%%:keyint=18:vstrict=0:acodec=ac3:abitrate=?>ORIGINAL:audioChannels=eq=6<:>384<=>192ORIGINAL:ffmpegARValue>1.55<:>16/9<=>4/3 -ofps ?>NTSC<:>30000/1001<=>25 -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mpg" - Encoder #1 : /exe mencoder.exe - Profile "streamcopydvd" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #StreamCopyDVD#-i "%%inputMain%%" -target ?>NTSC<:>ntsc-dvd<=>pal-dvd -acodec copy -vcodec copy "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mpg" - Encoder #1 : /exe ffmpeg.exe - Profile "streamcopycheck" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : (>(>NTSC&&ORIGINAL:frameRate=~29.97<)||(>!NTSC&&ORIGINAL:frameRate=~25.00<)<)&&(>(>NTSC&&ORIGINAL:videoResolution=eq=720x480<)||(>!NTSC&&ORIGINAL:videoResolution=eq=720x576<)<)&&(>(>NTSC&&ORIGINAL:frameRate=eq=29.97<)||(>!NTSC&&ORIGINAL:frameRate=eq=25<)<)&&ORIGINAL:videoCodec=eq=mpeg2video - Encoder #1 : - Profile "auto encode devices" + Number of Commands : 12 - Command #1 : /onePass /autoCrop - Encoder #1 : /setOptions - Command #2 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=audioOnlyMp3<:>ffmpeg mp3 - Encoder #2 : /branch - Command #3 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=iPodLowRes<:>HandBrake iPod LowRes - Encoder #3 : /branch - Command #4 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=psp<:>HandBrake PSP - Encoder #4 : /branch - Command #5 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=Zune<:>ffmpeg Zune - Encoder #5 : /branch - Command #6 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=PocketPC<:>ffmpeg PocketPC - Encoder #6 : /branch - Command #7 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=SmartPhone<:>ffmpeg SmartPhone - Encoder #7 : /branch - Command #8 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=xbox360<:>HandBrake xbox360 - Encoder #8 : /branch - Command #9 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=appleTV<:>HandBrake AppleTV - Encoder #9 : /branch - Command #10 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=iPhone||%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=iPodTouch<:>Handbrake iPhone - Encoder #10 : /branch - Command #11 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=iPodHighRes<:>HandBrake iPod HiRes - Encoder #11 : /branch - Command #12 : ?>%%hardwareDevice%%=eq=ps3<:>HandBrake PS3 - Encoder #12 : /branch - Profile "auto encode" + Number of Commands : 13 - Command #1 : ErrorCheck - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : ?>hardwareDevice<:>Auto Encode Devices - Encoder #2 : /branch - Command #3 : /autoCrop - Encoder #3 : /setOptions - Command #4 : ?>isDVD<:>/deinterlace<&>/reverseTelecine - Encoder #4 : /setOptions - Command #5 : ?>!(>mkv||avi||mp4<)<:>/mkv - Encoder #5 : /setOptions - Command #6 : ?>!(>x264||xvid||divx<)<:>/x264 - Encoder #6 : /setOptions - Command #7 : ?>!(>ac3||mp3||aac||aac51||copyAudio<)<:>?>ORIGINAL:audioCodec=~ac3&&ORIGINAL:audioChannels=~6<:>/copyAudio<=>/aac - Encoder #7 : /setOptions - Command #8 : ?>ORIGINAL:percentFilm>25&&%%SNIP:HDTVCheck%%<:>/reverseTelecine - Encoder #8 : /setOptions - Command #9 : ?>ORIGINAL:videoCodec=~mpeg2video&&!ORIGINAL:videoResolution=~(1280x|x720)&&!reverseTelecine<:>/deinterlace - Encoder #9 : /setOptions - Command #10 : ?>%%SNIP:HDTVCheck%%&&ORIGINAL:cropY>720<:>/verticalScale 720 - Encoder #10 : /setOptions - Command #11 : ?>!burnSubtitles&&%%SNIP:SubtitleSuccess%%&&(>mkv||mp4<)<:>/addSubtitleTrack - Encoder #11 : /setOptions - Command #12 : ?>reverseTelecine&&%%SNIP:HDTVCheck%%&&ORIGINAL:videoResolution=~(1280x|x720)<:>/forceMencoder2 - Encoder #12 : /setOptions - Command #13 : ?>forceMencoder<:>Mencoder<=>Handbrake - Encoder #13 : /branch - Profile "errorcheck" + Number of Commands : 10 - Command #1 : ?>isDVD&&cutComm<:>%cutComm - Encoder #1 : setOptions - Command #2 : ?>copyAudio&&!ORIGINAL:audioCodec=~ac3<:>%copyAudio /mp3 - Encoder #2 : /setOptions - Command #3 : ?>aac51&&!ORIGINAL:audioChannels=~6<:>%aac51 /aac - Encoder #3 : /setOptions - Command #4 : ?>aac51||(>(>ac3||(>copyAudio&&ORIGINAL:audioCodec=~ac3<)<)&&mp4<)<:>/mkv %avi %mp4 - Encoder #4 : /setOptions - Command #5 : ?>!ORIGINAL:videoContainer=~mpeg||!(>ORIGINAL:audioCodec=~ac3||ORIGINAL:audioCodec=~mp2<)<:> - Encoder #5 : /setOptions - Command #6 : ?>%%SNIP:HDTVCheck%%<:> - Encoder #6 : /setOptions - Command #7 : ?>ORIGINAL:videoCodec=~h264&&ORIGINAL:videoContainer=~mpegts<:> - Encoder #7 : /setOptions - Command #8 : ?>burnSubtitles&&%%SNIP:SubtitleSuccess%%<:>/forceMencoder - Encoder #8 : /setOptions - Command #9 : ?>addShowSegs<:>/forceMencoder - Encoder #9 : /setOptions - Command #10 : /errorChecked - Encoder #10 : /setOptions - Profile "setdefaults" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!(>mkv||avi||mp4<)<:>/mkv - Encoder #1 : /setOptions - Command #2 : ?>!(>x264||xvid||divx<)<:>/x264 - Encoder #2 : /setOptions - Command #3 : ?>!(>ac3||mp3||aac||aac51||copyAudio<)<:>/aac - Encoder #3 : /setOptions - Profile "autoencode" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : Auto Encode - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Profile "hdtvcheck" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : (>ORIGINAL:videoCodec=~mpeg2video&&ORIGINAL:videoResolution=~(1920x|x1080|1280x|x720)<) - Encoder #1 : - Profile "subtitlesuccess" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : (>(>EXT:smi||EXT:srt<)||ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<) - Encoder #1 : - Profile "cut commercials" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>EXISTS:C:\Program Files\VideoReDoPlus\VideoReDo.exe<:>/VideoRedoPath "C:\Program Files\VideoReDoPlus\"<=>EXISTS:C:\Program Files\VideoReDoTVSuite\VideoReDo3.exe<:>/VideoRedoPath "C:\Program Files\VideoReDoTVSuite\" - Encoder #1 : /setOptions - Command #2 : ?>inputMain:videoCodec=~mpeg2video&&VideoRedoPath&&!forceMencoderCutComm<:>?>(>EXT:VPrj&&onlyWhenVprj<)||!onlyWhenVprj<:>VRD_CutCommercials<=>mencoder_CutCommercials - Encoder #2 : /insertFunction - Command #3 : ?>profile=eq=Cut Commercials||profile=eq=CutCommercials<:>outputModes - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Profile "mencoder_cutcommercials" + Number of Commands : 5 - Command #1 : ?>!EXT:EDL||inputMain:videoContainer=~mpegts<<:>Generate_ComCutFile_Comskip - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : ?>EXT:edl<:>#Cutting_Commercials#"%%inputMain%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.?>inputMain:videoContainer=~mpeg<:>mpg<=>avi" -oac copy -ovc copy -edl "%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.edl" ?>inputMain:videoContainer=~mpeg<:>-of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf - Encoder #2 : /exe mencoder.exe - Command #3 : ?>ORIGINAL:videoContainer=~matroska<:>mkvMux<=>ORIGINAL:videoContainer=~mov||ORIGINAL:videoContainer=~mp4<:>mp4Mux - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Command #4 : ?>comCutSuccess<:>/cutCommComplete - Encoder #4 : /setOptions - Command #5 : ?>comCutSuccess&&inputMain:videoContainer=~mpeg<:>/cutCommFile %%inputMain%% - Encoder #5 : /setOptions - Profile "vrd_cutcommercials" + Number of Commands : 5 - Command #1 : ?>!(>EXT:VPrj||EXT:EDL<)<:>Generate_ComCutFile_Comskip - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : ?>EXT:EDL&&!EXT:VPRJ<:>#edl2vprj#"%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.edl" "%%OUTPUT_VPRJ%%.VPrj" - Encoder #2 : /exe edl2vprj.exe - Command #3 : ?>EXT:VPrj||EXISTS:%%inputVprj%%<:>#VRD_CUT#//nologo "%%VideoRedoPath%%\vp.vbs" "?>EXT:VPrj<:>%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.VPrj<=>%%inputVPRJ%%" "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mpg" /t1 /q /e - Encoder #3 : /exe cscript - Command #4 : ?>EXT:VPrj||EXISTS:%%inputVprj%%<:>/cutCommComplete - Encoder #4 : /setOptions - Command #5 : ?>EXT:VPrj||EXISTS:%%inputVprj%%<:>/cutCommFile "%%inputMain%%" - Encoder #5 : /setOptions - Profile "vrd_funcs" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>VideoRedoInstalled&&inputMain:videoCodec=~mpeg2video<:>?>cutComm<:>VRD_CutCommercials<=>inputMain:videoContainer=~mpegts||alwaysStreamFix<:>QuickStream Fix - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Profile "generate_comcutfile_comskip" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : #COMSKIP#--ini="%%SAGEDIR%%\perl2dvd\comskip_default.ini" "%%ORIGINAL%%" - Encoder #1 : /exe comskip.exe - Command #2 : #DEL_EXTRA_FILES#"%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.vprj" - Encoder #2 : /exe del - Command #3 : #DEL_EXTRA_FILES#"%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.csv" - Encoder #3 : /exe del - Profile "generate_comcutfile_vrd" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #VRD_SCAN#//nologo "%%VideoRedoPath%%\AdScan.vbs" "%%inputMain%%" "%%OUTPUT_VPRJ%%.VPrj" - Encoder #1 : /exe cscript - Profile "cutcommercials" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : Cut Commercials - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Profile "extractsubtitles" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : ?>ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>#extract_sub# -srt -sc "?>quickStreamFixFile<:>%%quickStreamFixFile%%<=>cutCommFile<:>%%cutCommFile%%<=>%%ORIGINAL%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_SUB%%.srt" - Encoder #1 : /exe ccextractorwin.exe - Command #2 : ?>ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>/extractedSubtitles - Encoder #2 : /setOptions - Profile "extractsubtitlesdvd" + Number of Commands : 4 - Command #1 : ?>ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>#vob2mpeg# dvd://%%dvdTitle%% -dvd-device "%%ORIGINAL%%" -oac copy -ovc copy -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf -o "%%OUTPUT_DVDVOB%%.mpg" - Encoder #1 : /exe mencoder.exe - Command #2 : ?>ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>#extract_sub# -srt -sc "%%inputDVDVOB%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_SUB%%.srt" - Encoder #2 : /exe ccextractorwin.exe - Command #3 : ?>ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>#deleteMpeg# "%%inputDVDVOB%%" - Encoder #3 : /exe del - Command #4 : ?>ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>/extractedSubtitles - Encoder #4 : /setOptions - Profile "handbrake audio" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>isDVD&&handBrakeAudioTracks<:> -a %%handBrakeAudioTracks%% -E %%handBrakeAudioEncoders%% -B %%handbrakeAudioBitrate%%<=>?>!(>aac51||ac3<)<:>?>ORIGINAL:audioBitrate<160<:>-B 128<=>-B 160 -E ?>aac<:>?>avi<:>lame<=>faac<=>copyAudio||aac51||ac3||<:>ac3<=>?>mp4<:>faac<=>lame - Encoder #1 : - Profile "handbrake video" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : -e ?>xvid<:>xvid<=>divx<:>ffmpeg<=>x264 -T -x %%SNIP:x264 Options%% -b ?>cliBitrate<:>%%cliBitrate%%<=>1500 - Encoder #1 : - Profile "handbrake dvd" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?0>isDVD<:> -m ?1>dvdTitle<:>-t %%dvdTitle%%<=>-L<1? ?1>dvdStartChap<:>-c %%dvdStartChap%%?3>dvdEndChap<:>-%%dvdEndChap%%<3?<1?<0? - Encoder #1 : - Profile "handbrake video filters" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>deinterlace<:>--decomb ?>!onePass<:>-2 ?>deNoise<:>-8 ?>reverseTelecine||isDVD<:>--detelecine ?>!deinterlace<:>--decomb %%SNIP:Handbrake AutoCrop%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "handbrake autocrop" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake<:>--crop %%ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake%% ?>verticalScale<:>-l %%verticalScale%%<=>!horizontalScale<:>-l %%ORIGINAL:cropY%% ?>horizontalScale<:>-w %%horizontalScale%%<=>!verticalScale<:>-w %%ORIGINAL:cropX%%<=>?>!isDVD<:> --crop 0:0:0:0 ?>verticalScale<:>-l %%verticalScale%% ?>horizontalScale<:>-w %%horizontalScale%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "handbrake" + Number of Commands : 9 - Command #1 : ?>!errorChecked<:>ErrorCheck - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : SetDefaults - Encoder #2 : /insertFunction - Command #3 : ?>forceMencoder<:>mencoder - Encoder #3 : /branch - Command #4 : ?>inputMain:videoContainer=~mpegts&&!cutComm<:>QuickStream Fix - Encoder #4 : /insertFunction - Command #5 : ?>cutComm<:>Cut Commercials - Encoder #5 : /insertFunction - Command #6 : !#handbrake_1#-v -i "%%inputMain_REVSLASHES%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN_REVSLASHES%%.?>avi<:>avi<=>mp4<:>mp4<=>mkv" %%SNIP:Handbrake DVD%% %%SNIP:Handbrake Video%% %%SNIP:Handbrake Audio%% %%SNIP:Handbrake Video Filters%% - Encoder #6 : /exe HandBrakeCLI.exe - Command #7 : ?>aac51<:>HandBrakeAAC51 - Encoder #7 : /insertFunction - Command #8 : ?>addSubtitleTrack<:>?>inputMain:videoContainer=~matroska<:>mkvAttachSubtitles<=>inputMain:videoContainer=~mov<:>mp4AttachSubtitles - Encoder #8 : /insertFunction - Command #9 : outputModes - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Profile "handbrakeaac51" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : splitAV - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : makeAAC51 - Encoder #2 : /insertFunction - Command #3 : ?>mkv<:>mkvMux<=>mp4<:>mp4Mux - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Profile "handbrake appletv" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #handbrake_appleTV#-i "%%ORIGINAL%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" %%SNIP:Handbrake DVD%% --preset="AppleTV" ?>deNoise<:>-8 ?>revTelecine<:>-9 ?>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake<:>--crop %%ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake%% -l %%ORIGINAL:cropY%%<=>--crop 0:0:0:0 ?>deinterlace<:>-d ?>!onePass<:>-2 - Encoder #1 : /exe HandBrakeCLI.exe - Profile "handbrake iphone" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #handbrake_iPhone#-i "%%ORIGINAL%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" %%SNIP:Handbrake DVD%% --preset="iPhone / iPod Touch" ?>deNoise<:>-8 ?>revTelecine<:>-9 ?>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake<:>--crop %%ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake%%<=>--crop 0:0:0:0 ?>deinterlace<:>-d ?>!onePass<:>-2 - Encoder #1 : /exe HandBrakeCLI.exe - Profile "handbrake ipod hires" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #handbrake_iPodHR#-i "%%ORIGINAL%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" %%SNIP:Handbrake DVD%% --preset="iPod High-Rez" ?>deNoise<:>-8 ?>revTelecine<:>-9 ?>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake<:>--crop %%ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake%%<=>--crop 0:0:0:0 ?>deinterlace<:>-d ?>!onePass<:>-2 - Encoder #1 : /exe HandBrakeCLI.exe - Profile "handbrake ipod lowres" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #handbrake_iPodLR#-i "%%ORIGINAL%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" %%SNIP:Handbrake DVD%% --preset="iPod Low-Rez" ?>deNoise<:>-8 ?>revTelecine<:>-9 ?>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake<:>--crop %%ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake%%<=>--crop 0:0:0:0 ?>deinterlace<:>-d ?>!onePass<:>-2 - Encoder #1 : /exe HandBrakeCLI.exe - Profile "handbrake ps3" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #handbrake_PS3#-i "%%ORIGINAL%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" %%SNIP:Handbrake DVD%% --preset="PS3" ?>deNoise<:>-8 ?>revTelecine<:>-9 ?>!autoCrop<:>--crop 0:0:0:0 ?>deinterlace<:>-d ?>!onePass<:>-2 - Encoder #1 : /exe HandBrakeCLI.exe - Profile "handbrake psp" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #handbrake_PSP#-i "%%ORIGINAL%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" %%SNIP:Handbrake DVD%% --preset="PSP" ?>deNoise<:>-8 ?>revTelecine<:>-9 ?>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake<:>--crop %%ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake%%<=>--crop 0:0:0:0 ?>deinterlace<:>-d ?>!onePass<:>-2 - Encoder #1 : /exe HandBrakeCLI.exe - Profile "handbrake xbox360" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #handbrake_xbox360#-i "%%ORIGINAL%%" -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" %%SNIP:Handbrake DVD%% --preset="Xbox 360" ?>deNoise<:>-8 ?>revTelecine<:>-9 ?>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake<:>--crop %%ORIGINAL:autoCropHandBrake%%<=>--crop 0:0:0:0 ?>deinterlace<:>-d ?>!onePass<:>-2 - Encoder #1 : /exe HandBrakeCLI.exe - Profile "mencoder ipod" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : #mencoder_iPod#-aid 0 -vf %%SNIP:mencoder Video Filters%% -sws 2 "%%inputMain%%" -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ovc x264 -x264encopts %%SNIP:x264 iPod%% -af channels=2 -oac faac -faacopts br=128:mpeg=4:object=2:tns:raw -o "%%OUPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" - Encoder #1 : /exe mencoder.exe - Command #2 : #iPod_mp4#-tmp "%%scratchPath%%" -add "%%inputMain%%"" "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" - Encoder #2 : /exe mp4box.exe - Profile "ffmpeg zune" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #ffmpeg_zune#-y -i "%%inputMain%%" -deinterlace -pix_fmt yuv420p -g 15 -qmin 3 -maxrate 628000 -bufsize 628k -async 50 -vcodec wmv2 -b 500000 -r 29.97 -s 320x240 -acodec wmav2 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 128k "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.wmv" - Encoder #1 : /exe ffmpegSVN.exe - Profile "ffmpeg mp3" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #ffmpeg_audioOnlyMp3#-y -i "%%inputMain%%" -ab 192kb -ac 2 "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp3" - Encoder #1 : /exe ffmpegSVN.exe - Profile "ffmpeg iphone" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #ffmpeg_iPhone#-y -i "%%inputMain%%" -benchmark -threads 2 -async 1 -deinterlace -s 320x240 -acodec libfaac -vcodec mpeg4 -b 384kb -coder 0 -level 13 -qscale 7 "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" - Encoder #1 : /exe ffmpegSVN.exe - Profile "ffmpeg ipod lowres" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #ffmpeg_iPodHRe#-y -i "%%inputMain%%" -acodec libfaac -ab 96kb -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1200kb -mbd 2 -flags +4mv+trell -aic 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -async 1 -deinterlace -s 160x120 "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" - Encoder #1 : /exe ffmpegSVN.exe - Profile "ffmpeg ipod hires" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #ffmpeg_iPodLR#-y -i "%%inputMain%%" -acodec libfaac -ab 96kb -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1200kb -mbd 2 -flags +4mv+trell -aic 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -async 1 -deinterlace -s 640x480 "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mp4" - Encoder #1 : /exe ffmpegSVN.exe - Profile "ffmpeg pocketpc" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #ffmpeg_PocketPC#-y -i "%%inputMain%%" -vcodec wmv2 -b 500kb -r 30 -g 300 -s 320x240 -acodec wmav2 -ab 128kb -async 1 -ac 2 -deinterlace "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.wmv" - Encoder #1 : /exe ffmpegSVN.exe - Profile "ffmpeg smartphone" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : #ffmpeg_PocketPC#-y -i "%%inputMain%%" -vcodec wmv2 -b 500kb -r 30 -g 300 -s 160x120 -acodec wmav2 -ab 64kb -async 1 -ac 2 -deinterlace "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.wmv" - Encoder #1 : /exe ffmpegSVN.exe - Profile "ac3toaac51" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : #createWAV#-core( -input "%%inputAudio%%" -output "%%OUTPUT_AUDIO%%.wav" -6chwav ) - Encoder #1 : /exe besweet.exe - Command #2 : #createAAC#-cbr 192000 -ignorelength -if "%%inputAudio%%" -of "%%OUTPUT_AUDIO%%.aac" - Encoder #2 : /exe neroAacEnc.exe - Command #3 : /aac51 - Encoder #3 : /setOptions - Profile "makeaac51" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : ?>!inputAudio<:>splitAV - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : AC3toAAC51 - Encoder #2 : /insertFunction - Profile "mencoder divx" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : lavc -lavcopts ?>!onePass&&passOne&&!passTwo<:>vpass=1:turbo:<=>passTwo<:>vpass=2:cliBitrate<:>%%cliBitrate%%<=>1500<0?:?>ac3||aac51<:>acodec=ac3:abitrate=?>ORIGINAL:audioChannels=eq=6<:>384<=>192cliBitrate<:>%%cliBitrate%%<=>1500<0?:threads=auto:?>!onePass&&passOne&&!passTwo<:>pass=1:<=>passTwo<:>pass=2:%%SNIP:x264 Options%%:?>!onePass&&passOne&&!passTwo<:>%%SNIP:x264 Turbo%%: - Encoder #1 : - Profile "mencoder xvid" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=?0>cliBitrate<:>%%cliBitrate%%<=>1500<0?:?>!onePass&&passOne&&!passTwo<:>pass=1:turbo:<=>passTwo<:>pass=2:autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropMencoder<:>crop=%%ORIGINAL:autoCropMencoder%%,?>reverseTelecine||(>autoTelecineDetect&&ORIGINAL:percentFilm>40<)<:>?>ORIGINAL:videoResolution=~x720<:>framestep=2,filmdint=fast=0=dint_thres=256,softskip,<=>pullup,softskip,?>deinterlace<:>yadif,?>verticalScale||horizontalScale||(>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropMencoder<)<:>scale=?>horizontalScale<:>%%horizontalScale%%<=>(>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropMencoder<)&&!verticalScale<:>%%ORIGINAL:cropX%%<=>-10verticalScale<:>%%verticalScale%%<=>(>autoCrop&&ORIGINAL:autoCropMencoder<)&&!horizontalScale<:>%%ORIGINAL:cropY%%<=>-10deNoise<:>hqdn3d=2:1:2,reverseTelecine<:>?>ORIGINAL:videoResolution=~x720<:>-fps 60000/1001 -ofps 24000/1001<=>customVideoFPS<:>-ofps %%customVideoFPS%% -sws 2 ?>burnSubtitles<:>%%SNIP:mencoder Subtitles%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "mencoder audio" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?0>aac51&&ORIGINAL:audioChannels=eq=6&&ORIGINAL:audioCodec=~ac3<:>pcm -channels 1 -srate 4000<=>ac3<:>lavc -af lavcresample=48000 -channels ?>ORIGINAL:audioChannels=eq=6<:>6<=>2 -srate 48000<=>copyAudio<:>copy -channels ?>ORIGINAL:audioChannels=eq=6<:>6 -af channels=6:6:0:0:4:1:1:2:2:3:3:4:5:5<=>2<=>aac<:>faac -faacopts br=160:mpeg=4:object=2 -channels 2 -srate 48000<=>mp3lame -lameopts vbr=2:q=3 -channels 2 -srate 48000<0? ?>!divx&&ac3<:>-lavcopts acodec=ac3:abitrate=?>ORIGINAL:audioChannels=eq=6<:>384<=>192 - Encoder #1 : - Profile "mencoder subtitles" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>(>subtitleFile||!ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<)&&(>EXT:smi||EXT:srt<)<:>-sub "%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%?>EXT:srt<:>.srt<=>EXT:smi<:>.smi"<=>ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>-subcc ?>(>subtitleFile||!ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<)&&(>EXT:smi||EXT:srt<)||ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>-subfont-text-scale ?>subtitleFontSize<:>%%subtitleFontSize%%<=>2.3 ?>subtitleBackgroundAlpha<:>-sub-bg-alpha %%subtitleBackgroundAlpha%% -subpos ?>mencoderSubPos<:>%%mencoderSubPos%%<=>100 - Encoder #1 : - Profile "mencoder" + Number of Commands : 14 - Command #1 : ?>!errorChecked<:>ErrorCheck - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : SetDefaults - Encoder #2 : /insertFunction - Command #3 : ?>inputMain:videoContainer=~mpegts<:>QuickStream Fix - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Command #4 : ?>cutComm<:>Cut Commercials - Encoder #4 : /insertFunction - Command #5 : /passOne - Encoder #5 : /setOptions - Command #6 : !#EncodePass_1#-o ?>!onePass<:>NUL<=>"%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.avi" ?>!onePass<:>-passlogfile "%%PASS_LOGFILE%%" -vf %%SNIP:mencoder Video Filters%% -oac %%SNIP:mencoder Audio%% -ovc ?>xvid<:>%%SNIP:mencoder Xvid%%<=>divx<:>%%SNIP:mencoder Divx%%<=>%%SNIP:mencoder x264%% "%%inputMain%%" ?>addShowSegs<:>%%addShowSegs%% - Encoder #6 : /exe mencoder.exe - Command #7 : ?>!onePass<:>/passTwo - Encoder #7 : /setOptions - Command #8 : ?>!onePass<:>!#EncodePass_2#-o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.avi" -passlogfile "%%PASS_LOGFILE%%" -vf %%SNIP:mencoder Video Filters%% -oac %%SNIP:mencoder Audio%% -ovc ?>xvid<:>%%SNIP:mencoder Xvid%%<=>divx<:>%%SNIP:mencoder Divx%%<=>%%SNIP:mencoder x264%% "%%inputMain%%" ?>addShowSegs<:>%%addShowSegs%% - Encoder #8 : /exe mencoder.exe - Command #9 : ?>mkv&&aac51&&ORIGINAL:audioChannels=eq=6&&ORIGINAL:audioCodec=~ac3<:>/splitFileAudio "?>quickStreamFixFile<:>%%quickStreamFixFile%%<=>cutCommFile<:>%%cutCommFile%%<=>%%ORIGINAL%%" - Encoder #9 : /setOptions - Command #10 : ?>mkv||mp4<:>/splitAV - Encoder #10 : /setOptions - Command #11 : ?>aac51<:>makeAAC51 - Encoder #11 : /insertFunction - Command #12 : ?>mkv<:>mkvMux<=>mp4<:>mp4Mux - Encoder #12 : /insertFunction - Command #13 : ?>addSubtitleTrack<:>?>inputMain:videoContainer=~matroska<:>mkvAttachSubtitles<=>inputMain:videoContainer=~mov<:>mp4AttachSubtitles - Encoder #13 : /insertFunction - Command #14 : outputModes - Encoder #14 : /insertFunction - Profile "mkvmux" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!(>inputAudio&&inputVideo<)<:>splitAV - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : /mkvVideoTrack ?>inputMain:videoContainer=~matroska<:>1<=>0 - Encoder #2 : /setOptions - Command #3 : #mkv_mux# -o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mkv" --default-track %%mkvVideoTrack%%:yes --display-dimensions %%mkvVideoTrack%%:%%inputMain:videoResolution%% -d %%mkvVideoTrack%% ?>x264&&!inputMain:videoContainer=~matroska<:>--default-duration 0:?>inputMain:frameRate==23.98<:>24000/1001<=>%%inputMain:frameRate%%inputAudio:audioChannels=eq=6&&inputAudio:audioCodec=eq=mpeg4aac<:>1<=>0 -D -S "%%inputAudio%%" ?>aac51<:>--aac-is-sbr 1 --track-order 0:%%mkvVideoTrack%%,1:?>aac&&inputAudio:audioChannels=eq=6&&inputAudio:audioCodec=eq=ac3<:>1<=>0 - Encoder #3 : /exe mkvmerge.exe - Profile "mkvattachsubtitles" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!(>subtitleFile&&EXT:srt<)&&ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>?>isDVD<:>extractSubtitlesDVD<=>extractSubtitles - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : ?>(>extractedSubtitles||EXT:srt<)&&inputMain:videoContainer=~matroska<:>#add_subtitle_track#-o "%%OUTPUT_MAIN%%.mkv" "%%inputMain%%" ?>extractedSubtitles<:>"%%inputSub%%"<=>EXT:srt<:>"%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.srt" - Encoder #2 : /exe mkvmerge.exe - Command #3 : /subtitleComplete - Encoder #3 : /setOptions - Profile "mp4mux" + Number of Commands : 4 - Command #1 : splitAV - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : #muxMp4Video# -create="%%inputVideo%%" -rate=?>inputMain:frameRate==23.98<:>23.976<=>%%inputMain:frameRate%% "%%OUTPUT_MP4TEMP%%.mp4" - Encoder #2 : /exe mp4creator.exe - Command #3 : #muxMp4Audio# -create="%%inputAudio%%" "%%inputMp4Temp%%" - Encoder #3 : /exe mp4creator.exe - Command #4 : /inputMain "%%inputMp4Temp%%" - Encoder #4 : /setOptions - Profile "mp4attachsubtitles" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : ?>!(>subtitleFile&&EXT:srt<)&&ORIGINAL:embeddedCCCount>10<:>?>isDVD<:>extractSubtitlesDVD<=>extractSubtitles - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Command #2 : ?>(>extractedSubtitles||EXT:srt<)&&inputMain:videoContainer=eq=mov<:>#add_subtitle_track#-add "%%inputMain%%" -keepall -add ?>extractedSubtitles<:>"%%inputSub%%"<=>EXT:srt<:>"%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.srt" -new "%%scratchPath%%\short.mp4" - Encoder #2 : /exe mp4box.exe - Command #3 : /!inputMain "%%scratchPath%%\short.mp4" - Encoder #3 : /setOptions - Profile "outputmodes" + Number of Commands : 7 - Command #1 : ?>(>!inputMain:videoContainer&&!%%hardwareDevice%%=~videoOnly<)||(>!inputMain:videoInfo&&!%%hardwareDevice%%=~audioOnly<)<:>/ERROR "No Audio or Video" - Encoder #1 : /setOptions - Command #2 : ?>%%outputMode%%=eq=inPlace<:>/inPlace - Encoder #2 : /setOptions - Command #3 : ?>EXISTS:%%inputMain%%&&!%%inputMain%%=eq=%%ORIGINAL%%&&!videoDVD<:>?>inPlace&&!hardwareDevice&&!isDVD<:>outputInPlace<=>outputDirectory - Encoder #3 : /insertFunction - Command #4 : ?>cutComm&&cutCommComplete<:>?>EXT:edl<:>#Moving_EDL#"%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.edl" "%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.edlcut" - Encoder #4 : /exe move - Command #5 : ?>cutComm&&cutCommComplete<:>?>EXT:txt<:>#Moving_TXT#"%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.txt" "%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.txtcut" - Encoder #5 : /exe move - Command #6 : ?>cutComm&&cutCommComplete<:>?>EXT:VPrj<:>#Moving_TXT#"%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.VPrj" "%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.VPrjcut" - Encoder #6 : /exe move - Command #7 : ?>EXISTS:%%finalOutputName%%&&!%%finalOutputName%%=eq=%%ORIGINAL%%&&!videoDVD<:>/outputComplete<=>/outputFailure - Encoder #7 : /setOptions - Profile "outputisdvd" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : /finalOutputName "%%ORIGINAL_PATH%%_compress\%%ORIGINAL_PATH_FILE%%.title_%%dvdTitle%%.%%inputMain_EXT%%" - Encoder #1 : /setOptions - Command #2 : ?>!DIRECTORY:?>outputDirectory<:>%%outputDirectory%%<=>%%ORIGINAL_PATH%%_compress?>hardwareDevice<:>\%%hardwareDevice%%<:>"%%check%%" - Encoder #2 : /exe mkdir - Command #3 : "%%inputMain%%" "%%finalOutputName%%" - Encoder #3 : /exe copy - Profile "outputdirectory" + Number of Commands : 3 - Command #1 : /finalOutputName "?>outputDirectory<:>%%outputDirectory%%<=>%%ORIGINAL_PATH%%?>isDVD<:>_compress?>hardwareDevice<:>\%%hardwareDevice%%\?>outputNameWExt<:>%%outputNameWExt%%<=>?>outputName<:>%%outputName%%<=>%%SNIP:defaultOutputName%%?>isDVD<:>.title_%%dvdTitle%%.?>appendFileName<:>%%appendFileName%%.%%inputMain_EXT%%" - Encoder #1 : /setOptions - Command #2 : ?>!DIRECTORY:%%finalOutputName_PATH%%<:>#makeOutputDir#"%%finalOutputName_PATH%%" - Encoder #2 : /exe mkdir - Command #3 : #outputDirectory#"%%inputMain%%" "%%finalOutputName%%" - Encoder #3 : /exe copy - Profile "outputinplace" + Number of Commands : 5 - Command #1 : /finalOutputName "?>outputDirectory<:>%%outputDirectory%%\%%ORIGINAL_NAME%%<=>%%ORIGINAL_FULLFILE%%.%%inputMain_EXT%%" - Encoder #1 : /setOptions - Command #2 : ?>!%%inputMain_DRIVE%%=eq=%%ORIGINAL_DRIVE%%<:>#MAKE_TMP#"%%inputMain%%" "%%finalOutputName_FULLFILE%%.tmp" - 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Command #3 : ?>VideoRedoPath<:>/quickStreamFixFile "%%inputMain%%" - Encoder #3 : /setOptions - Profile "quickstreamfix" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : QuickStream Fix - Encoder #1 : /insertFunction - Profile "splitav" + Number of Commands : 4 - Command #1 : #dumpVideo#"?>splitFileVideo<:>%%splitFileVideo%%<=>%%inputMain%%" -oac copy -ovc copy -of rawvideo -o "%%OUTPUT_VIDEO%%.?>splitFileVideo<:>?>splitFileVideo:videoCodec=~h264<:>h264<=>splitFileVideo:videoCodec=~mpeg4&&mp4<:>divx<=>avi<=>?>inputMain:videoCodec=~h264<:>h264<=>inputMain:videoCodec=~mpeg4&&mp4<:>divx<=>avi" - Encoder #1 : /exe mencoder.exe - Command #2 : #dumpAudio#"?>splitFileAudio<:>%%splitFileAudio%%<=>%%inputMain%%" -oac copy -ovc copy -of rawaudio -o "%%OUTPUT_AUDIO%%.?>splitFileAudio<:>?>splitFileAudio:audioCodec=~mp3<:>mp3<=>splitFileAudio:audioCodec=~aac<:>aac<=>splitFileAudio:audioCodec=~ac3<:>ac3<=>avi<=>?>inputMain:audioCodec=~mp3<:>mp3<=>inputMain:audioCodec=~aac<:>aac<=>inputMain:audioCodec=~ac3<:>ac3<=>avi" - 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Command #1 : ref=2:bframes=2:me=umh - Encoder #1 : - Profile "x264 tv" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ref=3:mixed-refs:bframes=2:weightb:direct=auto:me=umh:subme=9:analyse=all:8x8dct:trellis=1:nr=150:no-fast-pskip=1:psy-rd=1,1 - Encoder #1 : - Profile "x264 ipod" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : bitrate=768:qcomp=0.6:qp_min=10:qp_max=51:qp_step=4:vbv_maxrate=1500:vbv_bufsize=2000:bframes=0:threads=auto:level_idc=30:dct_decimate:keyint=250:keyint_min=25:nocabac:direct_pred=auto:nomixed_refs:nofast_pskip:nobrdo:nobime:nob_adapt:no8x8dct:global_header:frameref=1:trellis=1:me=umh:me_range=16:subq=6 - Encoder #1 : - Profile "x264 turbo" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ref=2:bframes=2:subme=5:me=umh:ref=1:subme=1:me=dia:analyse=none:trellis=0:no-fast-pskip=0:8x8dct=0:weightb=0 - Encoder #1 : - Profile "getsingleimage" + Number of Commands : 2 - Command #1 : ?>!PATH:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%downloadTo_PATH%%" - Encoder #1 : /exe mkdir - Command #2 : ?>!EXISTS:%%downloadTo%%<:>"%%singleImage%%" -O "%%downloadTo%%" - 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Encoder #1 : - Profile "posterfile" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : %%SNIP:fanartPath%%\?>centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Posters\%%singleImage_NAME%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%<=>isTV||videoTS<:>folder<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%.%%singleImage_EXT%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "bannerfile" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : %%SNIP:fanartPath%%\?>centralFanartPath<:>?>!titleOnly<:>%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Banners\%%singleImage_NAME%%<=>%%outputName_WIN32%%<=>isTV||videoTS<:>banner<=>%%inputFile_NAME%%_banner.%%singleImage_EXT%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "actorpath" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : %%SNIP:fanartPath%%\%%showTitle_WIN32%%\Actors\%%actorName%%.%%singleImage_EXT%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "fanartpath" + Number of Commands : 1 - Command #1 : ?>centralFanartPath<:>%%centralFanartPath%%\?>isTV<:>TV<=>isMovie<:>Movies<=>?>videoTS<:>%%inputFile%%<=>%%inputFile_PATH%% - Encoder #1 : - Profile "imdbmovie" + Number of Commands : 11 - Command #1 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - 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Profile "imdbmovietitleonly" + Number of Commands : 9 - Command #1 : ($$showTitle$$.*) - Encoder #1 : /use "%%showTitle_STRIPSPACES_DOTTOSPACE%%" - Command #2 : /isMovie /titleOnly /outputName "%%showTitle_WIN32%%" - Encoder #2 : /setOptions - Command #3 : ?>!centralFanartPath<:>break - Encoder #3 : /break - Command #4 : ?>showTitle<:>imdbTitleSearch - Encoder #4 : /insertFunction - Command #5 : ?>!imdbMovieID<:>imdbGetFirstPopular - Encoder #5 : /insertFunction - Command #6 : ?>imdbMovieID<:>imdbGetMovieInfo - Encoder #6 : /insertFunction - Command #7 : ?>imdbMovieID<:>imdbTheMovieDBSearch - Encoder #7 : /insertFunction - Command #8 : ?>downloadFanArt<:>imdbDownloadImages - Encoder #8 : /insertFunction - Command #9 : ?>imdbMovieID<:>writeMovieInfoFile - Encoder #9 : /insertFunction - Profile "imdbdownloadimages" + Number of Commands : 6 - Command #1 : ?>fanArtFull<:>($$singleImage$$[^,]+) - Encoder #1 : /use "@@fanArtFull@@" /clearOnFailure - Command #2 : ?>fanArtFull<:>($$downloadTo$$.+) - 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Command #5 : %%snip:outputFile%%?>!DIRECTORY:%%inputFile%%<:>.%%inputFile_EXT%%.properties - Encoder #5 : /output createMoviePropertiesFile - Profile "imdbtitlesearch" + Number of Commands : 7 - Command #1 : http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=%%showTitle%%&x=0&y=0 - Encoder #1 : /get $$imdbSearchHTML$$ - Command #2 : link=($$imdbMovieID$$[^']*)[^>]*>"?%%showTitle_ESCCHARS%%"? - Encoder #2 : /use imdbSearchHTML - Command #3 : ($$imdbMiniMovieID$$[^\/]*)/$ - Encoder #3 : /use "@@imdbMovieID@@" - Command #4 : ?>!imdbMovieID<:>