10/16/2015 20:29:14 - Setting local IP address to: 10/16/2015 20:29:14 - Starting encoder thread: 1313BED0-2 10/16/2015 20:30:40 - Get property request recieved 10/16/2015 20:30:40 - Sending: 31 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/brightness=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/broadcast_standard= mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/contrast=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/device_name=PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/encode_digital_tv_as_program_stream=false mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/hue=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/saturation=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/sharpness=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/tuning_mode=Cable mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/tuning_plugin= mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/tuning_plugin_port=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/video_crossbar_index=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/video_crossbar_type=100 mmc/encoders/31035317/audio_capture_device_name= mmc/encoders/31035317/capture_config=2000 mmc/encoders/31035317/default_device_quality=Great mmc/encoders/31035317/delay_to_wait_after_tuning=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/device_class= mmc/encoders/31035317/encoder_host= mmc/encoders/31035317/encoder_merit=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/encoding_host= mmc/encoders/31035317/fast_network_encoder_switch=false mmc/encoders/31035317/forced_video_storage_path_prefix= mmc/encoders/31035317/last_cross_index=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/last_cross_type=100 mmc/encoders/31035317/live_audio_input= mmc/encoders/31035317/multicast_host= mmc/encoders/31035317/never_stop_encoding=false mmc/encoders/31035317/video_capture_device_name=PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 mmc/encoders/31035317/video_capture_device_num=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/video_encoding_params=Great 10/16/2015 20:40:12 - Unknown Command: BUFFER PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|1022582251|2|83886080|\\xxx\SageTV_A\PrimeNetEncoder1313BED02on1921681137002DigitalTVTuner-0.mpgbuf|Great 10/16/2015 20:40:12 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:40:12 - Stopping Recording: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 20:40:12 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:44:30 - Get property request recieved 10/16/2015 20:44:30 - Sending: 31 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/brightness=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/broadcast_standard= mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/contrast=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/device_name=PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/encode_digital_tv_as_program_stream=false mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/hue=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/saturation=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/sharpness=-1 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/tuning_mode=Cable mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/tuning_plugin= mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/tuning_plugin_port=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/video_crossbar_index=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/100/0/video_crossbar_type=100 mmc/encoders/31035317/audio_capture_device_name= mmc/encoders/31035317/capture_config=2000 mmc/encoders/31035317/default_device_quality=Great mmc/encoders/31035317/delay_to_wait_after_tuning=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/device_class= mmc/encoders/31035317/encoder_host= mmc/encoders/31035317/encoder_merit=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/encoding_host= mmc/encoders/31035317/fast_network_encoder_switch=false mmc/encoders/31035317/forced_video_storage_path_prefix= mmc/encoders/31035317/last_cross_index=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/last_cross_type=100 mmc/encoders/31035317/live_audio_input= mmc/encoders/31035317/multicast_host= mmc/encoders/31035317/never_stop_encoding=false mmc/encoders/31035317/video_capture_device_name=PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 mmc/encoders/31035317/video_capture_device_num=0 mmc/encoders/31035317/video_encoding_params=Great 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Start commmand received: START PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|1003380750|711|2890107282456|\\xxx\SageTV_A\GarageSquad-OneToughChevy-17698327-0.ts|Great 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Switching Channel for Tuner: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Channel: 711 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - File: GarageSquad-OneToughChevy-17698327-0.ts 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - UploadID: 1003380750 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Quality: Great 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Local IP: 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Listening Port: 7002 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Stream listening Port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Checking to see if the tuner is locked. 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Switch channel: 711 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Using Lockkey: 729274713 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Using Lockkey: 729274713 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Passing stream to SageTV unaltered (ffmpeg stream copy) 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Starting TunerOutput thread for stdin to ffmpeg then stdout to SageTV MediaServer 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Tuner output thread constructed for UploadID: 1003380750 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Tuner output thread HDHomeRun(UDP) -> PrimeNetEncoder(SDIN) -> ffmpeg(STDOUT) -> SageTV Media Server(TCP) 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Sleeping to allow ffmpeg to fully launch: 500 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 0 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - TunerBridge thread started udpPort: 5002 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Sending write open command 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 6000 10/16/2015 20:47:21 - Write open sent successfully 10/16/2015 20:47:22 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 76484 10/16/2015 20:47:22 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 480496 10/16/2015 20:47:22 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 822656 10/16/2015 20:47:22 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1067432 10/16/2015 20:47:23 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1280624 10/16/2015 20:47:23 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1525400 10/16/2015 20:47:23 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1805708 10/16/2015 20:47:23 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2097860 10/16/2015 20:47:24 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2372904 10/16/2015 20:47:24 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2590044 10/16/2015 20:47:24 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2899304 10/16/2015 20:47:24 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3136184 10/16/2015 20:47:25 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3379644 10/16/2015 20:47:25 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3692852 10/16/2015 20:47:25 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4015272 10/16/2015 20:47:25 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4349536 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4694328 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5008852 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5369436 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - No data transfered in 6000ms. Reseting tuner channel and stream. 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Switch channel: 711 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Using Lockkey: 729274713 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Using Lockkey: 729274713 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:47:26 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5741864 10/16/2015 20:47:27 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 6120872 10/16/2015 20:47:27 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 6563048 10/16/2015 20:47:27 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 6822300 10/16/2015 20:47:27 - Tuner has produced data in (6000ms) 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Stopping Recording: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Stopping the TunerOutput thread 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Using Lockkey: 729274713 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - TunerBridge thread exited 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - TunerOutput thread exited 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Switch channel: none 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Using Lockkey: 729274713 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Stopping the encoder process 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - waiting for the process to stop 10/16/2015 20:47:39 - Recording stopped 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - Start commmand received: START PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|2078022683|707|2890108005374|\\xxx\SageTV_A\GoldRushTheDirt-KingsoftheKlondike-17701761-1.ts|Great 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - Switching Channel for Tuner: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - Channel: 707 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - File: GoldRushTheDirt-KingsoftheKlondike-17701761-1.ts 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - UploadID: 2078022683 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - Quality: Great 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - Local IP: 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - Listening Port: 7002 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - Stream listening Port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:53:22 - Checking to see if the tuner is locked. 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Switch channel: 707 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Using Lockkey: 1894338001 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Using Lockkey: 1894338001 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Passing stream to SageTV unaltered (ffmpeg stream copy) 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Starting TunerOutput thread for stdin to ffmpeg then stdout to SageTV MediaServer 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Tuner output thread constructed for UploadID: 2078022683 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Tuner output thread HDHomeRun(UDP) -> PrimeNetEncoder(SDIN) -> ffmpeg(STDOUT) -> SageTV Media Server(TCP) 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Sleeping to allow ffmpeg to fully launch: 500 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - TunerBridge thread started udpPort: 5002 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 0 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Sending write open command 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4500 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Write open sent successfully 10/16/2015 20:53:23 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 91908 10/16/2015 20:53:24 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 330104 10/16/2015 20:53:24 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 593304 10/16/2015 20:53:24 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 830184 10/16/2015 20:53:24 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1074960 10/16/2015 20:53:25 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1294732 10/16/2015 20:53:25 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1436860 10/16/2015 20:53:25 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1792180 10/16/2015 20:53:25 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2023796 10/16/2015 20:53:26 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2288312 10/16/2015 20:53:26 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2518612 10/16/2015 20:53:26 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2744964 10/16/2015 20:53:26 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2988424 10/16/2015 20:53:27 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3339796 10/16/2015 20:53:27 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3585888 10/16/2015 20:53:27 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3806976 10/16/2015 20:53:27 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4064912 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4263628 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4471556 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - No data transfered in 6000ms. Reseting tuner channel and stream. 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Switch channel: 707 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Using Lockkey: 1894338001 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Using Lockkey: 1894338001 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:53:28 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4995324 10/16/2015 20:53:29 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5266420 10/16/2015 20:53:29 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5523040 10/16/2015 20:53:29 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5853356 10/16/2015 20:53:29 - Tuner has produced data in (6000ms) 10/16/2015 20:53:44 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:53:44 - Stopping Recording: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 20:53:44 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:53:44 - Stopping the TunerOutput thread 10/16/2015 20:53:44 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:53:44 - Using Lockkey: 1894338001 10/16/2015 20:53:44 - TunerBridge thread exited 10/16/2015 20:53:44 - TunerOutput thread exited 10/16/2015 20:53:45 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:53:45 - Switch channel: none 10/16/2015 20:53:45 - Using Lockkey: 1894338001 10/16/2015 20:53:45 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:53:45 - Stopping the encoder process 10/16/2015 20:53:45 - waiting for the process to stop 10/16/2015 20:53:45 - Recording stopped 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - Start commmand received: START PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|37448706|735|2890108071412|\\xxx\SageTV_A\SportsCenter-17698346-0.ts|Great 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - Switching Channel for Tuner: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - Channel: 735 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - File: SportsCenter-17698346-0.ts 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - UploadID: 37448706 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - Quality: Great 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - Local IP: 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - Listening Port: 7002 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - Stream listening Port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:53:55 - Checking to see if the tuner is locked. 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Switch channel: 735 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Using Lockkey: 844691129 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Using Lockkey: 844691129 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Passing stream to SageTV unaltered (ffmpeg stream copy) 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Starting TunerOutput thread for stdin to ffmpeg then stdout to SageTV MediaServer 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Tuner output thread constructed for UploadID: 37448706 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Tuner output thread HDHomeRun(UDP) -> PrimeNetEncoder(SDIN) -> ffmpeg(STDOUT) -> SageTV Media Server(TCP) 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Sleeping to allow ffmpeg to fully launch: 500 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - TunerBridge thread started udpPort: 5002 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Sending write open command 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 0 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Write open sent successfully 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 7500 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 71220 10/16/2015 20:53:56 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 277832 10/16/2015 20:53:57 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 488392 10/16/2015 20:53:57 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 722640 10/16/2015 20:53:57 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 950308 10/16/2015 20:53:57 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1201664 10/16/2015 20:53:58 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1430648 10/16/2015 20:53:58 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1676740 10/16/2015 20:53:58 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1904408 10/16/2015 20:53:58 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2146552 10/16/2015 20:53:59 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2443968 10/16/2015 20:53:59 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2746648 10/16/2015 20:53:59 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3016428 10/16/2015 20:53:59 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3334900 10/16/2015 20:54:00 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3621788 10/16/2015 20:54:00 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3949472 10/16/2015 20:54:00 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4242940 10/16/2015 20:54:00 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4635108 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4904888 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - No data transfered in 6000ms. Reseting tuner channel and stream. 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Switch channel: 735 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Using Lockkey: 844691129 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Using Lockkey: 844691129 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5225992 10/16/2015 20:54:01 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5556308 10/16/2015 20:54:02 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5835300 10/16/2015 20:54:02 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 6032700 10/16/2015 20:54:02 - Tuner has produced data in (6000ms) 10/16/2015 20:54:06 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:54:06 - Stopping Recording: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 20:54:06 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 20:54:06 - Stopping the TunerOutput thread 10/16/2015 20:54:06 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 20:54:06 - Using Lockkey: 844691129 10/16/2015 20:54:06 - TunerBridge thread exited 10/16/2015 20:54:07 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:54:07 - TunerOutput thread exited 10/16/2015 20:54:07 - Switch channel: none 10/16/2015 20:54:07 - Using Lockkey: 844691129 10/16/2015 20:54:07 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 20:54:07 - Stopping the encoder process 10/16/2015 20:54:07 - waiting for the process to stop 10/16/2015 20:54:07 - Recording stopped 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - Start commmand received: START PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|997287727|728|2890116000012|\\xxx\SageTV_A\NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-0.ts|Great 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - Switching Channel for Tuner: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - Channel: 728 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - File: NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-0.ts 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - UploadID: 997287727 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - Quality: Great 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - Local IP: 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - Listening Port: 7002 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - Stream listening Port: 5002 10/16/2015 22:00:00 - Checking to see if the tuner is locked. 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Switch channel: 728 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Using Lockkey: 25929011 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Using Lockkey: 25929011 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Passing stream to SageTV unaltered (ffmpeg stream copy) 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Starting TunerOutput thread for stdin to ffmpeg then stdout to SageTV MediaServer 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Tuner output thread constructed for UploadID: 997287727 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Tuner output thread HDHomeRun(UDP) -> PrimeNetEncoder(SDIN) -> ffmpeg(STDOUT) -> SageTV Media Server(TCP) 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Sleeping to allow ffmpeg to fully launch: 500 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - TunerBridge thread started udpPort: 5002 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 0 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Sending write open command 10/16/2015 22:00:01 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 31768 10/16/2015 22:00:02 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 431832 10/16/2015 22:00:02 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1004292 10/16/2015 22:00:02 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1372772 10/16/2015 22:00:02 - Write open sent successfully 10/16/2015 22:00:02 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1782048 10/16/2015 22:00:03 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2174216 10/16/2015 22:00:03 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2740096 10/16/2015 22:00:03 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3153320 10/16/2015 22:00:03 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3537592 10/16/2015 22:00:04 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 3956080 10/16/2015 22:00:04 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 4516696 10/16/2015 22:00:04 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5047044 10/16/2015 22:00:04 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5491852 10/16/2015 22:00:05 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 5914288 10/16/2015 22:00:05 - Tuner has produced data in (3500ms) 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - Stopping Recording: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - Stopping the TunerOutput thread 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - Using Lockkey: 25929011 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - TunerBridge thread exited 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - TunerOutput thread exited 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - Switch channel: none 10/16/2015 23:04:28 - Using Lockkey: 25929011 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Stopping the encoder process 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - waiting for the process to stop 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Recording stopped 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Start commmand received: START PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|1037629714|728|2890123738930|\\xxx\SageTV_A\NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-1.ts|Great 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Switching Channel for Tuner: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Channel: 728 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - File: NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-1.ts 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - UploadID: 1037629714 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Quality: Great 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Local IP: 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Listening Port: 7002 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Stream listening Port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - Checking to see if the tuner is locked. 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - ERROR STARTING RECORDING!!! 10/16/2015 23:04:29 - null 10/16/2015 23:05:56 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:05:57 - Stopping Recording: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 23:05:57 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:05:57 - Stopping the TunerOutput thread 10/16/2015 23:05:57 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:05:57 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:05:57 - Switch channel: none 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Recording stopped 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Start commmand received: START PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|160993239|728|2890123917032|\\xxx\SageTV_A\NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-1.ts|Great 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Switching Channel for Tuner: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Channel: 728 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - File: NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-1.ts 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - UploadID: 160993239 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Quality: Great 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Local IP: 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Listening Port: 7002 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Stream listening Port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:05:58 - Checking to see if the tuner is locked. 10/16/2015 23:05:59 - ERROR STARTING RECORDING!!! 10/16/2015 23:05:59 - null 10/16/2015 23:07:27 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:07:27 - Stopping Recording: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 23:07:27 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:07:27 - Stopping the TunerOutput thread 10/16/2015 23:07:27 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:07:27 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:07:27 - Switch channel: none 10/16/2015 23:07:27 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Recording stopped 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Start commmand received: START PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|999676878|728|2890124096496|\\xxx\SageTV_A\NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-1.ts|Great 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Switching Channel for Tuner: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Channel: 728 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - File: NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-1.ts 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - UploadID: 999676878 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Quality: Great 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Local IP: 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Listening Port: 7002 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Stream listening Port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:07:28 - Checking to see if the tuner is locked. 10/16/2015 23:07:29 - ERROR STARTING RECORDING!!! 10/16/2015 23:07:29 - null 10/16/2015 23:09:28 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:09:29 - Stopping Recording: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 23:09:29 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:09:29 - Stopping the TunerOutput thread 10/16/2015 23:09:29 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:09:32 - Command output: ERROR: resource locked by 10/16/2015 23:09:32 - Switch channel: none 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Command output: ERROR: resource locked by 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Recording stopped 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Start commmand received: START PrimeNetEncoder 1313BED0-2 Digital TV Tuner|535491290|728|2890124347176|\\xxx\SageTV_A\NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-1.ts|Great 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Switching Channel for Tuner: 1313BED0 2 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Channel: 728 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - File: NBAPreseasonBasketball-BostonCelticsatNewYorkKnicks-17896314-1.ts 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - UploadID: 535491290 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Quality: Great 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Local IP: 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Listening Port: 7002 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Stream listening Port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Checking to see if the tuner is locked. 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Switch channel: 728 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Using Lockkey: 1796982762 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Using Lockkey: 1796982762 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:09:33 - Passing stream to SageTV unaltered (ffmpeg stream copy) 10/16/2015 23:09:34 - Starting TunerOutput thread for stdin to ffmpeg then stdout to SageTV MediaServer 10/16/2015 23:09:34 - Tuner output thread constructed for UploadID: 535491290 10/16/2015 23:09:34 - Tuner output thread HDHomeRun(UDP) -> PrimeNetEncoder(SDIN) -> ffmpeg(STDOUT) -> SageTV Media Server(TCP) 10/16/2015 23:09:34 - Sleeping to allow ffmpeg to fully launch: 500 10/16/2015 23:09:35 - TunerBridge thread started udpPort: 5002 10/16/2015 23:09:35 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 0 10/16/2015 23:09:35 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 0 10/16/2015 23:09:35 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 0 10/16/2015 23:09:35 - Sending write open command 10/16/2015 23:09:35 - Write open sent successfully 10/16/2015 23:09:35 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 31584 10/16/2015 23:09:36 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 31584 10/16/2015 23:09:36 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 31584 10/16/2015 23:09:36 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 31584 10/16/2015 23:09:36 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 31584 10/16/2015 23:09:37 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 189504 10/16/2015 23:09:37 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 631680 10/16/2015 23:09:37 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 631680 10/16/2015 23:09:37 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 631680 10/16/2015 23:09:38 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 631680 10/16/2015 23:09:38 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 963312 10/16/2015 23:09:38 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1404172 10/16/2015 23:09:38 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 1877932 10/16/2015 23:09:39 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2337216 10/16/2015 23:09:39 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2337216 10/16/2015 23:09:39 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2337216 10/16/2015 23:09:39 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2337216 10/16/2015 23:09:40 - Tuner bridge has transfered: 2839928 10/16/2015 23:09:40 - No data transfered in 6000ms. Reseting tuner channel and stream. 10/16/2015 23:09:40 - Switch channel: 728 10/16/2015 23:09:40 - Using Lockkey: 1796982762 10/16/2015 23:09:42 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:09:42 - Send stream to UDP port: 5002 10/16/2015 23:09:42 - Using Lockkey: 1796982762 10/16/2015 23:09:42 - Command output: null 10/16/2015 23:09:42 - Tuner has produced data in (5000ms)