un 6/7 16:59:26.033 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VF.submitJob(VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Sun 6/7 16:59:26.033 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=false Sun 6/7 16:59:26.034 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] CloseAndWait is executing the close job synchronously now Sun 6/7 16:59:26.034 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[CloseMF r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Sun 6/7 16:59:26.034 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Seeker.finishWatch(UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI-12520bb) Sun 6/7 16:59:26.034 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job null nPlayin=false Sun 6/7 16:59:26.034 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF thread is now waiting for 0:00:00.000 Sun 6/7 16:59:26.034 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] processUserEvent-UserEvent[anything] evtTime=Sun 6/7 16:59:26.054 Sun 6/7 16:59:26.034 [AsyncWatch@96e477] VideoFrame.watch(A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V]) Sun 6/7 16:59:26.035 [AsyncWatch@96e477] watchThisFile=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] Sun 6/7 16:59:26.039 [AsyncWatch@96e477] Watch airing is a file & over, do that instead dvd=false Sun 6/7 16:59:26.043 [AsyncWatch@96e477] Seeker.finishWatch(UIManager:localhost@@SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI-12520bb) Sun 6/7 16:59:26.043 [AsyncWatch@96e477] VF.submitJob(VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] ifn=null]) Sun 6/7 16:59:26.043 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] ifn=null] nPlayin=false Sun 6/7 16:59:26.043 [AsyncWatch@96e477] setUI(sage.PseudoMenu@1bbb18a[MediaPlayer OSD]) histIdx=2 uiHistory=[sage.PseudoMenu@1ad8e34[Main Menu], sage.PseudoMenu@15b7504[Browser - Videos], sage.PseudoMenu@1bbb18a[MediaPlayer OSD]] redo=false performingActivation=null Sun 6/7 16:59:26.048 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[WatchMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] ifn=null] Sun 6/7 16:59:26.049 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] ifn=null] nPlayin=false Sun 6/7 16:59:26.066 [ActiveRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1c933b6] VideoFrame got registration of a subtitle UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=144,y=521] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=677,height=138]] Sun 6/7 16:59:26.066 [ActiveRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1c933b6] VideoFrame got registration of a cc UI component: sage.ZCCLabel[loc=java.awt.Point[x=96,y=68] size=java.awt.Dimension[width=773,height=550]] Sun 6/7 16:59:26.071 [ReProcessHook@489c0f] Start looking for max channel digits Sun 6/7 16:59:26.071 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[LoadMF r=0.0 t=0 file=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] ifn=null] Sun 6/7 16:59:26.071 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VideoFrame creating new media player for file:MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] Sun 6/7 16:59:26.072 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VF file=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] targetTime = Wed 5/6 1:05:37.877 Sun 6/7 16:59:26.072 [ReProcessHook@489c0f] New max channel = 3, from channel 21-1 on lineup 'Local Over the Air Broadcast - 80904 (sdepg)' Sun 6/7 16:59:26.072 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VideoFrame.timeSelected(Wed 5/6 1:05:37.877, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] Sun 6/7 16:59:26.073 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] DShowPlayer createGraph0 called Sun 6/7 16:59:26.077 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Creating GraphPluginHandler... Sun 6/7 16:59:26.077 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Done creating GraphPluginHandler Sun 6/7 16:59:26.077 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Detected default audio stream index to be: 1 Sun 6/7 16:59:26.077 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] DShowPlayer setVideoRendererFilter0({51B4ABF3-748F-4E3B-A276-C828330E926A}) called Sun 6/7 16:59:26.082 [ReProcessHook@489c0f] Done looking for max channel digits; elapsed time: 11 Sun 6/7 16:59:26.111 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Using VMR9 for video rendering Sun 6/7 16:59:26.127 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Setting up VMR9 deinterlacing Sun 6/7 16:59:26.127 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Curr Mix Prefs=0x1015 Sun 6/7 16:59:26.127 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Set to 0x2015, hr=0x0, New Mix Prefs=0x2015 Sun 6/7 16:59:26.127 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] DShowPlayer setAudioRendererFilter0(SB Live! Wave Device) called Sun 6/7 16:59:26.156 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] DShowPlayer setTimeshift=0 buffer=0 Sun 6/7 16:59:26.156 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Using the default source filter Sun 6/7 16:59:26.157 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE Loading the source file Sun 6/7 16:59:26.161 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE setting up the SageTV Stream Demuxer Sun 6/7 16:59:26.703 [Fork-OPUS4-111999@1293fb7] ENDING background video thumb preloader thread, ID = 0.7872011490605928 Sun 6/7 16:59:27.450 [AWTThreadWatcher-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@9bbfa9] EventThread-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI Hang Detected - hang time = 750 UILocker=null Sun 6/7 16:59:27.611 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading RawImage of size 54x54 for images/tvicon_anim0.png fileSize=10746 Sun 6/7 16:59:27.612 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading 54x54 image from file C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\stv5075727211904067533.img Sun 6/7 16:59:27.616 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Creating DirectX9 Texture from nio buffer w=54 h=54 Sun 6/7 16:59:27.728 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading RawImage of size 54x54 for images/tvicon_anim1.png fileSize=13271 Sun 6/7 16:59:27.728 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading 54x54 image from file C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\stv5738245096640472062.img Sun 6/7 16:59:27.732 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Creating DirectX9 Texture from nio buffer w=54 h=54 Sun 6/7 16:59:27.844 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading RawImage of size 54x54 for images/tvicon_anim2.png fileSize=10631 Sun 6/7 16:59:27.844 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading 54x54 image from file C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\stv2839546687167263603.img Sun 6/7 16:59:27.895 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Creating DirectX9 Texture from nio buffer w=54 h=54 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.011 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading RawImage of size 54x54 for images/tvicon_anim3.png fileSize=13426 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.012 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading 54x54 image from file C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\stv7574498453305023028.img Sun 6/7 16:59:28.018 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Creating DirectX9 Texture from nio buffer w=54 h=54 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.128 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading RawImage of size 54x54 for images/tvicon_anim4.png fileSize=10707 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.128 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading 54x54 image from file C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\stv5536218601726104835.img Sun 6/7 16:59:28.142 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Creating DirectX9 Texture from nio buffer w=54 h=54 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.200 [AWTThreadWatcher-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@9bbfa9] EventThread-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI Hang Detected - hang time = 1500 UILocker=null Sun 6/7 16:59:28.245 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading RawImage of size 54x54 for images/tvicon_anim5.png fileSize=13190 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.246 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading 54x54 image from file C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\stv8125589313845839178.img Sun 6/7 16:59:28.252 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Creating DirectX9 Texture from nio buffer w=54 h=54 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.361 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading RawImage of size 54x54 for images/tvicon_anim6.png fileSize=10523 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.361 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading 54x54 image from file C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\stv1334421894542487470.img Sun 6/7 16:59:28.365 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Creating DirectX9 Texture from nio buffer w=54 h=54 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.477 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading RawImage of size 54x54 for images/tvicon_anim7.png fileSize=13222 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.477 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Loading 54x54 image from file C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\stv4606532001943417138.img Sun 6/7 16:59:28.482 [FinalRender-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@a21181] Creating DirectX9 Texture from nio buffer w=54 h=54 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.895 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Calling GraphCreated for the PluginHandler Sun 6/7 16:59:28.895 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Done calling GraphCreated for the PluginHandler Sun 6/7 16:59:28.895 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Audio Stream #1 format Other channels 2 freq 48000 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.895 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Audio Stream #2 format Other channels 2 freq 48000 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.895 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Audio Stream #3 format Other channels 2 freq 48000 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.895 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE RenderAudio called stream=1 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.896 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE RenderAudio step 1 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.896 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE RenderAudio step 2 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.896 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE RenderAudio step 3 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.919 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE RenderVideo called Sun 6/7 16:59:28.919 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE RenderVideo step 1 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.919 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE RenderVideo step 2 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.919 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Video source pin information: Sun 6/7 16:59:28.919 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] PIN is not connected yet!Sun 6/7 16:59:28.919 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] M type MEDIATYPE_Video S type Unknown GUID Name F type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO Sun 6/7 16:59:28.919 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] M type MEDIATYPE_Video S type Unknown GUID Name F type FORMAT_MPEG2_VIDEO Sun 6/7 16:59:28.919 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] NATIVE RenderVideo step 3 Sun 6/7 16:59:28.950 [AWTThreadWatcher-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@9bbfa9] EventThread-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI Hang Detected - hang time = 2250 UILocker=null Sun 6/7 16:59:29.056 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VMR9 alloc 720x540 Offscreen DefaultPool format=NV12 minBuffs=1 arx=4 ary=3 nativeWidth=720 nativeHeight=540 reqNumBuff=1 allocNumBuff=1 hr=0x0 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.056 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Setting up VMR9 deinterlacing Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VM9Deinterlacing Tech: PixelAdaptive Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VM9Deinterlacing Tech: BOBVerticalStretch Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Actual deinterlace: hr=0x0 guid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] deinterlace mode: hr=0x1 guid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Setting deinterlace mode to actual mode... Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] deinterlace mode: hr=0x1 guid={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Filter Graph Video Renderer Info: Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Video Renderer:CLSID_VideoMixingRenderer9 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] M type MEDIATYPE_Video S type MEDIASUBTYPE_NV12 F type FORMAT_VideoInfo2 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.057 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Progressive video Sun 6/7 16:59:29.058 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] DShowGraphFilters=AudRend,VidRend,LAV Video Decoder,AC3Filter,SageTV Stream Demux,Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Sun 6/7 16:59:29.059 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] ----------->Get getDurationMillis0=6999747. Sun 6/7 16:59:29.060 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VideoFrame.timeSelected2(Wed 5/6 1:05:37.877, true) currFile=MediaFile[id=4842536 A[4842554,4842537,"Alison Kraus w-Union Station",0@0506.01:05,116,V] mask=V host=htpc encodedBy= format=Quicktime 1:56:39 3154 kbps [#0 Video[H.264 29.97 fps 720x480 16:9 2658 kbps progressive]#1 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 160 kbps idx=1 und]#2 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=2 und]#3 Audio[AAC 48000 Hz 2 channels 161 kbps idx=3 und]] Y:\VIDeos\SageTV\_IMPORT 2\Alison Kraus w-Union Station.mp4, Seg0[Wed 5/6 1:05:05.603-Wed 5/6 3:01:45.343]] realDur=6999747 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.060 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] About to perform media time selection for 32274 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.061 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Running the playback graph. Sun 6/7 16:59:29.061 [main@114b553] VF.submitJob(VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Sun 6/7 16:59:29.079 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Channel Change Time=1591570769079 NOTE: Not valid if this was not a direct channel change! Sun 6/7 16:59:29.230 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Sun 6/7 16:59:29.244 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Sun 6/7 16:59:29.245 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] DShowMediaPlayer is consuming the events... Sun 6/7 16:59:29.245 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Event: 0xd l1=0x0 l2=0x0 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.246 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 6/7 16:59:29.248 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] isRec=false rd=6999747 base=32274 eos=false Sun 6/7 16:59:29.248 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF thread is now waiting for 1:56:07.223 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.292 [Thread-27@1341d15] VMR9 alloc 720x540 Offscreen DefaultPool format=NV12 minBuffs=1 arx=4 ary=3 nativeWidth=720 nativeHeight=540 reqNumBuff=1 allocNumBuff=1 hr=0x0 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.293 [main@114b553] VF.submitJob(VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Sun 6/7 16:59:29.294 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Sun 6/7 16:59:29.294 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Sun 6/7 16:59:29.294 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] DShowMediaPlayer is consuming the events... Sun 6/7 16:59:29.295 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Event: 0xa l1=0x1e002d0 l2=0x0 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.295 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 6/7 16:59:29.301 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] isRec=false rd=6999747 base=32274 eos=false Sun 6/7 16:59:29.301 [Thread-28@1c82e0f] VMR9 info has changed width=720 height=540 arx=0 ary=0 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.319 [main@114b553] VF.submitJob(VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null]) Sun 6/7 16:59:29.329 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] nPlayin=true Sun 6/7 16:59:29.331 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] VF processing on UI Thread VFJob[DirectControl r=0.0 t=0 file=null ifn=null] Sun 6/7 16:59:29.331 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] DShowMediaPlayer is consuming the events... Sun 6/7 16:59:29.332 [AWT-EventQueue-0@1d51302] Event: 0xe l1=0x0 l2=0x0 Sun 6/7 16:59:29.333 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 6/7 16:59:29.362 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] isRec=false rd=6999747 base=32317 eos=false Sun 6/7 16:59:29.362 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF thread is now waiting for 1:56:07.179 Sun 6/7 16:59:59.990 [Seeker@eb09b7] Seeker awoken Sun 6/7 16:59:59.990 [Seeker@eb09b7] MemStats: Used=267MB Total=412MB Max=778MB Sun 6/7 16:59:59.991 [Seeker@eb09b7] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 6/7 16:59:59.991 [Seeker@eb09b7] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[4792119,4791271,"War of the Worlds",87173@0607.17:00,60,T] nextTTA=9 Sun 6/7 16:59:59.991 [Seeker@eb09b7] newRecord=null Sun 6/7 16:59:59.991 [Seeker@eb09b7] NOTHING TO RECORD FOR NOW... Sun 6/7 16:59:59.992 [Seeker@eb09b7] Seeker waiting for 0 mins. Sun 6/7 16:59:59.992 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 6/7 16:59:59.992 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] isRec=false rd=6999747 base=62891 eos=false Sun 6/7 16:59:59.992 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF thread is now waiting for 1:55:36.606 Sun 6/7 17:00:00.000 [Seeker@eb09b7] Seeker awoken Sun 6/7 17:00:00.000 [Seeker@eb09b7] MemStats: Used=267MB Total=412MB Max=778MB Sun 6/7 17:00:00.002 [Seeker@eb09b7] MARK 1 currRecord=null enc=Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture clients=[] ir=false Sun 6/7 17:00:00.002 [Seeker@eb09b7] Seeker in AUTOMATIC mode nextRecord=A[4792119,4791271,"War of the Worlds",87173@0607.17:00,60,T] nextTTA=0 Sun 6/7 17:00:00.002 [Seeker@eb09b7] newRecord=A[4792119,4791271,"War of the Worlds",87173@0607.17:00,60,T] Sun 6/7 17:00:00.002 [Seeker@eb09b7] Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - LATER Sun 6/7 17:00:00.003 [Seeker@eb09b7] Change in record to another show. Entering device record mode. - NOW Sun 6/7 17:00:00.003 [Seeker@eb09b7] Seeker.startRecord(Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture A[4792119,4791271,"War of the Worlds",87173@0607.17:00,60,T], currTime=Sun 6/7 17:00:00.002) currRecord=null switch=false Sun 6/7 17:00:00.005 [Seeker@eb09b7] Setting up MMC video for recording new show & tuning channel conn=Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture Digital TV Tuner Sun 6/7 17:00:00.006 [Seeker@eb09b7] Using quality setting "Fair" for recording Sun 6/7 17:00:00.006 [Seeker@eb09b7] VideoStorage for new file: H:\SageTV - Leave Free 5.0 GB Sun 6/7 17:00:00.008 [Seeker@eb09b7] MediaFile created subfile:H:\SageTV\WaroftheWorlds-S01E18-UntoUsaChildIsBorn-4792119-0.mpg MediaFile[id=4842561 A[4792119,4791271,"War of the Worlds",87173@0607.17:00,60,T] mask=TV host=htpc encodedBy=Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture KRDODT3 format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps []] Sun 6/7 17:00:00.009 [Seeker@eb09b7] Added:MediaFile[id=4842561 A[4792119,4791271,"War of the Worlds",87173@0607.17:00,60,T] mask=TV host=htpc encodedBy=Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture KRDODT3 format=MPEG2-PS 0:00:00 0 kbps [] H:\SageTV\WaroftheWorlds-S01E18-UntoUsaChildIsBorn-4792119-0.mpg, Seg0[Sun 6/7 17:00:00.003-Wed 12/31 17:00:00.000]] Sun 6/7 17:00:00.010 [Seeker@eb09b7] Seeker channel string=24-13-3 Sun 6/7 17:00:00.011 [main@114b553] autotune0 digital tuner 'Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture-0' num=24-13-3 (ver 3.1) Sun 6/7 17:00:00.011 [main@114b553] Splitter Filter set output mpeg2 format Sun 6/7 17:00:00.035 [main@114b553] Connecting capture Filters. bdaCaptureFilterName='@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_14f1&dev_5b7a&subsys_74440070&rev_00#4&2e98101c&0&50f0#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{e851bfaf-aeda-493c-a817-73b527c0b765}', videoCaptureFilterName='Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture' videoCaptureFilterNum=0 Sun 6/7 17:00:00.035 [main@114b553] Network not specified, Try Network type ATSC Sun 6/7 17:00:00.035 [main@114b553] Setup ATSC BDATuningSpace (3 0) Sun 6/7 17:00:00.264 [main@114b553] LoadTuneTable ATSC Sun 6/7 17:00:00.746 [main@114b553] try connect BDA tuner 'Hauppauge WinTV 418 BDA Tuner' (@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_14f1&dev_5b7a&subsys_74440070&rev_00#4&2e98101c&0&50f0#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{e01e1072-3df3-4c23-b99f-6a27a7cc7cd2}) to ATSC Sun 6/7 17:00:00.746 [main@114b553] checking mfr vendor, '14f1' '14f1' (class:2, 3) Sun 6/7 17:00:00.857 [main@114b553] UnmapPID on TIF pin total:2 Sun 6/7 17:00:00.857 [main@114b553] Capture filters are connected Sun 6/7 17:00:00.857 [main@114b553] Tuner Plugin ctrl created Sun 6/7 17:00:00.857 [main@114b553] Tuner Plugin not setup in registery 'SOFTWARE\Frey Technologies\Common\TunerPlugin' Sun 6/7 17:00:01.814 [main@114b553] DONE: autotune0 hr=0x0 locked:0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.815 [main@114b553] setEncodingProperties0 1935784 Fair Sun 6/7 17:00:01.815 [main@114b553] Set encoding property audiooutputmode to 0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.815 [main@114b553] Set encoding property audiocrc to 0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.815 [main@114b553] Set encoding property gopsize to 15 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.815 [main@114b553] Set encoding property videobitrate to 1700000 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.815 [main@114b553] Set encoding property inversetelecine to 0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.815 [main@114b553] Set encoding property closedgop to 0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.815 [main@114b553] Set encoding property vbr to 0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property outputstreamtype to 10 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property width to 480 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property height to 480 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property audiobitrate to 256 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property audiosampling to 48000 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property disablefilter to 1 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property medianfilter to 3 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property fps to 30 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property ipb to 0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property deinterlace to 0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.816 [main@114b553] Set encoding property aspectratio to 1 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] setupEncoding0 called for 1935784 'Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture-0' (ver 1.0) Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] QAM:Got capture drv info for QAM mfg:'Hauppauge' Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture-0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] QAM: Hauppauge QAM interface found (3) hr=0x0 at Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture-0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] QAM:supported tag:HauppaugeQAM Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] QAM: Hauppauge QAM Setup mod: 23 for ATSC Air, (3, hr=0x0) at Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture-0 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] Encoding to file H:\SageTV\WaroftheWorlds-S01E18-UntoUsaChildIsBorn-4792119-0.mpg Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] setupEncoding0 Trace27 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] setupEncoding0 Trace28 Sun 6/7 17:00:01.817 [main@114b553] startEncoding0 called for 'Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture-0' Sun 6/7 17:00:02.875 [main@114b553] GetBroadcastStandard ATSC for device:'Hauppauge WinTV 418 TS Capture-0' Sun 6/7 17:00:02.879 [Seeker@eb09b7] RootFile=H:\ fstype=NTFS fileLength=0 file=H:\SageTV\WaroftheWorlds-S01E18-UntoUsaChildIsBorn-4792119-0.mpg Sun 6/7 17:00:02.880 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF processing job null nPlayin=true Sun 6/7 17:00:02.880 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] isRec=false rd=6999747 base=65781 eos=false Sun 6/7 17:00:02.881 [VideoFrame-SAGETV_PROCESS_LOCAL_UI@1b8e5f2] VF thread is now waiting for 1:55:33.715 Sun 6/7 17:00:02.881 [AsyncPropSaver@1293fb7] Saving properties file to C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\Sage.properties Sun 6/7 17:00:02.887 [Seeker@eb09b7] Checking video directories for new files Sun 6/7 17:00:02.890 [Seeker@eb09b7] Diskspace checking is running Sun 6/7 17:00:02.890 [Seeker@eb09b7] Verifying existence of all TV media files in database